How based is socialism?

bc I'm considering becoming one

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Dont americans and socialism dont fit well
you will become pic related

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Socialism is inherently evil anyone who fights me oh this will develop prostate cancer

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its gay
mon3y is cool user

it only works for extremely small echochamber countries

Highly based. It starts the delusion that you represent more than yourself and that you should be hurt/hindered for things you never did. If you give an inch the sjws will either convert you or make you gay.

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based pol guy

>High fives based honest abe

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Socialism is - just like our current system - prone to corruption. The problem is the mass of people. Everyone is just sinking into the mass and doesn't feel responsible for anything.

The thinking mans solution is modern tribalism. With the help of modern technology we can go back to our original form of living with all benefits of our developed society and while also preventing corruption and greed.

What did he mean by this?

It's pretty meh. I mean, it kind of works but so does pouring vodka up your butt.

Socialism doesn't work. It has been totally demolished in theory and in practice. It survives on lies and brainwashing and "muh feels." Read this guy.

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it's futile
america is just like my dick
you'd love to share it with the world
but it's just so big everyone wants it for themselves

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gtfo Jow Forumstard

You're a moron.

i have a dark mark in my dick equal to the territory map of Portugal.

Socialism sucks.
Regulated decentralized capitalism that prevents the excessive accumulation of wealth by individuals is good.
See America circa 1950-1970.

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Nah, lol.
Just because of you I will always participate in Jow Forums
>"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me."

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check this ID

ah yes how so buddy

You always post the same annoying shit.
America sucks, go back to Jow Forums, america sucks, go back to Jow Forums. america sucks, go back to Jow Forums.
There, I just posted everything you ever did on this board. Do you never get bored?

America, actually does not suck. Still a first world country. Try to come over legally.

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Oh yeah I get bored that's why I come here. You don't hear me complain when you keep spamming your midget scat porn either

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I never spammed anything buddy.
Ok, I did spam on Jow Forums once during a raid for another board.

okay so then we're 0 for 2 on calling out eachother's shitposts
thanks for playing maybe next time we'll get it for sure

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Authoritarian socialism like in Soviet Russia was cringe. Stuff like anarcho communism during the spanish civil war (before the fascists cucked the Republicans) was based
Anyways we're under late stage capitalism right now and it's basically eating itself because there is no where else in the world to expand into. Thanks to the automation from capitalism We have enough houses to house everyone and we have enough food to feed everyone. The only reason anyone isn't being fed is because of how shitty our method of distribution is . It concentrates ovar 9000 percent of the wealth into like one guy lol. Although it was hard to make a command economy in Russia, modern advances in technology could allow us to calculate want without a market.
Russia and socialism don't mix . Marx even said that Russia couldn't become Communist due to its weak economy. Marx also said you had to wait until capitalism fails . You can't just force it like they tried to in Russia.

There won't be a next time moron.

Yeah I would've guessed
You realized how retarded your post was didn't you

Fucking retard, ever heard of National Socialism?

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I don't really care what its called.
Labels by themselves are fairly meaningless.
What works, works.
And yeah, Hitler had some good ideas.

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Die socialists are worse versions of syndicalists

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How do you become a socialism? Is there paper work? I'm so glad we live in a progressive society that offer respect to people who identify as ideologies.

Keep thinking that

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As well.
Self serving.

Get this imptrash the fuck off my board

'member user.

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saged hidden reported filtered

Typical npc.

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Still here BTW :3

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Sure taking that shot of Russia Presents: Socialism is stiff as shit but chase it with some Flemmenwerfer de Juden brand Nationalism and it goes down smooth. You won't even taste the one party state or the homeless to work programs.


Once a long time ago I considered myself a socialist, when I was studying history and living off government loans.

Many hard working self employed years later I realise what a self entitled little cunt I was. And now I think : "you can take the means of prodcution out of my cold dead hands motherfuckers"

Socialism is one component of the Plebbit trifecta alongside nihilism and atheism.

You're a complete idiot and don't know me at all to not know that I oppose all types of collectivism. Fuck your socialism. Also fuck communism and facism. My vote cancelles yours. Individually soveirgnity and exceptionalism bitches.

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the Nordic countries are socialist democracies. It is far easier to become very wealthy there than in the US, and there is more upward social mobility there as well.

Simply put, they use their tax dollars to improve the lives of everyone instead of funnelling it to the very wealthiest and throwing money at endless wars around the globe.

When someone in the US suggests doing that, they are called communist by brain dead morons.

>muh individualism
Even at 1 in a million there's like 340,000 copies of you. You're part of a greater whole and modern society with its decadence, rampant degeneracy and unrelenting exploitation of the working class by the upper 1% is proof enough that laissez faire economic model doesn't work.
No communism but socialist undertones.

Plenty of communist places you can go to to try it out. I hear Venezuela is only mildly hell on Earth this time of year, fuck off to there.

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You can join the last guy.
Not selling out my rights ye cuckold commie scum.

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Thoughts on objectivism, anyone?

imagine being such a great intellectual that you have to make a thread on Jow Forums to confirm how "based" the copy paste ideology you chose is

Just start a worker cooperative my rad lad. Research is coming in from Europe that they're more likely to last as startups and are more productive.

Holy fuck, forgot most people in that pic are mass murderers.

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Lel no

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No become an egoist and get rid od your spooks

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Ok new guy.

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>new guy
Hello pot in kettle. Got some news old chap.

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Ok almost an Obama id, what is it?

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Let me guess, you're another collectivism cuckold as well?
T. Easier ways to die
But if you insist I can give you a ride to a socialist country.

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You want to achieve that by me being stripped of my individual rights and soneirgnity? Go fuck your own face.

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And yet you exhibit none of those things lol!

All animals are collectivist and authoritarian, you faget. Including humans, ever since we've existed. It's just natural.

You have less rights than your grandparents did, kiddo.

It's good. I started moving more left (after being a stereotypical edgy teen, then libertarian 20-something) when I got older. People need to take care of each other and people should collectively make decisions for their community's benefit. Bernie is a meme though. He's not very far left at all, it's just that we've got such a batshit economy that regular centralism in the US sounds like the second coming of Stalin or something.

Proof? Of your own worth as well?

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Eh, goodnight socialist faggots. I can see that this slide thread was put on Jow Forums for a good reason.

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Yeah yeah... keep thinking in that way bro. Free market is better of course

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National socialism wasn't socialism . It was just a name used to confuse voters

retard, please

Not a big fan

sounds like he has a point

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Fredrick Engles tried to push Marx into fusing sternerism and Marxism but he never did. Because it would have created an ideology so powerful that the universe would collapse in on itself

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>imptrash got get
>now Jow Forums is all over Jow Forums
kinda sucks tbdesu

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Bro, just read couple books about gov't and its laws in 3rd reigh, PLEASE. And moreover. Just google what exactly counts as socialism policies

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Tихo тyт. Пeндocы пытaютcя в coциaлизм...

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changeback (lole)

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>Bro, just read couple books about gov't and its laws in 3rd reigh
List of socialist things natzi Germany did
>Massive privatization or almost all previously public goods ( such as railroads
>Destroying labour unions and Making them illegal
>Sending socialists to the concentration camp
>Encouraging cartels and Monopolies at the expense of small business
>Going to war against the socialist uprising in Spain
>Saying "private property was considered a precondition to developing the creativity of members of the German race in the best interest of the people"
>Using social Darwinist argumentation
>Being hostile to social welfare because of Darwinism and only creating a program to keep the Germans from starving , while still calling it a private charity
Very socialist wow

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