What would be needed to fix windows and make a better Version?

What would be needed to fix windows and make a better Version?

Attached: Windows_darkblue_2012_svg.svg.png (487x115, 10K)

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It would need to be based on Unix.

It can't be fixed, you can't just scrape off 26 years of shit. It needs to be completely redone.

I wonder if it's true that Win10 still has code from DOS. It wouldn't surprise me at all.

Get rid of the apps shit.

It's not like there's heaps and heaps of evidence to support that... threader.app/thread/1058676834940776450

just 2 more reorgs before it dies and nutella nuts over it.

needs more windows

Secure home user defaults instead of business network defaults I think would help. Debloating, they are bothering people so they know what they can remove but maybe include a installer for the few people who need it as like a component/feature.
I don't think they are going to do any of this though, they should just make a new os with no backwards compatibility maybe. That would be full of botnet so it still wouldn't be good, really they need to go back to not assuming internet connectivity all the time and ditch the rapid release meme.
Maybe just a minimally featured version/option without fabricated restrictions.

first of all, it would need that Microsoft liberated the source code under a licence that allowed users to fix it and run the fixed version without legal trouble.

my autistic tastes are in need a windows distro like this:
>standarization of UI development, more control over the user interface for the user
>native xorg client integration and window manager for the WSL
>powershell could learn about emacs and include more documentation, a repository of addons for fuzzy completion, making it dropdown like guake, etc...
>more advanced support for keyboard driven window management (like bspwm)
>replace paint3d with oldschool paint
>replace notepad with notepad++
>telemetry and microsoft phonecalling features are all opt-in
>installer does not fuck up grub or ext4 partitions
and like this user said, more customizability onethe installer

yeah it happens sometimes

Attached: hn0r845b0md21.png (789x631, 307K)

nothing, this is the peak windows experience

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 886K)

You can already use the keyboard to manage your windows

no more sneaky updates in the middle of the night causing you to lose all your work.

the abolishment of IP law so that FOSS Windows forks could be made that aren't botnet

Attached: govtgetoutreeeeeee.jpg (657x527, 244K)

Install gentoo.

All the bloated engineering that microsoft has accomplished over the past 19 years would have to go into the garbage, and merely focus on getting modern 64-bit and enterprise based software compatibility up to spec on Windows 2000. Maybe follow up with a flat design for standard .net controls.

Abandon the UI completely
Abandon the SaaS model completely
Abandon NTFS

Rewrite pretty much the entire fucking thing from the bottom up with zero support for anything made before 2012 that isn't just a common-as-fuck thing like a SATA driver.

All I want is to be able to disable updates and telemetry without potentially making half of all new software incompatible a year down the road. I've used software on an un-updated Windows 7 for eight years without an issue, aside from one time when I had to install a service pack because I was missing some dll.

Nowadays software developers for Windows 10 lazily rely on users always having the latest update because ... well, it's the only option.

Fund millions of dollars to Wine and ReactOS projects.

the apps are excellent for normies

oaubt is there moron

If you can't download a program without an app store you shouldn't be using a computer.

Convincing Microsoft that they've failed on mobile market.

Windows 7 SE

i said advanced because there is support, but it is kinda lacking

like how do you binarily partition these spaces into more than 4? or switch two windows around with a keystroke? how about gaps? windows has alt tabbing, but other unix-y window managers let you move the focus to the window specifically above, or below or to the right, i find that very handy...

what are you talking about?

>What would be needed to fix windows and make a better Version?
To let Canonical take over

Let's stick unity on windows to make it officially the worse os

it was made so that the normies who download anything they see and run newmemesong.exe. if its in the "app store" then its less likely for them to get a virus therefore less retard calls to tech support which saves them money.

Revert every single commit since 2005.