What future technological innovation are you excited for?

What future technological innovation are you excited for?

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a cure for depression

suicide booths

frogposter repellant

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Literally nothing because everything today is botnet

Better battery technology


Consciousness upload

Smartphones with removable batteries
Imagine how cool it would be to just swap out the battery for free and by yourself with no tools
You could even carry a spare one and go from like 0-100% charge in like ten seconds :D

Excuse me every budget android phone ever is calling

Depression and Bereavment
Are not the same thing

The reason depression us going up is people who ligit lost some thing refuse to let them self have some thing they want or think some thing is impossible are convincing them self they have depression

Depression is unjustified sadness its not how to get happy

World is full of girls convincing them self they can use depression as a short cut. You cant

Please don't kill ya self thou life can go from -1000 to +1mil in one glance at a strangers eyes in passing or discovery

a massive solar flare

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And ya life can take 7years to get good siddenly but that's why video games porn and junkfood exist

fully autonomous frogposter killbots

This, but robot gfs instead.

Prosthetic organs.

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Body printing. I know someone in passing who is a researcher working on inkjet printers for printing off human arteries for transplant. Biomorts (headless bodies) are in the not too distant future, but I really hope for designer bodies to transplant into.

Also looking forward to how utterly chaotic it will be to shitty identity politics when a 40 year old white guy can become a 15 year old black girl at whim.


things that actually improve our live instead of just connecting to the internet for no real reason

report them when you see them

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Nothing since 1978 has actually improved the human experience

I already report all anti-frog posters

Based, so do I.

Wrong, what is electronic fuel injection

Having provable programs and paying once for programmers' work.

Anything that allows me to travel very long distances in a quick way and individually

Affordable Space tourism