>still sRGB is the standard
>still 2.2 gamma is the standard

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Monitors are shit, no brand really cares about them.

I'm talking about everything we use to view digital media on

It's not though, you can get WGC displays for cheap now and plenty of content that makes use of it.

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What's wrong with sRGB?

nah you idiot, everything is still made for sRGB because otherwise 99% of the people will not see what the content creator made.

narrow and limited as FUCK

It's an extremely limited color space.
This is one of the few areas that monitors haven't really improved much in in the past 20 years. Wider gamut monitors are pretty much something only marketed towards professional photo/video editors and the like. Even though it would be pretty easy to make most monitors wide gamut, they don't do it.


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fucking thinkpads

i wish my shitpad covered srgb

It's really sad that people still use anything below 4k.

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that's nothing to boast about. sRGB is the most narrow and commonly used standard.

i'm not boasting about anything
it may be the most narrow standard but most devices don't even fully cover it

>most devices don't even fully cover it
they usually do, and when they don't they cover a wider ranger just in different parts of the spectrum.

So what's best faggot?

Imagine not having a 1440x900 Thinkpad.

you are the biggest faggot.

this is not much better.
>sup FHD even though that is the bare minimum for acceptable screen resolution on a laptop

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It can't display octarine properly.

>non-linear gamma

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4k has no tangible benefit to most people. Especially not the average person or gaymer.
Also the price for a GOOD 4k monitor is still ridiculous. What good is 4k when the colours look like washed out shit.
Also Multiple 27" 1080p or 1440p monitors are still better for productivity than a single 4k one and those don't cost and arm and a leg to have decent colours.