You lied to me. You told me that installing Arch Linux made you learn a lot about Linux...

You lied to me. You told me that installing Arch Linux made you learn a lot about Linux. But I installed it and I'm still a brainlet. You learn nothing with it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you have down syndrome and you read, for example, "A Short History of Nearly Everything" you still have down syndrome

It teaches you how to copy/paste from a wiki. Now ur 1337

Install Gentoo.

It teaches you how to follow their setup, it doesn't tell you why or how it works, it's the most pointless installing process possible, even though it's easy to make it boot under 10 minutes, why not a bloody GUI installer?
Install gentoo if you want complete power over your machine and actually have to setup and decide what you want to do and how you want it. If you just want to obtain Linux knowledge, install Debian and don't look back.

If you do read everything on the arch install page it *somewhat* explains what/why you're running the commands you're running...
But yeah
Install gentoo (its fun)

Arch is for retards

>said by no one
you only have yourself to blame

>NPC distro

No one says Arch will do that.

I am still a brainlet, but I know more than I did.

gentoo will teach you enough to hate installing complicated shit but it will teach you nonetheless

I learnt more using i3 than installing

I'm fine, I read the Wiki. But no I'm not installing it anytime soon.

so true, arch is shit mate

>you told me...
We told you what?
We've been telling you to install Gentoo for years, not this piece of garbage.

How retarded do you have to be to learn something from configuring a text based noob wm?

Install Linux From Scratch.

Unironically this is you really want to learn about Linux. Gentoo and Slackware are also really nice. Sad to see another victim of the “Arch helps you learn Linux” meme. But then again, only redditors say that.

If you're not a developer then you don't need to know anything that you can't learn by installing and using it for a week. That's all that a normal user needs to know.
If you want to be autistic look into Linux From Scratch.

arch is just for retards who cant install gentoo.

Be a dumb shit and break your system over and over so you have to learn how to fix it. Or just build/install LFS...

>He can't format his disc, run a pkgmanager, and install bootloader without a GUI to do it for him
Wow, 3 ultra-common tasks that you'll regularly do on Arch... Very difficult.

You're supposed to read the linux from scratch books while you install it.
Like when you get to the part of the arch install where you paste arch-chroot into the terminal, the LFS book explains all the mkdir and mount commands you do first when you do a real chroot. How to fdisk -l and check you're doing it right. How to get an internet connect running again if it doesn't in the chroot. And then how to properly unmount everything when you exit the chroot. All kinds of stuff you might run into in the real world that the arch-chroot script just makes one simple copy-paste.
Learn by doing. Simple.

>this top 1 distro will help you learn about Linux

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The first time I installed arch it had a graphical installer. I think it was a ncurses thing, had that look.
A few months into using arch, I read on the arch site that the guy who maintained the installer was leaving, and there was a nice thank you letter.
I read elsewhere later that he was maintaining it all by himself, and got tired of all the "update requires manual intervention" stuff that was getting thrown at him. And I did remember that there had been a lot of those recently.
I guess every time it meant a bunch of extra work for him.
And as it turned out, at that time there was still more coming down the pipeline. That might of been partly the reason no one else wanted to step in.
But really, if you were a loyal arch user at that time, it wouldn't have made you not install it again. I think I installed twice more later on. I still like arch.
Lol, I thought I had it tough the first time I installed it because there was no gui after I rebooted.

Is there any real point to Arch then?

I genuinely learned more installing Slackware and turning off packages than I ever did using Arch.

I tried several DEs and the defaults were very nice right out of the box. I also found it quite stable. Mom never had to cancel a single meeting.

And if it ever does break, you'll learn a hell of a lot more from the arch wiki than you will the ubuntu forums lol.
If you're lucky 1 out of 10 of those bozos even understand the question lol.

It teaches you how to copy/paste from a wiki. Now ur 1337

>reddit lurking and shilling Jow Forums embodied

more like I learnt nothing from the arch install and I learnt more (not heaps) from i3, it's more like learning to use journalctl for errors etc.

I said that compiling LFS would tech you something about GNU+Linux...

fuck off Luke or Luke shill

ricing actually teaches you more

What is this faggot doing? Dodging vaginas?

this but unironically

you learn how to install arch.
isn't that what you wanted?

you don't install it to learn anything baka

you install it to drown in pussy

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If this post gets dubs I'll delete my Arch installation and install Gentoo.

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I learned about how to set up my own netctl profile to get wifi, partition my drive with fdisk, basics about fstab, what initramfs do, how to set up a bootloader, how to create users with groups and configure sudoers, xorg, login managers, desktop environments.
>I'm still a brainlet
Nothing is gonna fix that.

I like Luke

Based. Install Slackware.
Also, nice get

Wrong. That's Arch.

And in the end, that was a good thing. Now installing Arch is completely analogous to installing Gentoo from a stage, or installing Debian using debootstrap.

>not installing CRUX

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