
Attached: Why?.png (1141x787, 259K)

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Building with --disable-nls exposed many new warnings like these: virsh.c:4952: warning: format not a string literal and no format ... util.c:163: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments All but one of the following changes add a "%s" argument before the offending _(...) argument.

Just add some %s

Just cut out -Werror as it makes warnings errors

Based pajeet

We already spoonfed you the steps how you can get a functioning intermediate build chroot that you can use to update rest of your system. Follow those steps so you can use emerge normally to install stuff. Given how little understanding you seem to have even on the basic concepts this current approach of manually wading aimlessly is going nowhere

I cannot chroot beacuse the kernel is too old, I built a new one (even with wii specific hardware support, lol), but it's not in .elf format so I need a bootloader, and I need to compile it.

How did you built it as non elf??? Try tweaking parameters there, not sure what rabbit hole you're following but take a step back and rethink your life decisions

make menuconfig
make install
(from the wii, kernel 3.16, because 4.20 wouldn't compile) Then I copied into the boot partition and try to boot it from bootmii, but it didn't worked.

Walk backwards from this answer

Check what options make has, surely you can switch a flag for elf

Im compiling gcc right now, because the one I've got It's to old. Also I downloaded linux from scratch and It serves me well.

Also, will It care if I use no patches? There isn't any for 3.16 kernel or newer.

I was talking about this:

Patches should mostly be optional security features, unless there is specific patch for your hw

Where should I go from here?

Attached: long_way-to-go-yet.png (1141x787, 103K)

Delete \windows\system32 and you should be good

Here I would be rm -rf / .

That's after he manages to install/boot, to delete all those tracking cookies

Use some searching powers ddg/goog whatever and find out what processor aettings you need for wii, can't be arsed to look it up for you

I found out already it's a IBM 7XXX series, or something by the way, I only doubt about if I should choose ATI 120 or ATI Radeon for the graphics support.


Why not both?

That sounds like a legit serious error in yaboot that your compiler caught there.

Use -j x, where x is number of cores or we'll all die before you finish compiling

I have 1 core only.

Cross compile on something with 4+???

please do the needful

>make install
>not using checkinstall on a deb (or rpm) install.
(or slackware, apparently)

Attached: 1483896119393.jpg (300x300, 23K)

it's a gentoo from 30 years ago with 2.6 kernel