So what's the best modern day MSN clone?

So what's the best modern day MSN clone?

QQ was perfect for a long time but my users don't want to use it anymore.

Must have the following features:
Full Chat History recorded and accessible anytime. If a user is offline, when they come online they can read what they missed.
Chat messages cannot be edited or deleted by users.
Permanent/persistent group chat session that never dies. (MSN used to kill inactive group chats).
No Mobile Phone registration required.
WindowsPC + Android + iOS clients.

Highly prefer the following features:
Users can use any emotes from their own client/account (not upload-to-server like discord, or limited only to a pre-selection of default emotes)
Users can set their own text chat colour
Users can drop any image into the chat
PC Client isn't some laggy electron-based thing

Nice-to-have but not necessary:
Voice chat

Just going by the must-haves, IRC fits the bill. But my users want something with more features, similar to MSN.

I went through everything listed in and every single one of them failed the must-have requirements except for Riot.IM.

So where does that leave my options? I believe XMPP or Tox might work, but I don't know enough about their clients if any of them meet the requirements.

Maybe one of the recent Slack clones? They seem pretty lame though.
i.e. Mattermost, Matrix/Riot, Rocket.Chat

Attached: livemessenger.png (256x256, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Technically there was two entries that I didn't try. Gadu and Paltalk. Gadu is polish only and I don't think my users are going to put up with a polish interface, and I have no idea if Gadu meets the requirements or not. Paltalk uploads everything to the NSA, so I didn't even want to go near it, whether it meets any requirements or not.

There isn't one. Everything is cloud based now and it does ask for a phone number.

its what kde is now using

I'm a bit of a brainlet to figure this out. Would XMPP support most of the requested features in the OP? I understand quite a bit of it can be done client side, just wondering if the non-client stuff can be achieved on XMPP (or Tox protocol, or Matrix protocol...)


unironically IBM Sametime
literally a clone of classic msn with nice features

Attached: offering_2309626b-c21a-4471-abfa-0701e8e10042.jpg (1280x720, 147K)


The problem with any of these systems is that nobody is using them.
Back in the msn days, everyone was on it.
You changed your name instead of doing status updates on fb or Twitter, it was expected to not be online all the time and things were great.
Now, everyone I know uses Facebook messenger and I don't have that contact with them as I am not on Facebook and don't want to be. I can try out new messaging apps, but I can't get my friends to join, so they are all worthless.
Right now, I want Delta chat to work.
It is basically just an email client but if two people are on it, you can encrypt messages. It is pretty cool.

Skype recently killed off their 'classic' version. Skype 8 and Skype for Windows 10 are seriously cut down versions of Skype 7

the answer is obviously what your friends are using
whats the point in a cool messenger client if there's nobody to talk to?

>Chat messages cannot be edited or deleted by users.
Technically, services have to let people delete their data on request, at least together with the whole account.
Other than that and client-side emotes, Matrix is what you're looking for.


>ctr+f trillian
>no results


>License: Proprietary

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 22K)

(OP Here)
I tried to install / download IBM Sametime to try it out but could only find buy it links, must be paid only..?

Skype does not fulfill this requirement:
>Chat messages cannot be edited or deleted by users.

My users are looking to change to a new platform so currently nobody is using anything. They want to go to discord but >discord, so I'm trying to find another platform before we move.

Trillian is just a client, needs a server, no?

>Trillian is just a client, needs a server, no?
Has its own service and file sharing cloud that you can access and manage, has customization options, skins, runs on phones, doesn't log messages.

>must be paid only
of course
every good software is paid only

this is what proprietarycucks actually believe

Is Trillian still a thing?

I've been using it since MSN died to communicate with fellow boomers.

how many features can XMPP support from the list in the OP?