*runs like shit*
*runs like shit*
Nice low effort thread, nigger
I've got a 2600, I got it because a 8400 cost $415 and the 2600 cost $260.
Runs bretty sweet.
What's the weather like in Israel today?
Inside, or outside the wall?
dusty, from the paper fibres of cash
Slide thread, anyone who bumps this thread after this post his mother will die in her sleep.
OP: *is a faggot*
*crashes premiere*
Thanks Intel shill, very cool!
>Here we see the Intel shill in its natural habitat, since the old rival has grown stronger, attention for the Intel shill has been diminishing ever since. As summer is approaching and the Intel shill knows the rivals new release date will put an end to their existence, they cry out with low effort shilling for the last time as they cope in their parents basement.
How's the weather like in China today?
No it doesn't.
For the money it's an amazing CPU.
t. 8700k owner
can AMD hurry up and make something worth buying so I don't have to give the kikes significantly more money for almost the same performance.
You realize Zen 2 release known to be this summer?
That isn't amd.
you mean runs like THE shit.
*shills like shit*
come mang, you guise still on this effort crap.
I hate when shills go for goebellianism and settle for repetition ad nauseam. It's so fucking boresome.
JIDF is on fire right now