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Open source is for poorfags made by poorfags

"Monetize" is the sleaziest word in the English language.

>getting paid for my time is sleazy.
mmm, ok.

Getting paid for your time is perfectly fine. It's specifically the word "monetize" which is exclusively used by sleazy douchebags.

Are programmers really this stupid?
What about a website? It can't be that hard to make some money if your product is good, even though It's open source.

> >getting paid
No, it's yanking these money, but still pretending it's free. OP doesn't tell anything about being paid, but about "monetization".

i think "buy me a coffee" is worse

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Why not just put your binaries behind a paywall? Most normies are too dumb to compile from source anyway.
The idea that you shouldn't keep the source code to yourself comes from this guy who sings the following from the video above:
"Hoarders can get piles of money. That is true, hackers, that is true. But they cannot help their neighbors. That's not good, hackers, that's not good."
Yeah, well, I'd rather hoard code and get piles of money. Thanks, rms. You've shown me the light, and get off my lawn.

What kind of literal cuckold spends their precious time and energy writing software just to give it away for free? Open source "monetization" is like monetizing any other art like being a musician. Yes, there are rockstars like Glen Danzig and Linus Torvalds who strike it rich but you? You are going to toil in obscurity working for the benefit of others while you yourself can barely feed your family. Enjoy eating shit, turdball.

>What are paid binaries??
Winfags are retarded and don't know how to compile from source.

i make money by not providing a free download
foss doesnt mean without monetary price
sure people can just distribute it themselves
but somebody has to buy the first copy, and anybody who doesnt trust third party distributers will likely buy a copy as well
$15 USD is the sweet spot for pricing complicated things like operating systems, and $5 is the sweet spot for ordinary programs

Yes, bussiness plan > requerimients > code

>open source
Did these retards not know what 'open source' meant when they decided to join this little "movement"?
I guess all roads do lead to capitalism in the end.

Freetards btfo

you can make tons of money with free software though.

just sell books, go to the nearest university and get paid to teach a couple classes, or set up training sessions for companies who want to use your software.

that's how the c++ guy makes a living anyways

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there are a lot of open source projects which are also monetized, mostly aimed at businesses for support and customization or just paid hosting like Gitlab, OTRS comes to mind, ubuntu?

>getting paid continuously for writing software once

Linus Torvalds open sourced his code and is worth 150 million

Also open source =/= FSF faggotry.

Plenty of examples of open source software with paying licenses (Qt for instance).

He is correct. They should think about monetization than immediately realize they should not go the FOSS route. FOSS works great for hobbies, open standards, industry projects, things that are not directly monetized, but not for things that are to be directly monetized. You should think before going FOSS, "how does FOSS benefit my project, and will it bring in value greater than I could from selling it?" coding anything cause of some stupid ideological reason is never a good idea.

open source doesn't mean it's free software. sure, once you've put your code out in the open you can't really stop people from using it, but you can still copyright it so they're supposed to pay for it.

for example, Quake 2 is open source, but it f I just compile it myself and run it it's still obviously piracy.

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Most people have a hard time making money off of things they can do.

Part of the problem these guys have is they have to come up with a way of getting the money to make the thing before it's made, which means either getting something like a patreon going where it's hard to convince people to give you money before you've done anything, or you get an investor.

as far as games go, you could make all the artistic assets closed source (because, you know, there isn't really 'source' to art in the first place), and all the engine code open source for the betterment of society or whatever.

>but people can just copy and paste the assets!
and that would be illegal just like regular old piracy is today

>ex valve/microsoft game developer scaring people way from open source using FUD
if you're concerned about that FOSS fork you released 8 months ago affecting your monetisation strategy you're a shit developer

the art assets (models, textures, sounds, game dialogue, etc) are copyrighted, you can do what you want with the code so long as you stick to the gpl licence

Here it is geniuses:

>just sell books, go to the nearest university and get paid to teach a couple classes, or set up training sessions for companies who want to use your software.
>that's how the c++ guy makes a living anyways
"The C++ guy" is a literal fucking GOD. Nobody is going to pay you a single nickel to teach. They'd laugh you out of the building. Open sores is a good way to starve.

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Imagine my shock.

Very easy. Open a patreon and set goals for new content, the projects stay open source and your work gets paid.

weird yoof, senpai. can't you be more lit like?

The majority of open source software is developed for developers, developers who will gladly compile your code for free. Make a product for normies and they will pay for binaries

It's not really any different, monetization of a snatch.

How much is ((closed source)) Bill Gates worth?

Neooffice does exactly that and from far away it pretty much looks like a failure. I might be wrong when it comes to how much money they actually make, but in the tutorial/how to/blogosphere/real world nobody ever mentions Neooffice anymore.

It's good software, but compiling it is a pain in the ass because it pretty much requires you to fuck up your IDEs and bend them into autistic shapes. A literal waste of time when there's a .dmg of Libreoffice waiting on a different URL.

synergy was stupidly popular despite being open source
you can't just put your shitty software that nobody uses behind a paywall and blame it all on open source, you do actually need to have a good product that has added value that can't be replicated by neets in their basements

Why is compiling source into binaries something worth being paid for? If it's made correctly and documented then any retard should have a seamless experience compiling it

GPL pay exceptions are a thing.

Double licensing.

Normies get everything for free from the app stores these days bud

>getting paid continuously for building an apartment complex once
>getting paid continuously for patenting something once
>getting paid continuously for recording a record or movie once

Wow, it's almost like that's completely and totally normal for things that generate value continuously after an initial investment.

1) Patents and copyright both expire without the right holders consent.
2) This is rent seeking behavior which is bad. The first example is literally rent seeking.

Its true, whatever you do, first thing is plan ahead. There are plenty of projects that earn good money, ubuntu for instance. Offering support for enterprise works if the software is good, another example is InvoiceNinja. Plan ahead and be consistent.

>rent seeking is bad

Come back after you've taken econ 101

>Come back after you've taken econ 101
There's no benefit to society in rewarding people beyond the bare minimum required to encourage their work. Normally property laws protect an individuals right to own things, but patents and copyright aren't property.

This is preschool level advice, if you want to make money on something, you have to plan ahead

>There's no benefit to society in rewarding people beyond the bare minimum required to encourage their work.

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Rent seekers should unironically be put to the sword. This is not to say that the notion of rent is bad. This is to say that rent seekers are literally the cancer of humanity and must be excised.

Literally means "Moneyrich" in German.

open source and free software are functionally the same thing, and rms has directly influenced the licensing of qt since the early days when they decided to gpl it

It's free as in freedom not free as in price. Hoarding money and helping neighbors are not mutually exclusive.

Lol what? You can literally get paid to teach C++ right now if you wanted to. Go look it up.

Open source vs driving luxury cars, owning a house, and eating good food.

The best things in the universe are those that are not merely "good enough". Market interactions only create "good enough" results. Only a group of altrutists can truly achieve greatness

Or "gel three switzerland" or "money empire" or a stylized form of "money? I!" with 1 typographical error


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or "gel doctor oak" or "gel doctor calibrate"

>money kingdom


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Factual statement, glorifying the strong is master morality.

i apologize, i thought reich meand kingdom as in rijk from dutch. i now see it just means rich.
shit language tbqhwyf.

So, communism? Karl Marx 2020?

yaaaaas nederlands!

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Same old MS FUD we're used to hearing. If only you toiled away writing proprietary software you would become as rich as bill gates.


No, because it's totally voluntary.

And communism is not?


>altruism is moral

he's right? Of course you have to think about how you monetize it if you are building a business around itP

I assume this is bait. Collectivisation is not a voluntary process.

>altruism is the same thing as forced unpaid labor


But any action or policy implemented by capitalist states are?

No, read the thread: an altruist programming open source is doing so voluntarily. Unlike if they were doing it, e.g., by coercion because their communist government told them to.

I did read the thread but I don't really get your point. How is an altruist choosing to work on a program any less voluntary in a communist society than a capitalist one? All communism would do is make altruism more viable since there's no profit incentive for computer programs.

The ONLY reason to keep a program's source code closed is because you want to make a profit from it. There would be no reason not to open everything up in a communist society since society is steered towards the common good rather than your own individual good.
Of course you can call this an unrealistic fantasy but you're the one responding to a joke about electing Karl Marx in the first place.

Reich can also mean rijk i.e. empire.

>patents and copyright both expire without the right holders consent.
You consent to this when you choose to participate in patenting; if you want any protection at all, you have to. Patents should absolutely expire if we want to prevent monopolies.

There are people who are paid to write free software.
Here is the economics of it:
