
Is it worth it?

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No, I'd not use it, unless someone pays me

Wmii was better

Yes, it's great unless you're a retard who can't compile from source.

>retard who can't compile from source
>literally make && sudo make install

Then why do people always cry about how difficult it is to recompile after customizing something?

Works on windows just fine

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>having to patch things if you want basic things
>having to repatch every time you upgrade
no thanks, this suckMORE.

Nice one

im currently an i3 fag but im considering switching to dwm or bspwm. convince me


Enjoy your bloat then.

>Xorg in 2019
use sway.


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see what? its not difficult its a pain in the ass.
you are bloat, remove yourself from this world in the most painful way.

>Getting this triggered because he can't compile from source.

I personally like it. Put some scripts in my dotfiles repo and now I can configure or update it if I want no problem.

Sure, if the only thing you do is stay in your room all day.

This is true, I get to work from home because of my high position.

you can set it up to decompile and restart errytime you change something, without closing anything else / restarting xsesssion

that being said, i have 0 (zero) resons to switch from i3-redditgaps, besides finding suckless shit neat on ideological level when it's actually manageably small codebase

Ironically, Suckless software fucking sucks.

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if you like tiling window managers

You can install dwm on ubuntu/mint with you're package manager. Of course you can't rice the settings, but you can try it out anyways.

believe what you choose. sway is absolutely perfect and runs on modern and secure Wayland. It just works.

If you want "just works", use Plasma. I'm waiting for the Wayland port to stabilize.

but sway already "just works". I've been using it for 6 months. and I would never, ever return to a desktop environment.

> I want to look uber cool but will dwm really make my balls massive ?

And I would never, ever return to a bare WM. I already did the special snowflake tiling shit for a number of years. I also used a few floaters. I configured Plasma to my exact preference several years ago, and I've simply been migrating the configuration.