This is why I use Apple products.
This is why I use Apple products
*citation needed
what if it gives them away for free
but then also happens to find a suitcase of money at the same time
My gay friend doesn't sell my data either.
But he's still a gigantic fucking faggot.
Why? Who would they even be selling your data to? They don't advertise in their products and software.
>never sells your data
>enables any faggit app to siphon as much of it as they want
thanks obama
Yeah, well google does no evil.
iToddlers btfo.
>Who would they even be selling your data to?
to the government, democrats, for internal purposes... etc
they are part of prism, so you cannot trust them
>selling data
No one sells data anymore. They'll sell access to your data/micro targeting based on your data
>not realizing the government doesn't pay for it
Correct, they sell the telemtry provided data, which is theirs, not yours.
You pay for a license to use their product, it's their data not yours
oh, so you are right. Apple doesn't sell our data, it gives it away for free to the government.
Well, that's a big difference I guess.
"we never sell your data" is necessary but not sufficient. Its not a strong enough condition. I want the company to never collect the data in the first place. They had also better not facilitate others collecting it - say, through an app store.
Nothing you can do to prevent that, short of writing your own operating system from scratch and never connecting to the internet.
I'll wait for the Chinese to create a botnet and I'll use theirs
Odds are you'll still need firmware blobs at some point.
Notice how it says "your data" as in me and everyone else's data instead of saying "my data" as in your data. The person who made that image subconsciously knew it didn't apply to them, you posted this image trying to imply it says "my data" when it clearly doesn't. Its hard to admit but you know and of course don't fully trust a giant corporation, why would you. Its hard for you to accept but all you need to do is search "apple user statistics" or "iphone user statistics" and read.
You can't escape the botnet, guy.
I love that companies are literally playing semantics games now and the FTC/FCC do nothing.
Just like the unlimited data plans where you are free to buy an unlimited 2gb blocks of service
You're right, you will probably have to make your own hardware too.
it's just giving it away for free
so technically they're not lying
>thinking there's any shred of privacy if you use the internet or a smartphone
>The person who made that image
It was made by apple themselves sweetie.
You can choose which apps to install or not to install though, and what little telemetry data collection is happening in the OS itself you can completely turn off.
Which is personal data connected to you, retard
Well let me ask you then. Is it possible for me to use an iPhone without Apple knowing anything about me? No account with them, they don't know my identity, what I do with the phone, who I communicate with, what if any apps I use, nothing.
are you retarded?
You can make an apple id with any email and a fake name, and you don't need to add a credit card to download free apps, so yes. The bigger issue is your carrier is going to know who you are and they are absolutely collecting data on their end if you use your phone to make calls.
>ou can make an apple id with any email and a fake name
Why should I have to communicate with Apple in any way, shape, or form to use the phone?
You only need to do that if you want to download apps from their store. Otherwise you can set up and use an iphone without an apple id at all.