>using Discord
>using Skype
>using Mumble
>using Facetime
>using WebRTC
Why doesn't Jow Forums actually embrace open standard like SIP?
>using Discord
>using Skype
>using Mumble
>using Facetime
>using WebRTC
Why doesn't Jow Forums actually embrace open standard like SIP?
I don't talk to people.
Honestly, I mostly use Discord for text chat, not voice chat.
nobody asked you, loser
yeah you did faggot
Voice chat is creepy. I only talk to myself.
>Voice chat is creepy.
Imagine being this much of a pussy
What's wrong with Mumble? It's FOSS, very easy to install, and as far as I know covers all the bases SIP does.
>literal boomer protocol
can't make this shit up
NOW that's what I call a protocol.
Why would I talk to anyone else but myself?
What would I tell them?
This thread confuses me
>having to buy and install a server to call people
All autists should be gassed.
You buy OR install. Fucking idiot. And you don't need to install a server to call people. There's a Mumble package that lets you call people directly without the need of a server.
This, but swap mostly with only.
The problem is convincing the others to change to it.
As i don't even use voice chat at all, IRC would be enough for me.
Based fellow boomer.
sip clients
too bad you fucked it up when you wrote the greentext in reverse
>There's a Mumble package that lets you call people directly without the need of a server.
>*sip* now that was protocol
>what protocol, dad?
>the *sip* protocol son
>what fucking protocol you fucking boomer?
imagine being this autistic
Apple probably calls it la retina del puta.
imagine understanding humour
>a literal boomer protocol, and it's called *sip*
Is this compatible with your lack of brain?
>using Discord
>using Skype
Yes, and yes.
>using Mumble
Idk what that is.
>using Facetime
>using WebRTC
Idk what that is either.
>Why doesn't Jow Forums actually embrace open standard like SIP?
Idk wat dis iz eder.
>1. hold (someone) closely in ones arms
delet dis! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
>using discord
I do this a bit. Never used any of those other things.
I only use IRC like an actual autist.
>literal boomer protocol
can't make this shit up
It creates a temporary server on your PC letting people call you directly. But it's useless itself because you need to text your IP.
user I’m in a very depressed and shitty part of my life and I wanted to thank you for summing up my Inner conflict with your first two sentences.
Nigger it works both ways and you're so dumb I can't even explain that to you
>it works both ways
it literally doesn't
Hurr all I need is signalling. What is a registrar what is sdp what is RTP durrr what is turn/stun. Kill yourself brainlet. Or go read the blue sip book
I have my mumble server running on a spare raspberry pi, but it could just as well be on my desktop. Why would that be a problem?
This is why nobody wants to talk to you.
SIP is pointless. Either use a better signalling protocol (e.g. one with proper chat and E2E encryption, like Matrix) or use a dedicated voice chat protocol like Mumble.
Also fuck setting up FreeSwitch and Asterisk.
I have a mumble server on a raspberry pi raturd
Wow do you talk to yourself on it since you have no friends just like you have no hardware?
you're a loser
Isn't GNU Ring a SIP client?
there are a bunch of clients but you should use only those two