After it's been official for a while that "gif" is in fact pronounced "jiff". What is the right way to pronounce git? Is it "jit"?
Git or Jit?
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Git the fuck out.
Git or jit? I bet they never miss, uhh?
onlt subhumans call gif "jiff"
git gud
Latex or LaTech?
This tbqh everybody I know always says it with a hard G not a J.
only americans suffer such severe brain damage which leads to wrong pronouncation
>only anglophones and their retarded non-orthography lead to wrong pronunciation
"personal github"
jit as in pajit
get it
so when I pronounce gift it sounds like we all know but take the consonant at the end and this shit turns to "j" now?
we need someone that actually knows their shit on english to educate us
i personally go full nordic
gi(t) ~ yi(n and yang)
torvalds calls it git.
yiff is the only correct answer
it turns to j if you're retarded. you might throw a cherry picked example like "gin" but consider that gin comes from a shorthand of juniper
either way, gif, graphics interchange format, not jraphics
now i can get down with this.
Quinn is developed with the cute toolkit.
big owo indeed, user
post more
Is it /gee/ or /guh/?
pretty good, user.
guess this is Jow Forumsfur now huh
tfw. this is now a g/fur thread!
undo yourself 10 times over
come on OP, you spelled Jif with 2 Fs on purpose
no1 gives a fuck you currynigger
But is that gee like the gee in gif or like the gee in git?
very cute
The mods are alive and well. Post technology.
Btw, this thread got me so many promotions that I'm now the CEO. Thanks /gee/
this is you getting a promotion
(the bottom one)
Knuth said you say it like "Tech" and the LaTeX manual says the first part sounds like the "Las" in Vegas or Angeles.
how so?
>sucking cock without lips
that has to hurt
Dear sweet jesus, is he going senile?
Nice talk desu
>jraphics interchange format