How do I motivate myself to learn how to program?

How do I motivate myself to learn how to program?

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I learned to program because there where programs I wanted that didn't exist and nobody was going to make them for me. Now I have them.

nice trips. What programs? Literally everything anyone can think of is already been made.

What got me really into it was writing little screensaver type programs with particle fields and colorful patterns.

Video games have things like that to make things feel rewarding and be more addictive.

A lot of small bridges and glue between data and programs, and automation things.
Everything I've made exists in some capacity but I wanted things a certain way. Like being able to stream audio and metadata from my media player to a websocket, or my own P2P file syncing utility.

don't, you'll realize that you're a brainlet and give up eventually

I know people dumber than me who work as full-time programmers.

idk just do it fag

Step 1 is literally taking an IQ test, if you are below 116, the most you can learn is (and it will take up to 6 years) design and CSS with basic JS, everything else is beyond your reach by far, you need at least 132 to even start learning shit langs like C++, for C you need somewhat near the 150 spectrum.

Is this for real? I work in a factory I'm a brainlet and I want a new career

And I boxed for years with heavy sparring

what pleasure do you gain from spouting pure nonsense on a taiwanese bicycle repair forum?

no its not. Ignore him.

can confirm ... c++ killed me - would've wished someone told me you must enjoy math and the kind of dry logical thinking to be any good at it

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bitches and cocaine

Python programmer here, this is bullshit, don't listen to him.

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IQ is very one-dimensional, it's not all-encompassing by any means. Very generalized.
t. someone who hasn't taken IQ tests but can apply myself to subjects and understand them

My first language was bash, but the project grew so much that now sh (bash haterso cookbook) is the bottleneck.
I still like it tho, so i never rewrote that project

Programming isn't hard, just do it pussy.

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This one looks like some faggy hipssters prosecution wet dream.

What are all those bandages for, do they have leorasy? clarly not, their skin is perfect.
What about the torn cloths? How can they afford elecricity and housing but not clothes?

Glowing green outside of goggles is also retarded, no technologist of any kind would stick led's on the front if there's no use for it, and clearly they aren't transparent, so the green is just a waste of energy.

Why are futurists so gay and retarded?

>C is harder than C++
You don't have one iota of an idea of what you're talking about, do you?

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>C++ is harder than C
You don't have one iota of an idea of what you're talking about, do you?

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It is harder indeed. C++ is mostly a superset of C. To be competent in C++ you have to know all the C stuff (pointers, all the types like structs and unions, UB and IB, memory management, sequence points, C strings, etc) plus all the new stuff C++ changes and/or brings to the table (clases, inheritance, constructors and destructors, object instantiation, templates, move semantics, perfect forwarding, string objects, POD vs objects, sequence points different than in C, etc).

when you figure it out, let me know

You don't. You become a system administrator.

bandages are probably from scratching due to drugs
that looks like a trap house

You don't; you get a real job.

motivation comes from having clear goals, a clear path to the goal, and the discipline to continue on that path.
I think a lot of people mistake enthusiasm for motivation, just get started and then keep at it steadily and regularly.

Good luck.

buy a C or C# book and read it and do the exercises

Don't listen to this guy. I work as a web developer I use html, css, js, mysql, php and I'm doing fine. Also I always get low scores on these stupid test but that's mainly because these are made to help the white man oppressing minorities.

yep, same here. that and i find programming really fun and rewarding

>Literally everything anyone can think of is already been made.

What do you need for this job? Is a degree essential, or having the skills and know how of networking, security and maintenance enough?
>tfw not a newbie to IT but I'm not familiar with the standards of requirements.

Learn by making games.

Much more fun and motivating than doing tutorials about BMI calculators and whatnot. With engines such as Unity, GODOT, Unreal and the like there's plenty to choose from with wide variety of supported languages.

Games can combine almost every part of programming from basic data handling to networking and user interface.

>web developer
>poor English
>I always get low scores on these stupid test
Fucking pottery.

I'm someone who struggles with motivation a lot (terrible mix of ADD and depression) and this is what worked for me:

Make a list of programming concepts that you know you need to know. If you see someone in DPT use a term that sounds unfamiliar, add it to the list (unless you know it's unnecessary). Then just go down the list piece by piece, learning about things on wikipedia and through videos and various websites, checking things off when you learn them, signaling your progress as a learning programmer. Soon you'll know enough to make projects on your own.

Here's an example of things that could go on your list if you don't already know how these work:
-linked lists

If you have to ask that, you literally just made his lies about IQ a reality.

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I've been working as a software developer for some time now (read: 3 years), and I've gone through a strenuous computer science undergrad and graduated with honors. Throughout my time learning programming, I've come across a lot of absolute retards that can't code for shit, and people that are great at what they do and are pleasing to work with. What's different about these people isn't their collective experience, but rather something a lot more difficult to change.

People with low IQ can't learn to program. I work with a 30 year old dev, who has years of experience and a masters degree. He's an absolute fucking retard. He was pissing me off because he wouldn't write unit tests; until I realized the only reason he wasn't is because he didn't understand how to. His excuse was that the requirements were going to change so it was pointless to write unit tests. Once I sat with him, and thoroughly tested his stuff (where we found 3 glaring bugs that would have been caught if he had half a brain).

Other kids in my university degree struggled to get past even the most basic courses. I get struggling with the maths in the analysis of algorithms or cryptography, but fucking basic pointer arithmetic? Kids can't code themselves out of a paper bag. Meanwhile, there are people like this one chick that would live write latex notes without looking at her keyboard or screen.

It's incredible how much IQ is a hard cap on your software development skills. As a software developer, I can shit out features assigned to me in 3 days or less, fully tested. It's fucking easy - an API that accesses some DB? Some bullshit UI where the framework does all the work for you? Plotting a histogram of some data? Meanwhile, it takes fucking ranjeet wakanda a week to obtain 30% coverage unit testing on his garbage non functional feature. On the other end, Chang revamped our entire data collection infrastructure and reduced the amount of dropped data by 50%.

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Just fallow one chapter of a tutorial and then you will want more

There's a fucking reason why software developers make so much money. It's because most people applying for those positions are fucking garbage. We're struggling to hire people out here. I work with one guy that's on vacation, and I really feel his absence. He's the same age as me, the same low level of experience - but on the other hand he's more productive than 80% of the employee base. I found myself wishing that there were 10 of him. But there aren't. There's barely even one of him. That's why software developers get paid so much.

You think you're going to get a good job being able to answer basic programming questions in an interview? You really think that you can develop an entire software module, own it, and manage it? Maintain the quality and integrity of that software, manage complex architectures of solutions?

Kudos to the kids in Jow Forums that build their own software, and the fact that they've given me an inferiority complex. The end result is that I picked my shit up and started working on my own software projects.

Good devs cost a lot, but are more productive than 20 shitty ones which are ultimately more expensive as well.

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I did and no I no such urge arose sadly.

is it really that crazy that a Jow Forums poster works as a software dev?

this painting is from at least before 2009. used to have it as my wallpaper when i was 15

when it came out it was pure cyberpunk meme... the concept of VR was purely sci fi back then

think of a program or website that you wish existed, and try to work slowly towards that. but make sure what you want is SMALL and achievable first. like a tiny blogging application, or a note keeper. I find myself recreating stuff that already exists because I'm unhappy with the existing solutions.

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>Literally everything anyone can think of is already been made.

Program a game, it's the fastest way to learn programming

I would say automation. Think of tasks that you hate doing but you have to do and try writing programs that will automate them.

honestly, yes

>His excuse was that the requirements were going to change so it was pointless to write unit tests
he's right

Except it wasn't because we found 3 bugs when I tested it. And in a changing software project, unit tests help more than you think. And I didn't even ask more >50% coverage.

don't do it in britain - waste of time here
all crooks, will rip you off

Learn Holy C, its a good version of c, not over complicated like python
Also it has no backdoors

repeat to yourself in multiples of 13. in yoga 13 repetitions creates a permanence in your mind. Say something like I will do this or I will and can do this.



read Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. it's free online. google it

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Make your workflow resolve around some environment that allows automation scripts.
For example, try using extensible editors like Vim or Emacs for your text stuff. Writing your own functions and bindings for some daily routines is fun.
Set up a minimal Linux environment. Minimal is a must, because "just werks" stuff will make you really lazy and unmotivated instead. Glue together some simple programs for more complex tasks using bash scripting and pipes.
This is the actual thing that works for me. Just dive into scripting.

at what point do you want me to jump on to writing actual programs like the ones you've mentioned. I would say I know basic stuff like lists, functions. dictionaries etc. I was thinking of jumping on to some django tuts and make a simple website.

>at what point do you want me to jump on to writing actual programs like the ones you've mentioned.
What programs have I mentioned?
I talked about the motivation in general. I get it from scripting. I like the magic of it, how simple commands turn into the mini-programs that manage your environment.
>I was thinking of jumping on to some django tuts and make a simple website.
But in your case jump to writing programs is really easy. Like you know, instead of bash, you could use Python scripts. They are slower, but more powerful. And Django is for writing in Python.
Although I think you could just straight up start writing your program. Python is easy. And it is also a scripting language, like I mentioned above. I like how I can open a Python shell and test some stuff in here, really comfy.