What's this guy's problem?

What's this guy's problem?

Attached: unbox therapy.jpg (1125x1754, 222K)

I mean, he's not wrong, no smartphone is perfect.


rapid mental degradation of general population that enables him to remain popular with his kind of content

I wish I was paid to open boxes

Literally the worst big youtube channel

The clickbait title plus him looking anguished in his thumbnail draws in viewers. As evidenced by all of the videos shown range from 2.3 million for the "Pocophone" to 5.6 million for the Galaxy s9.
God you are all fucking autistic.

no that would be pewdiepie

>God you are all fucking autistic
This. I've felt more and more lately that most of the people here actually don't know shit about technology other than on some surface-level consumeristic bullshit and are likely STEM dropouts "cause I couldn't figure out calculus".

Reviewing phones is his job?

Seething discord tranny

Linus' thumbnails and titles are way worse, but at least his videos are entertaining. This guys videos are bland and empty, I don't know how he's so famous

Quantum onions

I'm switching off the computer

>I'm switching to Blackberry
No you don't.

>STEM dropouts "cause I couldn't figure out calculus"

Ever since he accidentally superglued his hand to his face, he's been trying to numb his burning sense of shame by giving in to mindless consumerism. [spoiler]So far, it hasn't worked.[/spoiler]

He gets things for free but he's still an applefag anyway.

have my magical upvote sir
return your mom's phone user

*integrals blocks your path**whips out serpent cock and bends you over*

true. he should've just played games.

Giving this amount of shits for a fucking phone.

so get a friend to help you out with studying? there are absolute fucking retards that don't know what an exponent is in my uni group and i'm going to graduate this summer. one dude doesn't even speak english.

Okay T-Series

>tfw high verbal iq but not jewish


There are entire marketing companies who are paid by Youtube channels whose job is to figure out how to maximize views. Ever wonder why LTT suddenly started making their thumbnails reaction faces with clickbait titles? A marketing company came up with that and advised them to do it to maximize view counts. It's the same with this channel.

>What's this guy's problem?
Either financial or mental.
Lack of money or attention. Possibly both.
People use "clickbait" titles which are like newspaper titles from another generation. They depend on your to buy the paper or in this case see their ads to get revenue and/or watch their view number go up. People depend on these things so they'll use desperation tactics for personal gain like that.
Just ignore them if it bothers you, in that case they get neither of what they're after, at least not from you.

Clickbaiters survive so do shills. Survival of the fittest. Sheeps think that best camera is the one that has too much exposure, overly bright image. Same thing here you end up with the loudest clickbaiter facial expression overdoer that memes which attract vulnerable children. Rich get richer. Views generate views.

You don’t need to speak English to be good at mathematics. The ancient middle eastern people’s were incredibly versed, and in some fields would have exceeded our current level of knowledge. Have you tried coming to an academic understanding with him? You might even earn more about the subject you’re learning by seeing it through the lens of another culture?

Too much free time

The point is that they wouldn't if you stopped giving them the attention. They're the opposite of fit and rich, they're dependent and desperate which is really just another way of saying they're fragile. Being dependent on a following that is easily manipulated is a very high risk that could collapse under you in moments. This happens regularly, although it's obviously easy to forget. Consider i.e. shane dawson, fred, jake paul, et al.
It's fleeting and unsustainable forever.

People like OP would do better to ignore them if they consider this a problem than bring attention to it.

when i say durvival of the fittest. I mean evolution theory. When I said rich get ticher i meant money makes money. I didnt say he is fit and rich. When you get 500k views you might go to trending which means you get passive increase in views just by being popular enough.

Sure but that's not really notable. It's legitimately the same as stocks, you can't predict the market. What's popular in this moment may not be the next, which is why they're not fit in that context. They have no stable foundation, either in the past or the present, the floor can disappear from under them since the trends can change. Even if they adopt the latest trends you end up in the same scenarios as other businesses
>but I did everything right and still failed
If you zoom out, the trend for this market is to be short lived. Most likely because it's not the tactics but the content, the novelty is the freshness of it, which fades over time.

In the specific case of YouTube what they do and don't promote is so wonky that people complain about it regularly so you can't even make the trending remark anymore. All this guy has to do is be arbitrarily and silently flagged by the algorithm and even his subscribers won't see his content in their feed.
What a bullshit platform. But I digress.

Now lets imagine 3 youtubers all get to trending one has meme and overdone facial expression. He gets clicks which result in subs. Now he has higher change to get to trending again. 2 other youtubers die out because not shill and clickbait. Youtube favors shills and clickbait not quality or anti corporate agenda.

What YouTube favors does not really matter long term. This is evident by the people who only use the site for its intended purpose, a bideo hosting platform, but get more money from external means than big name YouTube users.
For example the people who mainly get money from Twitch but upload highlights on YouTube. The people who make free videos with no ads but are supported via Patreon, etc.
Quality content is rewarded, and content is published on YouTube, but the reward doesn't have to come from YouTube ad revenue specifically or solely.
These people have been around before and will remain after some of the big YouTube dependent names.

>bideo hosting platform

Attached: spurdo74.png (248x169, 105K)

Kill yourself

I meant you rise and survive if your content attracts kids (dont fuck over your corporate funders). youtube algorithms only makes channel bigger (you stay big when you get big)

>all those seething zoomers


Kids like the title of his channel.

kinda looks like a recurring joke
dunno I don't watch tech youtubers

I got mad at this shit too, and these aren't even half of the thumbnails

Attached: 1.png (439x1042, 248K)


Attached: 2.png (451x1119, 272K)

marketing works like a charm on people with a negative iq

Heh, I almost dropout because of this but made it through having to take most calculus courses twice. Also made it through algorithms and data structures. College is way easier after all that crap.

>verbal iq
The fuck is that? Another made up measurement for brainlets to feel better about themselves?

If they get the same amount of money as other smarter, more talented people despite being retards, I'd say it's a pretty good deal. Almost a get rich quick scheme.

If you watched any of those you'd know the answer - he uses this phone exclusivity for two weeks to give his opinion afterwards.

I mean it's all subjective right.
I think the same thing about whores, but the general public dislikes them, either admitting that they're jealous or making up secondary reasons like purity etc.

I don't personally like to take the easy and exploitative road, but I'm not going to be mad at people who do. I understand where they're coming from. Not everyone wants to bust their ass only to be underappreciated anyway. May as well be a scumbag and get called one than not be a scumbag and be called one anyway.
At the same time, someone has to do real work, or the whole society collapses.

Headcrab LARPing faggot

Whores as a profession have been around for almost all of history, I don't think they're going away any time soon. But a large amount of them points to an unhealthy society, since whores aren't exactly the best caregivers for children, and the type of men who would use them usually don't form families of their own. And you need the family system in place to ensure that you don't have an unequal distribution of wealth, where the men gain an unfair advantage over women, who have to feed and care for both themselves and their children.
Also I'd say boosting the morale of the workers in a society counts as real, productive work, just like any other form of entertainment

Agreed on both points.
>But a large amount of them points to an unhealthy society
>boosting the morale of the workers in a society counts as real, productive work

sour grapes

imagine not being able to do an integral.
couldn't be me

t. assblasted zoomer

he's a jew

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I agree. Most hyped trash on YT.

t gay

Look at the view counts. He's not stupid; his viewers are stupid.

he knows what to do to bait clicks

i thought that he was making a point about the youtube trend of showing your face in every fucking video thumbnail in order to get more views and the impliations it has about psychology and society in general


The fact that shit like this keeps getting so many views after all those years blows my mind. Maybe misanthropes were right all along

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