Another day where instead of learning a programming language I watched anime and played games
Another day where instead of learning a programming language I watched anime and played games
if your option was pic rel then you chose correctly
No but I like the gopher it's cute
What's wrong with go?
Another day of instead of nonstop shiposting I went to pornhub for 4 masturbation breaks.
It's an easy and productive language. Therefore it's bad.
productivity is antithetical to the Jow Forums ethos
But Go is literally a language from the 80s masquerading as new. It deliberately rejects all advancements in computer science over the past 35 years.
I feel like you're parroting something you don't actually understand.
Their compiler and garbage collection system alone are worth note. The integration of hoar style messages via channels in a non-functional language is valuable. The standardization of all the tools and the lexical format itself is a relatively recent trend in programming languages, compared to the "lmao fuck it man just use whatever you like :)" style.
Why not both?
I don't have tthe willpower to use my brain for an hour a day
No generics. Has pointers but you can't do any arithmetic on them and you can't touch the underlying memory. Also it's garbage collected.
literally me
>garbage collected
then why didn't collect it itself
Yes, advancements like making compilation take a decade. Maybe if C++ didn't take so long to compile Rob Pike wouldn't have had time to invent Go.
> Go
> new thing
I mean, it may be a recent language, but the authors were in the coma in the past 30 years so it doesn't count.
you could literally flip this image around and get the same thing, it's meaningless. people go NEW GOOD OLD BAD equally as much as people go OLD GOOD NEW BAD, it's almost as if it varies depending on quality and whether or not it's new or old has little to do with it
You have to realise that when Go was released in 1990 all we had was C, C++ and Tcl.
So you might make fun of it but at the time it was quite innovative, integrating elements from Lisp, Pascal and Smalltalk.
I hope your having a laugh mate.
We already had Haskell and Standard ML in 1990, there's no excuse for Go.
Shit performance.
>making compilation take a decade.
There are tons of other languages at this point that are already "better C++"s that compile super fast. GO has nothing unique that makes it compelling enough to use over anything else that makes it worthwhile to look past its downsides.
Hurr dur regex engine benchmarks are relevant.
Fake news
Mfw master race rust is c level speed but less fuckery
nobody uses rust, get over yourselves
>inb4 carmack twitter screenshot
You most likely use software written in Rust already, either by using Firefox or VS Code.
You most likely use software written in Go already - through web services and dev tools on your PC.
> moving goalposts
> strawmanning
No one said no one uses Go, yet you said no one uses Rust and it's demonstratively false.
Go is from 2009. Imagine thinking C was the pinnicle of design in 2009 and using it to base a language intended for cheap web servers.
Rob Pike is a fucking madman.
Rob Pike is a smug boomer, he's too old and too smug to know better, but imagine being Google and officially embracing and endorsing this shit.
>There are tons of other languages at this point that are already "better C++"s that compile super fast.
There are so many you can't even list one
Wasn't me, fag.
>3 times as slow
>"C level speed"
I'm the opposite, programming is all I can enjoy now. Depression decided I can't have anything else, I guess.
>either by using Firefox or VS Code
That's literally like two pieces of software (which I don't use).
prove it
>3 times as slow
That's Go, not Rust.
Same, but I can still find joy in a few anime series a season.
Go sucks
Rust sucks dicks
All languages suck.
Slow as fuck.
Faster than Python (which Go was created to replace) by two orders of magnitude.
It better be faster. Python is running through a single threaded interpreter, not exactly a high bar to reach.
I'm going to learn Go as my first programming language
Is this a mistake
C/C++/Rust speeds was never Go's target. It's faster than script languages, uses less memory than Java and has good concurrency primitives and C FFI tooling. That was the sweet spot they were aiming for.
Yes, learning Go is always a mistake.
Your only problem might be learning resources for beginners. Most are aimed at learned professionals.
>That was the sweet spot they were aiming for.
It's a dumb sweetspot as there are languages, like D and Nim, that do most of that far better.
Why even make this claim over such a small joke.
What the hell I thought this language and book was supposed to be for beginners and brainlets
Popular language bad
That's not that complicated to be honest.
>There are tons of other languages at this point that are already "better C++"s that compile super fast.
Yes, learn all the programming languages, then proceed to not use any of em because you forgot the part where you learn how to actually program.
same op, i keep telling myself im gonna do it and then i don't
>There are tons of other languages at this point that are already "better C++"s
If only that were true