Would you use a transporter?
Star Trek Tech
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no it's against lords will, if he wanted people to teleport he would have enabled that in the .env file
Muh clone identity
>mrw I have a dumb communicator to prevent remote lock-on
No, because quantum physics and shit dont work that way in reality.
No, because it actually kills you and makes another you on the other side.
>kills you
>doesn't want to use it
Who will look after my anime figurines?
The other you
I don't trust that guy
Except your clone has all of your memories, and from their perspective, everything worked just fine.
The only person who knows anything went wrong is now dead.
Okay, I'm still not them and I care about me
Well yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Transporters are fucking horrifying when you really think about it.
I know the theory of teleportation is that your molecules all split apart and youre not you anymore when reassembled. But what if we develop another form where we just disassemble then fire your molecules at the speed of light before reassembly. That way you die, but are still made up of the same data.
i would teleport some chink bitches into my dungeon to be my slaves
true question is:
would you use a proprietary, non libre teleporter?
no fucking way, you cant know what kind of shit might come out inside you if you cant audit its source
>tfw normies confuse transportation with teleportation when talking about Star Trek universe.
Only if you wake up in the buffer with one of those parasites or whatever after you.
Why transport rather than just bending spacetime to put the points you want to be at close together? It seems less physics breaking than cloning the states of subatomic particles.
But, user, that's fucking dangerous as fuck.
>implying the lord uses OOP garbage
the data for the universe is stored in .qbin, i.e. the quantum binary file.
>tfw screwed with the settings and beamed up a version of you with a 2-inch penis
>tfw you're too afraid to confront him because he'll just deny it and nobody will believe you
I've taken QMII and got a B.
Please tell me what you think star trek gets wrong with regards to the transporter.
>more dangerous than 100% guaranteed death every time
Only if science gets to a point to definitively discover what make you different from an identical clone, your "point of view" so to say.
But the potential for evil with this knowledge would be quite terrifying.
if you don't know that .env is an environment configuration file then you are a dirty user not a holy developer, filthy users should banish themselves from /g
no you are you dirty ide monkey
Phasers never made sense to me either... why not just inside-out them?
Because you need to put the stun function on the same gun.
I've always thought transporters were the stupidest tech in Startrek.
Whats stopping them from just replicating whoever the fuck they want?
Why do people even go to sick bay, couldn't they just fucking instantly transport them and replace whole chunks with recorded shit from previous transports?
Star Trek transporters don't work that way. Canonically transporters in star trek take your matter, convert it to energy, send that energy to your destination, then convert it back into matter. You are still made of your original atoms and no cloning is involved.
I'm fond of the viewscreen myself
Maybe you should have payed attention when watching star trek. Their are limits to replication technology, it isn't 100% accurate at replicating things and produces small errors, which is usually fine for a chicken soup or a shirt but can cause problems for things like organ transplant. In one TNG episode they did replicate a spine for organ transplant using a specially designed replicator but the worf only survived due to klingons having redundant organs.
I'm not talking about the replicators, I'm talking about the transporters, they store peoples fucking pattern in a buffer. There isn't any canon reason for why they don't just create patterns in the buffer and spit out copies of whatever the fuck they want.
See: Transportation doesn't kill you. Teleportation kills out. Transportation doesn't need to make a copy of you. Teleportation needs to make a copy with the original being destroyed.
Not true, wasn't there an episode about someone who was afraid of using transporters?
Not this guy, but the technology behind transporters and replicators are shared. Transporters are replicators with added bells and whistles.
In one of the movies, Bones had to be Shanghai'd to use one. He was pissed.
>Transporters are replicators with added bells and whistles.
No, transporters actually hold the electrical matrix or whatever tech shit they call it. You can't copy it per se since it is a thing that needs transported from one location to the next before it is reconstituted. Replicators are completely different since you can just use a copy and that copy isn't actually identical to the original.
That's like saying if a tiger eats you, you become the tiger.
big words from someone who has never done a build or an unit test, I bet you even struggle updating your programs, thankfully there are auto updates for people like you
Yes but the transporters and replicators both use the same technology to generate matter from energy. There is no reason in canon to think that advanced replicator technology couldn't produce living beings.
I see, you mean just the matter conversion part. I agree with the second part too. Basically, just combine the holodeck with the replicator.
Its a bunch of text files in /etc. God runs the universe on unix.
What do you mean?
I always thought tripfags were the stupidest fuckers on Jow Forums.
What’s stopping them from just posting whatever the fuck they want anonymously?
Who do people even trip, do they realize it would be a lot easier to post like a regular person and stop being an attention whore?
>There is no reason in canon to think that advanced replicator technology couldn't produce living beings.
Nor to imagine that they'd be viable.
I kinda don't want to but the issue is the shuttle craft crashes in every single episode so I really have no choice. I hope my clone has a happy life but then again he will die as soon as he leaves the ship.
Only once.
No nigga, you get disassembled every time not know if the (you) who entered is the exact same as the (you) who left.
Not is Snotty in on the controls.
Except for that one time where Riker got "extracted" from the "beam" once, and then a copy got "extracted" from the same beam again several years later, pretty much confiming that anyone who arrives somewhere via transporter is a copy.
Ahhh... the memories...
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System.
*cracks open a cold Monster Zero Ultra*
God damn, it's good to be back.
deannas mom also hated it
i'd love to have a data to chill w/
In the show they have shown that you remain conscious and aware of your surroundings all the way from site to site even inside the beam.
Also they show that you can move inside the beam.
Why not use teleporters to make clones of everyone important or skilled instead of just moving them, thus making sure that they not only never die but also getting double (or more) of their benefits? Imagine having two guys at different locations doing things only they can.
I think there may be a sci-fi book like that. Too bad, "The Prestige," went a dark way.
>sometimes the writers didn't follow established canon
Truly shocking. Next you're going to be telling me that federation credits are real because some writer was too lazy to listen to Roddenberry.
What I don't get is how does anybody die in the Star Trek Universe.
You can just back up their entire 'transport signature' somewhere on earth so if they get lazer beamed on planet Scilon just respawn back on earth.
That experiment failed when clone Riker turned into a terrorist
That wasn't a teleporter. That was a transporter. It also didn't clone him. The shield's energy basically caused some sort of rift that diverged space-time on a quantum level. It was a point where 2 realities could have happened, where only one outcome of 2 would have resulted normally, but instead both occurred. This resulted in Riker from one possible reality and Riker from another possible reality separating without the wave collapse of the possible reality of one Riker. It had to do with the phase differential on the distortion field at the transporter signal was going through it. This is not to be confused with the many worlds aspect of stuff like the Mirrorverse. In this both Rikers are the original Riker and perfectly identical in all ways up to the point of, "separation."
>imagine being a brainlet and believing in some permanent static identity
Prove that the consciousness of the you who woke up this morning is the same as the you that went to bed last night.
You can't. But you can't disprove it either. With a transporter, you CAN prove that the you who arrives at the destination isn't the same one that left. It's literally the entire basis of how the technology works.