What's weights more? 1GB .exe file, or 1GB of .txt files?

What's weights more? 1GB .exe file, or 1GB of .txt files?

Attached: 4chan dupes mac users.png (855x984, 126K)

Trick question. Files have no weight.

If stored on a disk, txt files way more...

.exe since it's an archive format.

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Bits don't have weight?

txt files since its more files, needs a place to store the locations of each

I want wintoddler pajeets to leave.

.txt because you need more ram to open the file


This is a good question.

The 1000 text files. Windows indexing will bloat the fuck out of that.

Also the size of a file is rounded up to the size of a cluster.

Doesn't it depend on the content?

1's weigh more than 0's

but data does not weigh!

the .exe file can generate more files of any filetype the .txt files just sit there.

This guy knows what's up.
> five years since then

My full 1tb hgst drive weighs more than my new samsung ssd and it is full of video games

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Bits do have mass

Considering how information has been linked to thermodynamics and how energy has been linked to mass we can calculate the minimum mass of a bit, no joke.

This nigga going places.

They have, they're an electric charge and an electron mass is equal to 1.6E-21 KG

Can't believe you wasted time replying to this thread. You should seriously consider seeing an autism specialist.

You wasted more time writing this post than I did replying to this thread.

Not anymore since you made a second post. :^)

1234 get hehe

How much does time weigh?

yeah, but it as near as makes absolutely no difference when you're talking about billionths of a billionth of a gram. Plus it has absolutely fuck all to do with OP's thread

It's exactly what OP intended by the question

>makes absolutely no difference
But it does.

0.000000000000000000000000000000000005 gr is more than 0.000000000000000000000000000000000004 gr

1GB is 1GB. Doesn't matter.



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idiots the real way to get free bitcoin is
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1m

This is my first and only post ITT.
I've come to say that your two posts have wasted more time than my one, and therefore you are more autistic

but steel's heavier than feathers


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