Why does every tech company promote this?

Why does every tech company promote this?

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It's retarded there is this push for "diversity". There aren't many women doing it because they obviously don't want to.

at least mozilla let's you turn it off and doesn't subject you to tumblr art of literally who darkies

There is no gender pay gap. It's myth. No women will earn less for the same job because they're women, not men... It's fucking lame for Mozarella to push this shit meme.

I only listen to fashy podcasts, sorry Mozilla

It's a way for them to lower the wages across the board.

men need to sit the fuck down.
women have been suffering under the reign off men for far too long.
I support mozilla in their quest to crush the patriarchy and make women feel safe in tech. no more will you guys be able to insult, hurt or rape women without consequence.
sorry sweetie ;)

this but unironically

ding ding ding we have a winner

Twice the applicant pool, half the pay

They need more people into IT fields to make the labor cheaper, so they are welcoming females because that's a big group.


i think it's not that women don't want to. it's just considered weird by some for women to do such things.

It's just a cheap way to virtue signal and satisfy SJWs.

if you're still using the sfw-infested firefox browser, then you deserve all the bullshit like that that you get.

we'll let you feel safe in the kiddie-pool section of the tech world. enjoy your bunny slope. we'll be out on the wild frontier doing mind-blowing stuff that you won't know about for years.

Firefox forcing Pocket, essentially a way to inject leftist propaganda directly on your start page, on users should have been enough for you to realize they're pozzed.

Attached: 1544988064031-768x456.jpg (768x456, 71K)

because the entire industry is pozzed beyond the point of return, and has an excess of HR cucks that push this shit.

This. Noticed the articles they were sending my way had a distinctly low T, pozzed bias

This just confirms that most of you are registered sex offenders who can't get a security clearance. You do not see this progressive bullshit in IT support contractors for government agencies.