Is systemd really as bad as this man says?

Is systemd really as bad as this man says?

Attached: 1527239431805.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

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No, he is a big fat bullshitting neckbeard who is just pissed that he has become too lazy to learn new skills

Nice argument, retard.

He literally says systemd is good and anyone not adopting it is a pseudointellectual idiot.

Did you even watch the video? He is a FreeBSD dev with nothing but praise for systemdicks.


There's a LOT of reasons why people don't like it, and I think the people who don't like it all likely have their own reasons for not liking it.

Here's a posting about someone discovering a massive memory leak that used up 4GB of ram. While I have yet to see something this massive, I have definitely noticed Systemd using more memory than the alternatives, and some leakage here and there as well.

Some see it as an unnecessary security risk due to its massive attack surface. It recently hit 1 million lines of code.

Some don't like it because they dislike its habit of scope creep. The project ends up assimilating things that historically should not have anything to do with init. gif related.

There's also some other design decisions that people have an issue with, such as using Google DNS by default (because of course systemd can handle DNS), using binary logs, etc.

Lastly there's the conspiracy theory side of it, which alleges that systemd is an NSA attempt to compromise GNU/Linux, and due to Systemd as a project moving way too fast, it can't be properly audited.

For more links and arguments, see:

Attached: Systemd_anigif.gif (200x133, 772K)

for more on the DNS issue, see pic related

Attached: SystemdDNS.jpg (1432x1700, 785K)

kek I swear there's a bot that just posts the s*stemd pastas every time someone makes a thread about it.

Why are you people so retarded?
Why is Jow Forums such a brainlet hive?

dude, I couldnt find the link to sign up to your blog
I actually think the guy in ops video talks a lot of sense I am a fan of systemd. It works, it makes linux more stable. If you dont like it you could at least give concrete evidence regarding instability

So configure you DNS you fucking tit turd. It only falls back to google dns if it cant find a router to give it valid dns settings automatically OR if you do not configure it manually. How retarded do you have to be to use "muh google" as an argument?

I thought I recognised this moron, and I did.
I can confirm what little of the tech industry we have Australia is a cult of marxism.

(((you))) have been detected

A common argument in Systemd's defense is that it shortened script length considerably. However, that's only true when comparing Systemd to Sysvinit. Other solutions make this point moot.
This is a common tactic of poettering shills. They'll find the worst possible thing to compare their trash to that makes it look most favorable, while COMPLETELY ignoring all other alternatives.
This same thing happened with PulseAudio, with poettering comparing it to OSS, even though that was already depreciated and replaced with ALSA
The IP address of the most evil and privacy-disrespecting company on the planet should NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS be hardcoded. I couldn't give a flying fuck about the circumstance. It should NEVER happen.

Attached: systemdlength.png (1711x1492, 539K)

The motherboard bricking

Attached: fucksystemd.png (1280x2084, 619K)

is this you?

Attached: 1fed873213084d82a94f40d924041ca0_18.jpg (998x562, 207K)

And of course, systemd's code quality is just plain awful. See pic related, system down, and the many more bugs that will be coming soon

Attached: systemdhcp.jpg (3456x2304, 2.54M)

b-but don't worry, goys! pooterring is going to Rewrite It In Rust(tm) so we're all fine! /s

Attached: systemdrust.png (629x418, 92K)

The funny thing is, systemd's design would anger probably at least 95% of GNU/Linux users (probably including you too) IF it was anything but the init system.

I know some of you think the "Unix Way" is just a meme, but it's actually the reason you can do shit like pipe terminal commands into each other. It's THE reason you have components you can wrap your brain around which can all be pieced together and managed in a simple and flexible way. That's what the Unix Way does.

You want another great example of the Unix Way? Ironically systemd is a GREAT example of the Unix Way. Not in its design though, but in its mere existence.
Have you ever realized how absolutely amazing it is that a new piece of software as fundamental as PID 1 could be swapped out in all of our major distros (even "stable" ones) in only a few years time?
The significance of that cannot be overstated. And yet, although systemd owes its success to the Unix Way which made it so easy for them to step in, it undermines the Unix Way in its own design.

Do you think 20yrs from now when systemd is old and busted that it will be so easy to swap it out with something better? Well not only is the scope of this thing which needs to be replaced now _massive_ compared to what it used to be, but you'd also probably have to rewrite a lot of other software, or beg the developers to change their dependencies.
It doesn't matter if systemd works. You didn't start using GNU/Linux because it "works" did you? You started using it because it allowed you to be the master of how your data flows, and it allowed you to combine things in ways nobody else on GNU/Linux was doing to get exactly what you want.

Quit being led astray by the "just works" argument when it comes to systemd just because init systems aren't something you care to play around with and customize all that much. That shouldn't matter, and we should stick to the tried and true design principles that have served us so well all these years.

dear dickwad
using google is positively great because unlike companies with a few million dollars to buy a pot to piss in, google is worth several hundred billion dollars and is not going to disappear tomorrow

1. systemd is tied to a specific kernel and a specific libc and specific device manager and specific journaling daemon, basically, having systemd means you're locked in to a whole lot of other things.
2. systemd is renowned for locking up during startup and boot when you have network filesystems.
3. systemd hardcodes quite a lot of the booting and shutdown process in C which other systems place in easily editable scripts.
4. systemd in practice requires quite a lot of things: ACLs, PAM, dbus, polkit, these are not hard requirements but without this the above advantages are lost so all distributions enable them at compile time.
5. logind starting to do retarded shit like user sessions and having retarded power management, in theory you can disable logind, but no distribution again does this.
6. systemd is very monolithic and comes in one configuration compared to being able to piece your system together yourself.
7. systemd appropriates the cgroup tree and takes control of it and completely messes with any other user of the cgroup tree and really wants them all to go through systemd, systemd was wirtten basically on the assumption that nothing but systemd would be using cgroups and they even tried to lobby to make cgroups a private prioperty of systemd in the kernel but that went no-where.
8. systemd's usage of cgroups for process tracking is a fundamentally broken concept, cgroups were never meant for this and it's a good way to fuck resource usage up.
9. systemd has a hard dependency on glibc for really no good reason.

10. systemd relies on DBus for IPC, as the name 'Desktop bus' implies DBus was never written with this in mind and it shows. DBus was written to facilitate IPC within a single desktop session, not as a transport during early boot. This is why systemd wanted to push kdbus heavily beause kdbus solved some of the problems inherent to DBus being used as IPC during early boot.
11. systemd's security and general code quality practices are less than stellar, a lot of security bugs pop up in systemd due to its insistence of putting quite a bit of code in pid1 and quickly adding new features and quickly changing things.
12. systemd creates dependencies and is a dependency of things for political reasons in order to encourage people to pick these things. This is not conjecture, Lennart has admitted multiple times that he creates dependencies to 'gently push' everyone to the same configuration
13. systemd is monolithic for its own sake. It's basically product tying to encourage people to pick an all-or-none deal to again gently push towards this consistency.
14. Lennart Poettering, the face of systemd and its lead dev is the biggest primadonna FOSS has ever known who continues to shift blame and demand that entire world adapt to his designs.
who is this nigger?

Attached: systemd nsa.png (1785x434, 216K)

>Talk called "The Trouble with FreeBSD"
>Toxic masculinity
>Thinking Randi Harper is a victim

Everything this guy says can be safely disregarded.

Attached: bennocuck.png (822x200, 139K)

Attached: systemd.png (750x850, 823K)

All this and yet you still enjoy a good CoC up your arse

that is you

Reminder to read Jow Forums so you don't end up like this guy

It was okay. Old people are just change-averse.

Ian does Linux videos?
WTF I love Linux now!

Attached: systemd openrc.jpg (760x360, 115K)

fuck off shill

>someone discovering a massive memory leak
Let's abandon linux because there have been critical bugs during its development.
>I have definitely noticed Systemd using more memory than the alternatives
No you didn't. I sincerely doubt you run your own linux setup that only uses the initd from systemd.
>It recently hit 1 million lines of code
How many of those run as priviledged code? How many of those does your system run at all?
>The project ends up assimilating things that historically should not have anything to do with init
Because the project isn't an init system. It's more of a userspace framework.
>Google DNS by default
Which is only fallback and can be changed.
>using binary logs
Nothing really wrong with this, only Poettering's shoddy programming leading to them being unreadable, which was fixed.
>Lastly there's the conspiracy theory
Yeah, reaching for conspiracy theories is very strong argument. I'm with you, earth is flat and the government lizard people are hiding it to harvest our brain waves.

Systemdeez nuts

Nice FUD copypasta. How many times do we have to debunk it before you stop posting it?

I knew bsd or suckless didn't have the funds to sponsor this huge anti-systemd FUD campaign.
It had to be Microsoft or Apple.
>get the userbase over to permissive licensed code, more devs, more software we can cuckold.
It ain't rocket appliances.