Retro thread...go!

Retro thread...go!

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looks gay

old shit is gay

At least hide your samefagging better.

Look at the IP counter, newfag

Yeah your samefagging is very apparent from the IP counter cocksucker

>4 IPs
>6 posts
>4 of them by the same person
>1 of them OP
>leaving one unique post
don't skip math fag


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kys zoomer

I want an Amiga, but they are so expensive.

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Ah yes, nothing beats the thrill of playing all those wonderous US Gold/Tiertex/Ocean arcade ports on the real thing instead of emulation.

A500 are pretty affordable. Look at sold history @ ebay.

Got this the other day. My dream retro tech...

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I went to get an MRI done today and look at what I found:
A Sun Blade 2500 whirring away doing all the processing work!

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Is it true that Amiga means gf?

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A500s are also at least reliable and you don't have to worry about the motherboard getting eaten by the battery like on A2000/3000 machines.

Damn those blue barrel batteries, damn them to Hell.

It means "female friend" in Spanish.

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Replace the floppy drive with an HxC and get a line doubler so you can use a VGA monitor and that's basically all you need.

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How much did you pay?

The A500 was the cheap machine for gaming, the big box Amigas were the ones that people ran DP and Video Toaster on ie. the work boxes.

I payed $450

Yeah, that they are. At most you might need to re-seat the socketed ICs, as they like to push themselves out of their sockets. Silly enough, that's the most common issue they had, and some people would pronounce them dead because too dumb to figure it out.
I've got 2xA500r6, 1xA500+ (batt removed), 1xA1200, Vampire V500v2+ and Blizzard 1230mkIV.
I recommend the OSSC for connecting to modern displays.

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Not retro, but this one works with PCIe graphics cards if you add a powered riser to it.
Startech PCI1PEX1 PCI to PCIe adapter.
Bought mine to add an Optane module to a Sun Ultra Enterprise 250.

Attached: IMG_20190218_143611.jpg (2560x1920, 2.24M)

They're the single most reliable Amiga model, probably due to having the simplest design.

Eh. Most retro thing I have that still runs isn't really all that old; it's a 10" acer netbook with a 1024x600 resolution display. Recently managed to ditch running X at all on it and do everything in TTY. Ended up having to buy a Jow Forums pass because I couldn't get gpm to play nice with captchas though.

Amiga means "(female) friend" in Spanish

>pro quality 3D animation
misleading. Amigas hardware was only optimized for 2D / Sprite animation and lacked any 3d hardware support. That's why SGI was king in the 3d field in the 90s

>Replace the floppy drive with an HxC
Back in the day one of the worst things about Amigas was the inadequate hard disk support and having to swap 15 disks to run software and then one disk would get corrupted and you couldn't use it. Honestly, 3.5" floppies were never as stable or reliable as 5.25".

How well would the opposite work, PCIe to PCI?

Lightwave was a thing. It was a thing in the Amiga.
It later went on to become Blender, which eventually went open sauce. The rest is well known.

on Amiga
was purely cpu based with no OpenGL preview, only wireframe

Which made sense at a time and platform where 3d acceleration was non-existent.
Rendering would have to be done by software anyway.
But yes, once it became available, 3d accel was useful for previews.

There's lots of reports about those out there.
Apparently most graphics cards work fine, some PCI sound cards have IRQ issues (just like on a regular PCI system) and some straight up don't work.
What I don't understand is why the hell the PCIe to PCI adapters are so damn cheap, and why there are so many options available, while pretty much the only PCI to PCIe adapters available are two models from Startech at $40 for the PCI to PCIe x1 version and $120 for the PCI-X to PCIe x4 one.
Both kinds of adapters use the same chipset, too, since it can work both ways. I don't get it.

The best Amiga games are all the stuff that is designed for a keyboard/mouse. Arcade ports were mostly a waste of time and it had very few platformers that were worth playing.

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im so sad this isn't real...

why did you have to break my heart?

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Lmao what a shitty idea, i fucking hate Pajeet renders.

i fuckin hope you didn't

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Paying for HxC is unnecessary now. Get FlashFloppy instead.

I unironically like playing shitty arcade ports. they make me feel nostalgic

>tfw no trap gf to go to e-recycle/thrift stores and finding retro treasures together
why even leave

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I still have my old Amigas and Video Toaster boards. Shaped my career, payed my bills, got me jobs in TV and later feature film work.

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Sure and bye means no in Japanese.

>on Amiga
>was purely cpu based with no OpenGL preview, only wireframe
OpenGL didn't even exist when Lightwave was a thing

>paying for Hxc when you can rice out a gotek for peanuts

Attached: this kills the HxC.jpg (1517x1138, 1.27M)

Like pretty much all stuff at the time except the SGI stuff with accelerators. We got good by learning how to animate with stand-ins and bounding boxes.

Time to fire up Lightwave and re-render those old B5 shots in HD.

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>used to hang out with a girl(female) who was into old books and retro tech
>we used to spend all day going to thrift stores looking for gems, swimming around in old crap
>we sometimes found old records and brought them to my house, then did lewd stuff while we listened to them
>we used to record our findings with an old VHS camera
>tfw she turned into a junkie and is probably dead by now, but I still have the tapes
Just kill me.

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thats so sad user

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Sorry for bumping with macshit, but I don't want this thread to die

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Despite what you've been told, Quadras were good machines. They covered pretty much the entire Desktop publishing market at one point.

>Quadra 950
I know this will trigger amigafags, but the Quadra 950 is simply the best '040 machine ever made. If you don't like the Mac OS you can even slap netBSD or even GNU/Linux on it.

Good, but still can't keep up with accelerated and extended Amigas when it comes to graphics and video production. I've seen it myself.

you've ocme to the wrong image board liberal

No doubt, but that's mainly because the Amigas have shitloads of modern accelerators available. You can even slap a PowerPC G4 in an Amiga if you really try. If you limit yourself to "period-correct" accelerators, the Quadra 950 will destroy any Amiga in terms of graphics. Video not so much, due to the lack of video production hardware for NuBus machines.

Nope. Even the expensive fully loaded "period-correct" accelerators will do that. But anyways that was stuff that's so far out of the reach of normies, price-wise. The last upgrade to my A4000 in '94 was almost as expensive as the new Alpha I got a few months later...
and performance wise it ran circles around everything.

Sadly not. Amiga 4000 with a 040 will blow it away.
Unless you use a 3rd party graphic adapter, WHICH Amigas could have too.

t. huge macfag

>If you limit yourself to "period-correct" accelerators, the Quadra 950 will destroy any Amiga in terms of graphics.
Wrong again, don't know why you have to lie to make an amazing machine like the 950 look better.
Both machines had period correct upgrades at the time, expanding their capabilities hugely, even simple '040 chipping.
The Quadra 950 had no graphics acceleration whatsoever from factory, it relied entirely on the CPU for that. Even the Quadra 605 had 2D acceleration.

They were the higher end lineup. Best Apple had to offer.

Depends what we compare. A Quadra 950 at the time was 7000 USD and an Amiga 4000 was 3000 USD.
Neither computer was meant for "normies", but the Amiga had a lot of budget over compared to the 950 for further upgrades if you wished so.

I want proof of this.
Seriously, as much as I might be a macfag, I'd really like to be proven wrong on this one.
Also, what about UNICES? The 950 could run A/UX. Which, as much as it is dismissed these days, was considered a serious UNIX in its time.
But 2D accelerated NuBus cards were available, don't those fall under the acceleration and extension category?

>But 2D accelerated NuBus cards were available, don't those fall under the acceleration and extension category?
Both Amiga and Macintosh had graphics cards you could use, turning that period.

As an oldfag who worked with pretty much everything due to my jobs I have to say that the whole "Mac is for artists" meme pretty much ended in the mid 90s. They weren't bad or anything, just too expensive for what they offered.

I need some 3D printer people
who could I contact to send them the shell of a 701C to have the entire thing reproduced?

Ive got an AMD X-5 board and it works, but the rest of the unit is trashed. Keyboard and screen are in decent shape.

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these are some of the worst designed machines of all time for longevity
the rubberized coating gets sticky, the plastic is super brittle and the batteries leak and destroy the entire thing
ive got pretty much the rarest internals for any retro laptop there is, but the shell is beyond restoration

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>I want proof of this.
In what form? As this discussion is from factory. If we talk about '040 Amiga 4000's (not '060 that were available from factory) and Quadra 950, the 950 was clocked higher but relied entirely on the CPU for everything, while the 4000 was clocked lower but could offload to chipset. They even out pretty well. If we compared a 4000 with the same clocked '040 than a 950, the 4000 will actually run Mac OS (which it could do) faster than the 950.

>Also, what about UNICES? The 950 could run A/UX. Which, as much as it is dismissed these days, was considered a serious UNIX in its time.
Both can run UNIX, also GNU/Linux and BSD. There was also official Amiga Unix called Amix, which was used in places like NASA if I recall correctly.
A/UX wasn't that popular though, these days it's one of the harder Unixes from the time to find software and support for.

I remember getting an Alpha, Raptor series I think, and afterwards sold all my older stuff. That thing ate Pentium Pro workstations for breakfast. Win NT, Lightwave 4.0, Photoshop, lightning fast on that box.

Maybe I was wrong. How about software support? Did the Amiga get as much 3rd-party software as the Macs? Did Shapeshifter really run that well? Was it as (un)stable as a Mac?
>There was also official Amiga Unix called Amix
Did not know that either. I'll look it up.
Thanks for the serious reply by the way, usually as soon as Amigas are mentioned these discussions tend to turn into shit-flinging contests.

>Maybe I was wrong.
I'd say it's more like, in '040 terms, both were pretty equal from factory but also had lot of 3rd party expansions, even at that period. Both even got PowerPC upgrades, which Apple went to use for their newer Macintoshes anyways.
Both had pretty good software support, Macintoshes strength was always publishing and photo manipulation (with Amiga being more for drawing instead) though.
Shapeshifter was pretty usable I'd say, on a equal or faster Amiga, it can easily outperform native Macintosh hardware, any crashes like on a Macintosh would have been the fault of the software or OS/extension bugs. This shoudn't be so surpricing though, since you still used official ROMs and still ran natively on the Motorola 68k ISA.

The 950 is still a beast of a Macintosh though. Too bad it doesn't support memory interleaving, making some configurations of Quadra 650s and 800s even faster and the 605 having a 2D accelerated graphics chipset on-board, which other Quadras had to have on a NuBus card, if you wanted the same options. Marathon had 2D acceleration support for example.

>not owning a professional video monitor

into the trash it goes

We got a working Apple IIe from ‘86 if anyone wants a pic.

Why not? Shoot.

What model is it?

>Imagine the butthurt

wow kill me. The fucking meme won

Its not plugged in or I wouldve turned it on.

Attached: F692EC37-0F9E-497E-A792-FDD2651E4CC9.jpg (4032x3024, 1.83M)

is that a blue color filter in from of the crt ?
if so thats fucking disgusting

>what is white balance

Looks like an iMac.

That's a IIgs user, they are a lot nicer than a IIe.
Very neat though.

Attached: 593ll7ial5h21.jpg (640x632, 56K)

Boy howdy are those some huge fucking bezels amigo.

did you retr0brite it or is it just well-conserved?

That's a real battle station

retro threads deserve bumps

that is a ridiculously cyberpunk story, right down to her becoming a junkie

With a real battle bride

At least it utilizes some of that space usefully by putting speakers into it.

Oh there was a girl in that picture.
Didn't even notice.


where did you get this umi

You render it
Unless you mean for real, reverse image search, it's there

Currently restoring an old Pentium and reviewing its options. The L2 cache is soldered but it's 256k of sync with a 32k tag which can cache 128mb in WT or 64mb in WB at 66mhz so it should be good enough.

Attached: mb8500tac-a cache section.jpg (1740x2320, 1.51M)

Some chucklefuck before I got it configured it for 512k, which it clearly doesn't have.
Plus a second jumper hanging off JP10 because why the fuck not.

Attached: mb8500tac-a cache settings.jpg (1024x768, 270K)

Check the chips?