Should i drink tea or coffee?

should i drink tea or coffee?
please help bint i really value your opinion

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Yorkshire Tea and a small splash of milk, enough to keep it brown, perfect afternoon drink

the closest thing i have is tescos own brand tea
is that good enough?

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It depends. Are you well rested and just want to have a nice day? Then drink tea. Are you running on little sleep because you hate yourself and you stayed up most of the night shitposting but you still have things to do? Drink coffee.

both. i am well rested but i still have stuff to do
does that mean i need to mix tea and coffee together?

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Tesco's own brand is pretty gud tbdesu, that shoul work fine, coffee is nice but tea is the patricians drink

drink the softest beverage.

Do you want calm and collected energy that lasts just as long as needed but with less of a kick, or do you require a large burst of energy with a lot of kick that will help you get shit done but leave you tired as hell when it wears off? If the former, choose tea. If the latter, coffee.

black tea in the morning
green tea in the afternoon
chamomile tea at night

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gween tea.

Why would you even consider coffee? Are you an immigrant by chance?

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i chose tea in the end
ty friend

i would drinke gween tea but i don't have any

why does everyone doubt my englishness?

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You behave in manner not appropriate for an Englishman, I would suppose.

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coffee, obviously.

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i assure you that this is nothing more than a baseless accusations, my good sir

nah i'm drinking tea now

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Coffee. Tea is for pooftahs

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Well, I do not intend to insult you by any means; however, you did hesitate, sir.

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you have insulted my honour as a fine, reputable gentleman
this challenge shall not go unanswered! have at thee!

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Oh, sorry, didn't hear ya, was wanking off.
And yeah, don't really care for a challenge of a fake gentleman.

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dumb poland

no. tea.

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Get some South African honeybrush. It's really good, I wouldn't put actual honey in it though as it makes it too sweat in my opinion.

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I find green tea to be lame.


pepsi cola

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tea is healthier and tastes especially nice with honey and lemon

I vote tea

That's tad bit ungentlemanly of you to call me, I quote "dumb", Brit.

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