Just started learning programming. The Java language

just started learning programming. The Java language.
I have to make sure the filename is capitalized and matches the public class name every time I want to practice writing programs
it is very tedious and annoying.
what is another language to switch too before i sink more time into Java

Attached: 4325g.gif (500x283, 506K)

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literally anything else user, depends on what you wanna get into in the future. java sucks. if you're a complete beginner, python might be a good choice.

or this if you wanna get into really low level / systems programming.

>I hate writing clean code and follow best practices for class and file naming
literally kys

C, C++, C#, OCaml, Python
There you go. Pick your poison depending on your IQ, taste, and needs

If you were going into Java, you might want to check out JavaScript, it's way easier than Java and its meant for web development (if you're into that).

Otherwise, C++ or Python. You could move from there.

Java is pretty much meant to be written with an IDE. It handles pretty much all of the boilerplate for you, and avoids the need to recompile every time you want to test changes, and makes it easier to debug.


OP is just getting started learning to program. There's no need for him to have to learn all that bullshit to begin with. You're an asshole.

why would you move onto another language if you want to learn Java? You need to do java to learn java. I would recommend you start with a low level language like C++/Java/C, the rest of the language will feel like cake if you get good at one of those. You can move onto python or Javascript if u wanna do web dev and stuff.

The advice in this thread is just terrible. Do not start with C or JavaScript or fucking ocaml

Yeah, if you start with OCaml you might actually become a good programmer. Listen to this guy.

>learning programming with Java or OOP lang in general
why do people do this

if you don't start with C, what do you even do?

Start with a "modern" language like Phyton or Swift, it's really fun.

Java is really boring and ugly tbqh.

C then x86 assembly
everything else is too slow and bloated

because the lines between application dev and system dev are never clear. if he wants to make apps he is a user of os facilities and should use highest abstraction language possible . if you want to make OS/platform then those tools make sense

sometimes i wish people would qualify what they are learning to program in these threads

Low effort. Just like your post.

the point is that you're dumb if you starting off with such a language if you're generally a beginner in programming

Python works great as an introductory language because brainlets can easily learn the basic concepts.

This has made learning C++ much less of a pain in the ass and C++ and Python compliment each other very well.

>complains about bloat yet uses assembly instead of raw binary
bluepilled as fuck

most EEs first language is C or C++ unless they have self learning

once again it depends on intent and the concept of “learning programming” is extremely vague

Try typing something in binary, nigger

omit the public statement then you can name the file however you want but for running the program you need to call the class that contains main()

surerly its better to learn at the begginning otherwise op would get stuck in a loop of bad naming

Every programming language is like this. Learn what the fuck you're doing.

based and kek'd

>his language has boilerplate

Java is fucking awesome, why would you call the filename anything else but what it does? Once you aren't a baby anymore things like this will not be important to you anymore. Java is perfect for you because of its verbosity. You need to stop crying and start writing more Java. Also python is fucking garbage.

Attached: 1551718333604.gif (500x537, 709K)

>Every programming language is like this.
That one isn't. Case sensitivity is for cucks.

Java isn't the best language for a beginner.

Being forced as your first language to think in an Object Oriented Programming mindset is not good. There are languages where you don't need all of your code wrapped in a Class statement.

I'd personally recommend beginning with Python if you're simply learning to be able to make little scripts quickly.

I'm assuming you're learning on Windows? It's a little more tricky to begin programming C on that platform so keep that in mind.

What're you looking to get out of programming? This could help us give you the best language for that task

Java is awful, C# is 100x better.


Better to learn it now than later. Either that or switch to python, which even babies can code in.


Kotlin is better than either.