>Requesting purchase advice
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>Requesting purchase advice
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Stax have no bass.
Electrostatic speakers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stax
plus they cost the same, and are equally not portable lol
the PS1 is the peak of audio technology
>hole burns in diaphragm
>gets electrocuted
is it true Stax shock you if you put your feet on the ground without shoes on?
keep bumping the thread poorfag :)
Just a couple more hours till new Stax arrive!
sniff my feet
there is this one retarded "person" in here who thinks the 6xx is better and cheaper than the 600
how do we BTFO him, bros?
>actually fell for Stax meme
Regardless I hope you enjoy them. Which model earspeaker/electrostatic driver?
with science
What are some sources for FLAC music, and what media players support it?
Goodnight hpg
please dont wake up tomorrow
:((( why?
Any good speakers are better than any headphones. The only reason to use headphones is if you can't play music in your room louder than whisper.
650s >>>>>>> 600s
aren't you the person who spams "sniff feet"?
where is based ksc75chad
Disco Dingo needs more SR-L700. Someone deliver?
First for Summit-Fi
No user I'm not ;___;
You could have gotten high end electrostatic speakers for the price of that, what a waste :c
yes you are
why would he buy something that sounds worse than ksc75
why would I buy loudspeakers for my headphone setups?
Get the electrostatic speakers to listen to pared with the kc75s
Since they're opened, you can use them as a room enhancing stereo setup
thanks, I’ve got a 727II coming
i did, unfortunately they sounded like complete shit just like the jbl m2s i tried earlier
That's someone else I promise
Redpill on STAX for newbies: STAX is an old Jap company with outdated tech that was considered high end back in the 1960s and 1970s but sounds like ass by today's standards, so they went nearly bankrupt. They were purchased by a Chinese company for just a million dollars who decided to market STAX to the audiophool "more expensive is better" demographic who buys those crappy $3000 vinyl players, they shill heavily on HeadFi and here on /hpg/, plus they pay Zeos to shill their crap just like Fostex does.
>In December 2011, Chinese loudspeaker manufacturer Edifier announced the acquisition of 100% equity in Stax
Oratory has measured the highest end STAX, the SR-009S.
It's worse than the HD600. HD600 scored 92 and SR-009S scored 76.
Recently Rtings rated STAX across various dimension, it's worse in terms of sound than mid-priced offerings from Hifiman and Audeze, and only got a 7.7 rating.
In a separate study:
>The very highest end STAX ($4000 SR-009) was rated lower in blind tests than a $200 K701
Download the PDF of the study at: mega.nz
To add insult to overpriced injury, they have shitty plastic build quality that you would expect on cheap chinkshit headphones:
Oratory (respected sound engineer) on the build:
Even best Stax headphones sound objectively worse than mid-fi. This is why they don't demo them in store, they rely on the internet to create a sense of mystique around STAX and shill it as the endgame because its expensive, Asian, rare and obscure. In reality its no bass sounding garbage, with shrill highs that appeal only to near-deaf boomer
it's up bros
/ourguy/ Josh on JDS Atom vs. Liquid Spark
>You could have gotten high end electrostatic speakers
estats make for great headphones not speakers. diaphragm 10x thinner than plastic bag = not good for room mode and reverb and a resonance often occurs. when used in an open back headphone you get an extremely liner and reverbless response.
/ourguy/ is hbb not this random
Guys, I decided I wanted a more neutral reference quality open headphone, and reviews indicated the DT 1770 Pro is exactly what I’d been looking for, and I ordered it just a couple days after it became available. Beyerdynamic certainly has an impressive history, starting in 1924, and creating the first dynamic headphones in 1937, the DT48, which stayed on the market for an amazing 75 years. They experimented with quadrophonic headphones in 1973, electrostatic in 1976, and in 1980, did what they did best in making another great dynamic headphone, the DT 880, which they claimed competed with the best of the latest electrostatic headphones. They may have been right, and that model still remains in production 36 years later. Beyerdynamic clearly know what they’re doing. They intended the closed back DT 770 Pro for studio and stage use, the semi-open back DT 880 Pro for reference monitoring, mastering and mixing, and the fully open back DT 990 Pro for critical listening. Did I goof?
What happened to all the HD600 fags??? They are all dead or just became staxfags ??
Anyway thumps up for JDS
Im trying to choose a wireless headphone. Its between jabra elite 65t or the Audio-technica ath m50xbt. I want to use it to listen to song with heavy bass like hip hop but I also want to be able to talk on the phone with the included microphone. Also how do you replace the batteries in the jabra elite 65t or the ath m50xbt once they drop in performance ?
In 1995, yes
Dt1990 or save some more and get the T1's from Beyer?
Post your headphone history.
>Superlux HD-668 B
>DT770 PRO 250Ω
>tfw listened to shitphones and 120kms mp3 music all my life not sure what is good or what is familiar or what is what
>Transformer voltage booster adds another layer of audio distortion
>what are filters
Wait, isn't the 6XX just a rebranded 650? How's it worse?
>no mention of Hifichinks
>Only planar is the audeze closed back, even tho no one in their right mind would prefer it instead of the open back model
>6 STAX's models
>fostex as mid-fi
good point, Stax 007 is missing and older lambdas should also be included
Hd600 has a midbass hump
>SHP 9500
guide needs updating
replace LCD2c closed for Focal Elegia or Ether CX
replace ZMF for Denon AH-D9200
Maybe put all Fostex TR-X00 variants in just one place and add denon AH-D5200
imo a lot of stuff needs to be removed in favor of the haafee
Just bought these /hpg/ and they're in the mail.
Did I get meme'd on by Yamaha? The best audio equipment in the house currently is a Yamaha AV receiver so I thought I couldn't go wrong. Bought em to replace some Sennheiser HD 4.40BTs for a warmer sound.
Won't be wireless all the time, I've got some late 80s/early 90s Sharp Mini Hi-fi unit to power them on my computer otherwise.
What's the general consensus on Yamaha these days anyway? Good for AV receivers but mostly unknown for headphones?
Wtf I just won an auction for HD 600 and the seller messaged me to cancel the order
Look, /hpg/! A package arrived!
I wonder what it could be?
Whatever it is, it comes in two parts...
Ear... Speaker? I thought I had bought headphones!
3 posts in and I can already tell its a staxcel.
But wait! They actually are headphones! They just have a silly name!
Well, they do have the word "STAX" printed on them...
oh no
And they need this dumb looking box to work, apparently... Look at the size of that socket...
What? What is it? Did I fall for a meme?
Home come tons of people here buy these half working electrets yet zero are using normal bias stax?
I could tell it after the first one.
electrostatic speakers are great but extremely high maintenance, extremely delicate, and they require pretty extreme amp setups to work well
stax don't sound as good as electrostatic speakers but they're much easier to keep going for decades, while electrostatic speakers will have issues after a year or two
stax sound better than electrostatic speakers, electrostat drivers have no trouble doing low frequencies at low volumes but there are none that can do low frequencies at high volumes, stax is only able to have flat bass response in their better models through tuning
I'm the one from the other thread, you dum-dum. It's just that they arrived today.
>half working
I've been testing them for half an hour now and I'd say they're fully functional... Either that or they sounded even better when they were.
Took me a couple of minutes to get used to how "boring" these sound compared to my other headphones. But holy shit, I did not expect this good a sound from forty year old headphones.
I especially didn't expect this much bass after reading all the "lolnobass" posts. I give them a 7/10.
Now, to open them up and clean everything.
need recommendations
400AUD (flexible up to 500)
shiit modi/magni stack
>Type of headphones
full size
>comfort level
not really a priority but it would be nice if it were comfy over an extended period
Please help stax bros.
Do I put the tape here in the highlighted red part?
Are Stax actually bad or is it just cunts shitposting?
it’s pretty clear what to do?
cunts shitposting
then am I right?
He bought stax so..... probably not a whole lot of grey matter to work with initially.
don't bully I just don't want to ruin my stax :(
Too late
The latter
Stax boys..
Sniff my feet
>says the tripfag
dont reply to him, ever.
>But holy shit, I did not expect this good a sound from forty year old headphones.
lambda's will make you shit your pants
I don't know that much about audio can I get some help? I mainly listen to hip-hop/rap/video game OSTs but I'm not sure what type of sound signature would be good for that. The whole bass/treble/warm/v-shaped descriptors all fly over my head.
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
Not sure, I am leaning towards closed because I dont want my audio to leak out but I'm uninformed if open or closed headphones are easier on the ears for long sessions
>Comfort level
Comfortable enough to wear for ~8 hrs, but I can take them off for a bit if it means much better quality
>Sound signature
Not sure
>Past headphones
Also if it matters although I play games they are not the type like CSGO where you want to be hearing footsteps from all directions, they are more like LoL. I thought I should bring that up since I see that example brought up in the open vs close debate.
he is filtered
You probably want bass/v-shaped for hiphop/rap.
If your home is quiet i would go with DT 990 Premiums. If not DT 770.
I'm currently looking at getting a DAC/AMP with pre-out so I can use powered monitors with my PC. I'd like to stay around $100 so I was looking at the Schiit Fulla 2 and the Monoprice Desktop Amp. I was Originally going to get the Micca Origen G2 but after looking it up it appears to be pretty shit. which would be a better choice, and is there another option I should get instead? Also my current headphones are a pair of Sennheiser 559s if it makes a difference.
I guess I'll eventually add a Pro Bias circuit to the SRD-4 and upgrade to some Lambdas. Been listening more to the SR-4s and the more I listen, the more I'm loving them.
For now I'll be adding some banana sockets/plugs to the thing, I don't like those 70s bare connectors one bit. Looks like it'll be easier than I expected initially, too.
dt770 pro 80 ohm
For clarification, what version (ohms) should I be getting for the 990 or 770?
I used to think that way too but I gave in and just bought a pro bias amp.
Yeah, terribly sorry Mr. Shill, but I'm not gonna spend more on an amp than I'm going to spend on the headphones when I can just make a simple bias circuit myself. Nice try, though.
>Yeah, terribly sorry Mr. Shill
That's twice now you've been a dick to me. The first time I overlooked it and gave you resources to help you anyways. Don't expect any more help from me, and I doubt anyone else here can
I would get 250ohms for DT 770.
Honestly I would get 600 ohms for DT 990 premium.
If you don't blast your music to deafening volumes and don't have an ancient computer it should be good listening volume.
He's plugging them into the mobo.