/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds; click on blue titles to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on some MSI mobos)
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600/X - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>i7 8700/K or i7 9700K - Extreme setup with RTX 2080/Ti
>R7 2700/X - VM Work / Streaming / Video editing

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000CL15 or 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
>8GB RX 570, RX 580, and 6GB GTX 1060 are standard choices
>GTX 1660Ti or RTX 2060 for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
>RTX 2060 is standard
>RTX 2080 for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
2160p (4K)
>RTX 2080 is standard
>RTX 2080Ti is better for 4K but expensive

>A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless


Attached: 1366049107494.jpg (1632x1224, 343K)

Other urls found in this thread:

servercase.co.uk/shop/server-cases/rackmount/4u-chassis/4u-standard-chassis-10x-35-hdd- -3-x-525-bays-sc-43550b/

Waiting for the obligatory >6GB VRAM meme.

Well for 1080 60fps I'd say that the perfect build to last you for the next 3 years minimum. I say 3 years minimum as a worse case cause you never know if tech and game devs decide it's gonna rocket in performance. But you got 5 years there for sure.

>no based 9400 on OP

Thanks. Is it at all worth an upgrade to 2060 for 1080p? It's only like $90 more so i'm on the fence.

Attached: 1549449825360.jpg (553x594, 210K)

You could be playing 1440p at that point, but it obviously wouldn't last too long so you'd have to go back to 1080p at some point.

Attached: 8400 btfo.png (1275x714, 348K)

I mean 2060 is almost pointless for ray-tracing so I don't think it's a good buy. But if your okay with tossing $90 for meager gains in performance go for it. I mean I slight OC could probably catch up to the 2060.
>Pic related
On average it's like really only %5 better

Attached: GTX-1660-Ti-vs-RTX-2060-1080p.png (995x648, 29K)

Thanks fellers, I don't really think any games i'm looking at playing use raytracing in any detail so I think i'll stick with the 1660ti then. Someone else mentioned using an m.2 SSD I think, is that worth the upgrade?

Attached: boomer-teach.jpg (500x500, 44K)

Attached: relative-performance-games-1920-1080 (1).png (500x1490, 96K)

Now install the security patches.

>$800 gpu
>$600 cpu

Attached: 1547452383852.jpg (645x729, 51K)

9th gen has no security issues moron
Ignoring the $175 8400 beating a $300 2700x like always I see

>9th gen has no security issues, moron
except for the more recently found vulnerabilities in Intel's version of Hyper-Threading, and still new discovered versions of Spectre.

The only reason to get the i5 9400 is if you're buying it to upgrade to the i9 9900K in a few years. Otherwise the R5 2600 performs mostly the same in current games and has way more multithreaded performance, so it has the Fine Wine potential that the i5 doesn't

Pic related

Attached: 1546804681803.jpg (2620x3416, 1.74M)

>building a good PC with expensive hardware when all you're going to do with it is shitpost on 4channel

Ok, so I made some changes in my list. Yes, I know that PSU is an overkill but I want it that way.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-05-22-26-42-1.png (720x746, 121K)

Attached: in case of intel shills 2.png (3200x3416, 3.1M)

ahh yes the image of the overclocked yzen with tightened ram timings, premium cooler, and a golden chip vs the base clock i5 running on a stock cooler. stop posting HWU trash

Ignoring that gaming isn't cpu like always I see, wonder why intel shills never talk about anything but.

Attached: chrome_TuMxu9wSWR.png (722x527, 86K)

>tightened ram timings
stop being lazy anyone can do it
>premium cooler
anything more than a 212 is overkill and doesnt matter
>a golden chip
at 1.3v, any 2600 can get 4.2 ghz on 1.4-1.45v
>the base clock i5
Complain to intel for not giving you overclocking

Does the Amazon Basic hdmi a 2.0b cable?

I'm currently running stock fans, but I want to overclock my Ryzen 5 1600. Any recommendations? Or is the wraith spire fine?

you're retarded if you think that the test was a fair comparison. the i5's max frequency is 4 ghz, but the test had it at 2.8. There is an undeniable difference between intel's stock cooler and a premium one, it does matter.

One image is filled with memes ("delid dis") and the other encourages the reader to find and understand the source material. I wonder which I should believe?

Deliding is how intelfags keep their shit cpus from overheating, far from a "meme"

>but the test had it at 2.8
>being this retarded
Intel has a unadvertised all core boost of 3.8 ghz, and the 2600 is 3.6 without overclocking. You are so fucking new to Jow Forums and computers in general that you don't even know about all core boosts you are the fucking retard here.

>all core boost
>stock cooler
pick one, 8400 can't survive full burn on a stock cooler for a prolonged period of time

and the sample builds don't include a cooler for intel (CBA to watch the video to double-check)

>full burn

Can someone help me to build my PC?

400 - 600 €

>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
No idea about hardware

>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
Gaming and graphic design, preferably linux-friendly (no major issues with drivers) and with bluetooh

As a monitor, i have some VGA monitors lying around that I can use until I can get more money and buy a proper one

There's no such thing as a 2.0a cable.

Attached: 1523055936729.png (1602x869, 2.95M)

>this what amdumbs actually believe
No one delids locked CPUs, and the only people who delid the unlocked ones are trying for a 5.2GHz OC

You're actually a full blown retarded. You can't side-step the fact that the HWU test is disingenous. stop posting bait comparisons.

so, euros. which country?

100% in OSD doesn't mean all pipeline is 100% loaded. Nobody uses game benchmarks for stress testing.


Attached: 8400btfoagain.png (2560x5040, 2.53M)

Ignore him. AMD CPUs cant even reach 4.3 GHz without turning into a housefire.

Attached: 2700xpower1.png (712x1441, 158K)

>9th gen has no security issues moron


I apologize for having gone over budget. Spend some money after getting setup on a good 2TB or more HDD for bulk storage, but this should get you started on a budget.

How is 60 degrees full burn?

>Intel now insecure af
>AMD only cares for console shit and isn’t a good performer for gaming and emulation
>Can’t buy a fucking PC now

Post this instead of the retarded HWU one. This one isn't actually bait.

I don't know how serious you are about gaming but this gives you a nice allrounder PC with built in bluetooth 4.2 in a nice compact size.

Thank you, i will check that

>I don't know how serious you are about gaming
With being able to play some modern games in low-medium I'm happy, doesn't that build lack a graphic card? Thanks for the build tho

nice meme. Still waiting to see someone actually being affected by it

>You can't side-step the fact that the HWU test is disingenous
HWUB just poorly labeled it, as opposed to intentionally being disingenuous. The AMD shills however post it out of stupidity or as you said, disingenuousness

Is PC Building General the containment thread of Jow Forums?

Attached: aut.png (429x831, 164K)

The 2400G has a relatively beefy integrated GPU.

I am diagnosed with high functioning autism, but pcbg is more of a containment for amd vs intel than anything else. People do get good advice here though.


Imagine thinking you can get hacked from this lol

>The tested AMD CPU was one bulldozer chip (AMD A6-4455M). So no confirmation if Zen is affected or not.
Give it some time.
>Yeah bro, who cares if they steal your shit.

>Intel's speculative execution of certain memory workloads requires the full physical address bits for the information in memory to be known
What memory workloads? It may not be as dangerous as it seems

Nice try. Vulnerabilities only affect virtual (aka server) environments

so? if your favorite web service is hosted in a cloud and gets hacked this way and your credit card data is lost, are you going to pretend it's fine because it wasn't exactly your machine that got hacked?

We're not building cloud servers here, retard. Of course the vulnerabilities need to be mitigated in future revision of hardware.

i put a dark rock pro 4 and rm1000x into a raijintek metis
size limitations be dammed

now i need a sub 171mm 1660ti, any recommendations? i like gigabytes model but theres not many reviews on the mini itx 1660ti's yet

Attached: IMG_3844.JPG.69956a612e1202993fe511e2f8d22c30.jpg (4032x3024, 792K)

>This vulnerability too affects Intel's speculative execution design, and according to the researchers, works independent of OS, virtual machine, or sandboxed environments.

so, basically everywhere

Why does Ryzen not use LGA

Looking at expanding my Freenas box. Currently have 5 HDDs but wanting to get more.

servercase.co.uk/shop/server-cases/rackmount/4u-chassis/4u-standard-chassis-10x-35-hdd- -3-x-525-bays-sc-43550b/
Anything that I should consider before getting this? Seems way cheaper than I thought it would be but I don't mind a couple of sharp corners and loud fans, I have a load of fans I can use.

M80s do you know if any of the latest AMD Graphic cards has LEGACY BIOS support?

I've heard that are mostly cheap Sapphires that are giving problems. That means that a Gigabyte is good to go?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.01M)

Help an autismo with case cooling
Pic related, top part is current config.
My GPU just blows how fucking air everywhere, especially agains the lower front intake fan, pretty much making it pointless being there. Is the bottomg part of the pic a viable cooling option? Should I just reverse the front bottom intake fan, extracting hot GPU air and the top front intake fan providing cool air for CPU or is that maximo autismo?

Attached: Untitled.png (544x848, 16K)

Why is it a problem?

It would really only matter if the PC the card is going into is that old to still be a pure BIOS machine as most modern systems are just UEFI with BIOS compatibility modules

not really a problem just a curiousity

m8 you dont even need fuckin admin rights

>still be a pure BIOS machine

Asus P6X58D-E

In the bottom config your GPU would have to rely on negative pressure from the front intake fans through your expansion slots, assuming they're not solid and your side panel isn't ventilated. Would probably be worse than the top config.

You would have the absolute tail end of non-uefi systems
Anyway to answer your question a Gigabyte card would properly be fine
AMDs newest card the Radean VII rather hilariously shipped with only Legacy BIOS support


First PC Build transitioning from a laptop. Just want to play some Rust and Arma with high FPS as well as fiddling with creativity software.

What the fuck do people do with gpus that have axial fans then? Never really had a decent setup before so I've not had to deal with heat before but I'm surprised by how shitty the top-down gpu fans are, blowers seem almost better.

Someone can correct me if i'm wrong, but INtel stopped allowing amd to use their design so AMD had to redesign everything in a way that wasn't similar to Intel's IP so they had to invent a new socket.

get the 2600 for twenty bucks more. 1600 is first generation technology which is rapidly on its way out

Side panel intake, bottom intake, higher airflow on front intake or exhaust.

Bullshit since Epyc and Threadripper use LGA. The reason for this is just autism. They wanted to differentiate but in the end fucked up with their designations.

What's a good 1080p monitor for watching anime, /pcbg/? Or rather what should I be looking for or avoiding? I watch a lot of anime so viewing quality is important to me. Thanks.

Attached: 1545694523787.jpg (900x900, 169K)

Fuck off

Way ahead of you.

Attached: 0227192149c-1.jpg (2607x1918, 832K)

Faster RAM, can upgrade to 16GB later with room for more after.
Better reception with PCIe WiFi.

Judging from your setup it apprars you are on a budget.

I also considered the following in my suggestion:
An RX570 will bottle neck an R5-1600, bottle neck it hard.
An RX580 wont run reliably with a 500w PSU
Your mobo is 300 series, for first gen ryzen.

These things considered, I would recommend the Ryzen 3 1300x. R3-1300x is a better mate to RX570. It also comes with a good stock cooler saving you money. Its $50-60 cheaper than R5-1600.

You wont feel any gaming gains with an R5-1600 without upgrading GPU. Cant upgrade GPU is without PSU upgrade. 2nd gen ryzen would mate beat with 400 series mobo.

R3-1300x is better for your build.
Itll still run the games you wanted 1080p on ultra. No noticable stutter as long as you get a freesynce monitor.

Speaking of which, I also highly recommend a freesync monitor.

How much you have paid that K20? It is about 5K$

Tell me more about this. Does that tiny cooler even keep the Tesla cool?

If youre gonna get pcie wifi, get a bluetooth/wifi combo card.

I have a weird but legitimate question
I have the same PSU and I'm curious about what your 5v rail reads
Mine can read 4.89-4.92V whether it be from the UEFI or an application like speedfan, I know it's within spec I'm just wondering if it's anything unusual for this model

Thats normal for like, all PSU, especially those with higher certifications. Maintaining lower voltages within spec is how they manage to get the watthours.

watthours lowered*



thinking of upgrading my current rig.

currently running the following:
i5 6500
4 x 4gb @ 2133 hyper x
evga 1060 6gb sc
256 m.2 samsung pm961 (main (OS, programs/softwares)
1tb segate 2016 model (steam games)

budget: £360gbp

proposed upgrade:

what do you think Jow Forums?

6500 isn't that old man, I would wait for ryzen 3000.

So I've more or less got my new PC build completed, at this point I'm going to slowly order things (or similar components!) over time as they go on sale. Is there a website that lists high quality sales?

Since the time I've been building this list I've seen a bunch of GPUs and cases and mobos go into and out of sale. Is there a site you guys have laying around that lists good deals?

depending on your use case this would be somewhat of a sidegrade

Does anyone here have any experience with odroids? I'm thinking about making an ZFS RAID 5 or 50 NAS with them.

Attached: odroid-hc2-nas-server-hk-odroid-hc2-ca9.jpg (900x444, 79K)


Thanks, user. You're alright.

>RTX 2060 (6GB) - $394.99 (~$25 sale on amazon right now)
>RTX 2070 (8GB) - $594.09
>RTX 2080 (8GB) - $848.98

Originally I was going to buy the RTX 2080 but I might settle for the 2060. The savings are huge but I'm worried about the 6GB difference. I will be gaming in 1440p and will probably use High or Very High settings (I don't care much for meme ultra). Think it'll be fine or should I shell out over double the price for the 2080? Or should I wait for a sale on either the 2070 or 2080?

My buddy recommends I just get a 2080 since it'll future proof me basically forever.

forgot to mention but the prices I used are from Amazon and are all the Strix OC editions, not interested in other versions of the card unless it's a ridiculously good deal.

>since it'll future proof me basically forever.
Yeah right, trying to future proof is dumb, especially when the subject is graphics cards

you get what I meant. frankly I'm thinking about just getting the 2060 and upgrading later IF there's a big boy card that's actually worth it. I do agree that future proofing is kind of a meme. 2060 seems to work fine. only thing holding me back is the 6GB.