> go to tech conference > strut into bar > tons of developer ladies there > with a single glimpse of my massive beard they know immediately what I do > don't even need to open my mouth > but I do anyway > "I write compilers" > all the women who hadn't already left suddenly leave the room, dryer than they've ever been > the guys left over respond > "cool dude, what language?"
Fellow pro/g/rammers, how does your work affect the rest of your life?
You know that huge beards are super gay right? It's not "manly", you look like a flamer.
John Lewis
objectively wrong
Angel Jackson
And then you find a python dev blue haired twink and fuck his brains out in a bathroom stall with butter for anal lube, right?
Adrian Morris
You fags ruined it. Fashion is a group behavior not ingrained.
Benjamin Jones
He's right, flamer. You're just a flaming faggot.
Jace Thomas
I see a huge beard, I immediately assume flamer and most likely HIV positive.
Angel Watson
Not him but I've found dudes with massive beards to be giant faggots, either literally or from the way they act in general. Plus it just looks stupid as fuck.
Jaxson Butler
only if it's neatly trimmed. one thing i'll say about the gays, they're well-groomed. otherwise i just assume it's a chinlet trying to compensate
Jonathan Gonzalez
hair grows on my face and i don't like to cut it off every day. im sorry you would feel so embarrassed if someone saw you with hair on your face.
Ryan Jenkins
>2019 >not having a mustache
Jordan Price
>you look like a flamer. has the definition of flamer changed recently or something?
Daniel Harris
if beard on face = true then people will know im gay = true, said the clean shaven fag
Owen Barnes
>they're well-groomed. not much choice in that when the entire point of your existence is being a human sexual proposition
Jason Edwards
LMAO closethomos butthurt not only from the miles of HIV positive cock rammed up their asses, but from the truth spit in this thread.
Jordan Green
>Fellow pro/g/rammers, how does your work affect the rest of your life? Other than pretending to be a super-nerd during work hours not much. I need to try harder to find friends who are willing to party and do fun shit tho
>go into tech conference >strut into bar > tons of developer ladies there > with a single glimpse of my clean beautiful shaved face and 10k worth suit they know immediately what I do > don't even need to open my mouth > but I do anyway > "I dropped CS for a math degree" > Everyone starts crying at their poor life choices and realizing I can program better than all of them but don't need to > Bartender says "Based and mathpilled."
Adrian Hill
Depends on the culture. Rural america? Manly.
It lets you brag about being able to save the flavor of your wife after oral sex.
Camden Rodriguez
you just need to have some muscle definition, so yboys have set back beards greatly
since fucking when? i've never heard of this i think it looks more gay to have a woman-like perfectly smooth face
Carson Stewart
Sure you would Francisco.
Zachary Hill
The "b" in beard stands for beta. /thread
Josiah Hill
based 300k starting math major
Brandon Morales
beta has its own letter β, don't use b for that.
Michael Lopez
If your go to character or personality trait is that you're just like the hundreds of other ass holes they were just gossiping about then you are doomed to failure.
Math major is at least semi different.
Jayden Allen
I got a master on math, where are the jobs?
Adam Martin
soys ruined beards
Aaron Ramirez
Check banks and financial companies first.
Nathaniel Brooks
>giving two shits about what those people do or say
Samuel Gutierrez
i have an involuntary physical revulsion to beards now. it can't be helped.
My buddy works for MS and is actually looking to transfer to the MSVC compiler development department in Redmond next year. I just asked him what made him so suicidal all of a sudden?