What's is your view of T series vs PewDiePie, and please discuss it with other anons

What's is your view of T series vs PewDiePie, and please discuss it with other anons.

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It's autistic and I am not a fan

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Memes aside, i really dont want them to win. We all know youtube has disowned pewdiepie. It's cool to see that he's still number 1

Nice 9!
I do not know what those are!

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Pewdiepie is based an redpilled and if he's passed by T Series I will actually fucking end it right then and there

I hate PewDiePie! He thinks he so powerful and so jealous and makes fun of other YouTubers. I would just like to see him lose.

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pewdiepie faf xd

Unbased and rudepilled




while i don't particularly care for the whole pseudo-drama, i think it does bring to light an issue that youtube's really not doing anything about, which is sub botting, because it's very clear that t-series is sub botting.
you could argue that youtube's not going to stop it because it brings in more money, but it really doesn't, because money is based in the views, and t-series doesn't really have much on the views side of things.

Bound to happen eventually. Fans act like he'll be number one forever.

The sinking of Pewdie's ship represents the corporatization of Youtube. It's fitting and should have happened sooner.

No one cares about e-celebs

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i'm not a fan of either of them, but it's a bit unfair of youtube to advertise t series more all because pewdiepie defended freedom of speech and such through his videos, and actively disowned youtube as youtube disowned pewdiepie. the odds are unfairly rigged against him in not only a subscriber sense, but also a business sense. i smell a lawsuit after he quits.

single white man vs bollywood
i would choose any side other than bollywood, even if my life depended on it

dumb e-celeb shit

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It just goes to show you that Indians need to be rangebanned from the entirety of the internet

I don't give a shit because I don't worship E celebs like some retarded Jow Forumsack.

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>actually worked hard to get 72 mil for years
T series
>use bots and makes shitty music videos

T-series aint nothing but a bitch lasagna


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>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Get this e-celeb shit off my board you retarded teenagers.

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a group of pajeets is called a T-Series

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Lol no please fuck off back to


who the fuck cares