Just got my first fork on github
I have
>4 stars
>5 watches
>1 fork
Post your happy Jow Forums feels, frens.
Just got my first fork on github
I have
>4 stars
>5 watches
>1 fork
Post your happy Jow Forums feels, frens.
Congratulations user.
It sure does feel good, doesn't it?
/internetcelebrity/ and /opensourcewizard/
>15 stars
>2 watchers
>1 fork
And that for a bunch of shitty bash scripts. Github is a weird place.
why is it called a fork, because it creates another branch from a root?
I got my first fork from some guy who had "hacks" and "youtube" in their username and something related to minecraft
was years ago, but I wrote a lot of documentation for one of my toy projects, on how to use it and how to extend it, then a couple years later someone forked and submitted a pr adding a feature and example of its use, meaning they read all the stuff I wrote. amazing feeling
met my hero, a professor, twice
someone wrote a little blog post/news article about my github project, best feeling ever
dozens of stars, DOZENS i tell you
holy moly that is so cool, i can't imagine
link? blog or repo
nah, it's just a small utility for a VR project
i once _started_ a blockchain utility, which now has over 1000 stars and over 500 forks
it's fun being early
Slowly getting there
>recently deployed my first full-fledged, dockerized web app with completely responsive design into AWS
When I say full stack I mean I can do everything between the requirements engineering and deployment into the cloud.
I don't need a fancy office, corporate resources or middle management leeches to design, write and deploy/release scalable, mobile-friendly web software. All I need is time.
wow fren, good double number you have they're. Nice!
I got my first pull request the other day, feels nice.
You do realize that's enough information to doxx you, right?
>repository count
>follower count
>used languages
These alone bring the number down to 86 github users. Cross-referencing them with your pinned repos' stats is a trivial task, and the only reason I won't do it because I'm not an asshole.
>Cross reference
Back to CSI Miami you fucking sperg.
>only fork is for a project I did for University
>it was forked by a pajeet
>said pajeet also forked a couple of other repos about the producer consumer problem
>tfw pajeet probably copied my hard work and took credit for it
Are you self employed fren? I've got some good ideas and I know I've got the skills but I'm worried about the risk that anything I try to sell will just go unnoticed/unneeded and flop. And my mother keeps bugging me to get a job. Watdo pls advise.
I'm in a similar boat to Help us full stack bro!
Nah, I got a company that provides me with jobs. Not having to do sales and still not getting reamed by middle management is awesome.
Who says he censored the repo titles because his real name is tied to his account? Perhaps he's just too embarrassed to show them.
If you have enough credibility / years under your belt, you could register with a recruitment company and work freelance through them. They'll take a cut but it beats the hell out of cold-calling companies yourself.
How do I into software design/architecture?
I love to code but it mostly devolves into loads of spaghetti when I'm in the "zone". Efficient, beautiful spaghetti like in an unspace italian restaurant, but still.
I only had one software engineering class in school and that was 4 years ago and in my company we don't really follow..uhm...best practices
Why would anyone self employ?
>No paid sick leave
>No pension savings
>No right to vacation
>Project can get cancelled overnight (aka poor job security)
>No right to work leave money in case project gets cancelled
>Need to constantly find jobs for yourself
>Need to do admin and paperwork
no idea how that happened, I wanted to write upscale
Sort of. It's like taking a recipe and changing it a bit.
>Fried eggs
>Fried eggs with chive
Read up on design patterns (not just the wikipedia article, but technology-specific books), look up well-maintained open source projects and study their code.
I learned that stuff through practice, I saw a lot of projects of different sizes in various states.
Not too many years ago I read an article where they compared software engineering to gardening instead of engineering, and I think it's an accurate metaphor. Unless you work with a waterfall model, projects turn more and more into shapeless shrubbery as it grows. That's why the gardener needs to use the hedge shears carefully to reshape (refactor) the code back into proper shape.
How would you say 2.5 years rates on the credibility / years scale?
I've already left the job, but I'm struggling with what I've been trying to do solo. Mostly from lack of discipline.
Should I just go back to corporate land and get more experience under the belt before trying again solo or at a recruitment company?
2.5 years isn't a lot. If I were you I'd get another corporate job for a few years.
You don't have to come up with a product if you're working solo, you know. Most people I know work as external consultants, working gigs that last from 6 months to a few years at a time.
It's basically the same corporate jobs but without the long-term job security and most importantly no middle managers taking 70% of your pay.
>technology-specific books
any recommendations in particular?
What the fuck are you gonna do, blackmail him with pepe images?
Thanks, friend. I knew that 2.5 yrs wasn't really enough when I left, but after doing so it felt kinda bad to throw in the towel.
Oh well, I've already resumed the job search at this point.
On the bright side, my cousin's husband (who we're somewhat close with) works in tech recruiting and may just be able to help me out...
guess that's my happy Jow Forums feel
Not him, but I read pic related when I was in college, and taking a game programming class.
Granted, this was after all my other CS-based classes like data structures, compilers, etc. but still.
It adapts a number of programming patterns to the game-creation specific domain, and the author's style is entertaining and was suited for my learning style.
Not sure how helpful it would be outside that context, although I did end up using it as a reference a couple times when looking for applicable patterns in an enterprise job.
thanks, I need something entertaining because I find most programming-related books to be absolutely sleep inducing. When I want to learn new stuff I mostly just "go for it", since my math and data structure fundamentals are good enough back from my college days and anything else I can pick up along the way with documentation. But as you might guess, it mostly leads to software with lots of tumors tucked on along the way, instead of a coherent design in the first place.
I censored it because I don't want to shill my embarrassing code here.