/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


install windows

probably not but the main issue is that turning it off might fuck over my laptop royally and thats what I'm scared of most

Daily reminder to install Fedora! Additionally, Silverblue is a great system and will be the future of the Linux desktop.

Attached: Fedora-logo.svg.png (2000x2000, 112K)

Is there a retard's guide to NFS? I can setup Samba shares fine but I cannot for the life of me get an nfs share (of any folder) working on my Debian server.

(inb4 install gentoo/arch/void )

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arch wiki's nfs page is pretty straight forward I've never had any problems setting up nfs on linux.


I could but that wouldn't explain why mount keeps dropping shit mounted using --bind.

What email client, if any, do you use?
Tried mailspring but it's shit and swallows memory.

>20 years ago
>I'm using Linux because fuck The Man and Fuck Window$$$

>I'm using Linux because I work at a multinational corporation, writing non-free software for servers

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GNU/Linux*. Linux is just a kernel.

>arch wiki's nfs
Thanks, I was exporting the share wrong. Works fine now.

Is Silverblue the "everything is a flatpak" one?

That's pretty gross, and I will decline it. Flatpak is good for sandboxing and managing proprietary apps cleanly, but that's where it ends.


Actuality: nobody's using Linux.

It doesn't force you to do the everything is a flatpak meme.

Is this an old image? I thought Appelbaum had his speaking career trashed over some rape accusation or something.

So I installed woeusb to make a windows installation usb stick.
Its 8GB and NTFS.

Everytime I try woeusb I get this error. What the hell is going on? I installed gparted to make sure that the stick is fine, and it says the stick is fine... I have no idea whats wrong here.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-06 19-32-04.png (405x363, 28K)

read the link from your screenshot, it provides a solution to your problem. github.com/slacka/WoeUSB/wiki/Limitations#fat32-filesystem-4gib-single-file-size-limitation

making windows usb installers is always a pain in the ass honestly

I'm using Linux because I'm unemployed and have no life. I would prefer doing drugs but that would require money, so Linux and programming it is.

try hacking. idk, maybe you'll pull something off cool enough to get your name in the paper

I did that already and get the same error only in the terminal.

I also tried
>woeusb --device --target-filesystem NTFS
>sudo winusb -v --install
and nothing! I always get one error or another.
>making windows usb installers is always a pain in the ass honestly
tell me about it. I also tried etcher before but that program always aborts at the very last 5% and then I have to repair the stick again before its even found by the OS...

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Relating to Do you think it's a good idea to setup "safe" alternatives for common destructive file commands? Personally I think it's better to just be cautious as fuck every time you run a potentially dangerous command, and lulling yourself into safety could cause you to be less alert when you run some other destructive commands such as rsync.

alias mv-='mv -i'
alias cp-='cp -i'
function rm- { mv "$@" ~/.local/share/Trash }

I like to use rsync for personal backup stuff, but I soon have a job interview for a position as Linux admin.

What back up programs do companies prefer?


A backup without versioning isn't a real backup. Use something like rsnapshot

Thinking about dual booting on my ThinkPad T580 with windows and Manjaro. Should I trust thr installer to partition or should I just do it myself?

thanks senpai

thanks senpai, i'll read up on that one

>and Manjaro

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There's rdiff-backup too, quite an interesting program but sadly not being actively developed. Not sure what "real companies" prefer but I do think rsnapshot should be cool since it's completely transparent

No, you grow a false sense of security that if you use any system that does not have that guard, you can do real damage.
Keep backups and dont fucking run careless commands


That's what I thought

What's the best way to get a full dark theme for firefox? Last time I checked "dark mode" in firefox itself changed hardly anything and you get blasted with #ffffff on new tab page and the like, I'm using shadowfox now but it's not perfect, some pages have dark text on dark bg, is there anything better?

I think it's still shadowfox with a hack - setting widget.content.gtk-theme-override in about:config to a non-dark gtk theme like adwaita. The bugzilla thread on this is a fun read.

Well most things on the page aren't technically "GTK widgits" and so it makes perfect sense that your theme doesn't apply to them.
They could be made to adopt colors from your theme, but that would just have to be a conscious decision the FF developers would have to make. I wonder if another reason they don't do it is because they also support windows and mac, and I guess they don't have gtk themes? I dunno

But other than complaining to the FF devs another solution is to set custom rules in "userContent.css"
I think if you search "firefox usercontent.css dark theme" you'll find some already made.

what do you mean with a "full" dark theme?
some distros have dark themes by default you can enable for windows and it also includes the browser.
pic related: mint/cinnamon

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about:config white as well

Attached: file.png (1680x1002, 16K)

wat? are you asking if about:config is white in that theme? yea it is ,or what do you mean

do people close tabs before screenshotting? I always see 2-4 on scrots, I usually have 20 open, 32 now
white config isn't that bad since I hardly use it now that I have it customized but blank new tab flashing white is annoying

>do people close tabs before screenshotting?
nah just not browsing much today
>but blank new tab flashing white
ye, new tab is still white. it wouldn't be if FF wouldn't have removed the default option to link back to your homepage(html file)...
Vivaldi can do this natively as well as individually setting colours but its chromium propriety stuff

alright reinstalled shadowfox but with generate uuid enabled this time and everything looks consistent now

I only have that many tabs open when watching porn

After switching to linux it takes a whole second to enlarge images on Jow Forums on firefox.
why is this and what can I do about it?

Works on my machine, what distro and PC are you using

haven't seen any difference after switching, do you have 4chanx?, maybe try imagus addon (it's just great in general) and see if it's slow in that as well?

mint cinnamon 19.1
samsung laptop with eight core i7 and 8gb ram
no addons. i try that addon. its just weird how every medium+ sized image hangs for a second

have there been any major happenings with games for linux since Proton?

Fucking amazing for game performance and stability. Took me to literal native (±5%) speed on D:OS2.
Also Wine compatibility and performance in general is nowadays often so good that I can just use most Windows programs without any hiccups to my workflow. Anything from old games, to Photoshop CC 2019.

Also VKD3D, which allows DX12 support for vidya.

Idk what else you would need.

I'm the guy in that xdg-desktop-portal-kde thread who didn't get firefox flilepicker icons.
Just needed for a few updates @ github and it works perfect now.

Attached: xdg-desktop-portal-kde.png (638x241, 43K)

>since Proton
>tells about Proton
Why are you such a retarded?

>DXVK and VKD3D are Proton
Either shit bait or literal mental retardation. Either way, one reply is the most you'll get out of me.

He is partly right, IIRC proton always included dxvk, right from the public beta.

DXVK was before Proton

The dude behind dxvk even gets his salary from Valve, you fucking degenerate. Next time read the question before trying to look smart.

>a whole second to enlarge images on Jow Forums on firefox
> eight core i7 and 8gb ram
That's pretty extreme.

Just to be certain: This also happens on already cached images (that you had enlarged before), right?
It's not a networking issue, but one with image scaling, right?

In that case, what if you try another browser? Otter, Chromium, anything? Even another browser of the FF lineage like Iceweasel might be worth trying.

where my /btrfs/ gang at?

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>tfw only one in friend group that uses GNU/Linux as a primary OS
Why live?

BTRFS Gang reporting in.

does anyone here know someone else who uses linux?

Two of my friends, because they're students and don't want to pay for windows.

Reporting in

2019 is the Year of Btrfs RAID56


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>This also happens on already cached images (that you had enlarged before), right?
No. If I opened it once it seems to be fine, and the way it was before switching.
Gifs also take forever to load.

Ye I'm probably trying out another browser, because I dunno what else it could be since nothing changed in my network/router setup(maybe the wlan drivers linux installed, I dont know?)

Is the consensus here that Arch and Fedora are the best distros? I used to use Arch, but now I use Fedora. The only thing I miss from Arch was the AUR

Attached: linux_arch-v-fedora.png (801x324, 105K)

>Is the consensus here that Arch and Fedora are the best distros?

fight me faggot

The best distro is the one that best suits your specific use case and preferences. End of discussion.

I agree with this lad

I want a distro similar to Alpine but with glibc. I know it kind of defeats the purpose. Is there a good alternative w/ glibc?

Interesting. But pretty hard to diagnose, I think. Yea, try the other browsers first.

he did, wonder what that guy is up to now.

CloverOS with a bunch of packages replaced? Nix? Void?

Or maybe just some minimal Fedora / CentOS / ... ?

>similar to Alpine
In what sense?

Ah, kind of forgot about Void. All the others don't really scratch the itch for me. Thanks, I'll check out Void some more.

Small attack surface. Developers care about security. No SystemD.

Alpine is pretty nice but I can't think of anything sane like it using glibc. I've thought of doing a fork of Sabotage to use glibc, just never got around to it.

Gentoo? Alpine is essentially "lightweight" binary Gentoo anyhow.

Neomutt. The only problems I've found with it are the retard grade urls you get for unsubscribing from corporate spamlists. I need to find a better url grabbing/handler for that issue but I've managed to keep the corporate spam down quite low which is astonishing since this account is nearing on 20 years old.

How do I guarantee that my /dev/sda is the particular drive I want without UUIDs? Or is there anything else that would provide the same functionality if I'm running a setup without an initramfs?

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How do i setup Wi-Fi on a desktop PC with Ubunutu 18.04 LTS without having to install drivers from the internet ?

Why cant you use uuid? Thats why THEY WERE INVENTED

By having a Wi-Fi card with open source drivers. Also, you're not supposed to put a space before the question mark in English.

I'm trying to set up void with encrypted boot, and I think I might be retarded. The goal being to one install void, but also improve my knowledge and skills with efi, grub, initramfs, and luks.

The plan seemed simple: three partitions, a fat32 partition for the EFI, a LUKS-encrypted ext4 partition for /boot, and a LUKS-encrypted btrfs partition for everything else. So, I defined all the partitions and marked the EFI partition as such with fdisk, formatted the latter two partitions with LUKS, decrypted them, and formatted them with the necessary filesystems.

Went through the void install, but things aren't behaving as I expected. What I want is:

>boot machine
>prompt for password to unlock boot partition
>GRUB starts
>initramfs starts
>initramfs prompts for password to unlock rootfs
>initramfs mounts rootfs
>proper kernel starts
>kernel asks for password to decrypt boot partition because it's in crypttab
>mount to /boot
>mount efi partition to /boot/efi
>mount misc btrfs subvolumes

I plan to replace some of these password prompts with keyfiles at some point but for now passwords are fine. Everything seems to work well until initramfs starts. When initramfs starts up, it always prompts for passwords to unlock both /dev/sda2 (boot partition) and /dev/sda3 (root fs). For the life of me, I can't figure out what this is. My GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT is set to:

loglevel=4 slub_debug=P page_poison=1 root=UUID=eff06402-179a-4631-b270-0c4c2fbd587e rd.luks,allow-discards rd.luks.uuid=e8ef19cf-61f3-4879-8fb6-fad44a0dca5
e8ef19cf is of course the UUID of the LUKS container, and eff06402 is the UUID of the decrypted btrfs partition. I have noticed when running dracut that it shows rd.luks.uuid= for both the rootfs and boot LUKS containers, but I have no idea where it's generating that from and it shouldn't matter anyway if grub is specifying the parameters I think? Anyway, any help would be appreciated. Really close to getting this working and it's frustrating.

Attached: sad help helper.png (658x662, 59K)

Fedora does encrypted boot way better. It uses Plymouth, meaning you use a GUI menu instead of a CLI and is done through the GUI installer.

okay thanks but that doesn't improve my knowledge of efi, grub, initramfs, or luks, that's just having everything done for me automatically which is explicitly what I don't want.

>PiratenPartei Deutschland

Attached: Ska-Keller-Antifa-Fahne-2014-3.jpg (706x893, 87K)

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

what did you think the PP stands for?


are you me?

redpill me on mx linux anons

I've never tried to do this so this isn't an answer and I'm not familiar with dracut. This post is in hopes that it may be help, a place to look for info.

You're using an automatically generated initramfs, you can extract that initramfs. It's just a gzip compressed cpio archive(use the cpio utility). Everything initramfs does is pretty much in the script /init in the root of the archive, if you can read shell you can probably figure why it's doing what and you could probably fix configuration options based on that.

I want to install debian alongside win xp on an old laptop while keeping the debian root partition encrypted. I did the partitioning and encryption manually, but it ends up asking for passphrase twice, the first prompt appearing before the GRUB menu. But GRUB has no reason to do so since /boot is on a separate unencrypted partition. How do I tell GRUB not to unlock the root partition?

How do I remove these runescape icons? I've deleted all the files off my computer but the icons are still there

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based zoomer

minecraft is a boomer game at this point