Cheap Windows 10 serial numbers

The ones that are 20-30usd. Where's the catch?

Attached: windows-10-14328-580797c43df78cbc285096a1.png (768x512, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stolen money used.
OEM keys.

Use windows 10 without key it works.
Get linux.

The catch: you have to use Windows

>The ones that are 20-30usd.
They're $5 off ebay

>OEM keys
Why is that a problem?

Why buying at all if KMSpico exists?

Stolen duplicates?

Yes when I have to use Win 10 to make the invoices and erp shit with the software provided by the Ministry of Finances I shall use a trojan something something. Because it's not enough for Micro$oft to see my personal data but I want the 300 pound Chinese hacker known as Jow Forums to know it too.

>Where's the catch?
That the FBI is gonna pay you a visit.

I believe you 100%

10 USD, I don't know what's the trick.

Attached: Annotation 2019-03-09 031555.png (1195x592, 95K)

They pulled those used OEM keys from somewhere.
If you're lucky maybe they pulled it from an old similar rig as yours that's for the same region and they only sold it to you.
If you're unlucky, they're selling it over and over again to people in different regions and in a few weeks or months, your computer is unauthenticated and the key is blacklisted and you end up no different from just installing win10 without a key anyways so why waste the money

I personally am still using win7/8 keys I pulled from my companies retired machines to authenticate win10 with no problems for years now.

The tech support company i worked for used to do that for our clients, until M$ threatened legal action and shook down a couple clients. Apparently you can get away with pirating for personal use, but if you use cracked windows in a professional setting you risk M$ coming for a slice of the pie.

Linux users epic trolling Microsoft by reselling 100+ bucks keys at 10 bucks.

This is true and also no only a Microsoft thing. Every proprietary software company does this. You use and cracked or pirated copy at home on a personal computer, they don't give a shit; in fact it helps them; more people using their software means more people entering the workforce preferring their software; but the moment you use that pirated copy or even "free for personal use" software on a corporate computer, you'll be contacted by their lawyers or your company will be at least

Students of IT universities can get them from their MSDNAA system for free.
Anytime microsoft may decide to revoke keys distributed this way then you boom lose your investment.

Never ever pay for windows, not even a dollar.


Buying some poorfag (stolen) license is just as niggerlicious. It's better to just use an activator at this point.
>but muh spyware
Don't be a hypocrite, you already don't care about spyware if you use winshit 10 or any winshit of last decade.

The catch is they're likely using keygens to get the keys which you can do for free and not for cheap.

The catch is you're wasting $30 when you can use the Windows 7/8 key on your old laptops to install Windows 10

Also this
If you buy a licence - you are a cuck.
If you use an activator - you are a nigger.
If you buy a shady poorfag licence you are a cuck AND nigger

M$ won’t do anything when it comes to windows keys, office on the other hand is a completely different story.

Yes it's something like that here too.

Fucking great.


You know the old adage, if a deal's too good to be true it probably is? Well, let's think about people who appear to be selling a product for ~10% of its actual retail value

I checked official store it said Win 10 pro is 240eur with taxes included. Fml half a laptop.

Bought a W10 Pro 3 years ago for 4€ on ebay from a chinese dude. Delivered in 10 mins and never had a problem with it so I guess you're fine. Just look for the sellers with the most stars

that's because the laptop manufacturer pays the price for a Windows licence, which is in turn paid for by all the crapware installed on the machine

Just use HWIDGen, seriously why would you buy a license unless you're a business

Microsoft are selling them on amazon for £5.50

Attached: hhh.png (765x413, 129K)

does ltsc also work indefinitely or will I have to activate it?

That's not really Microsoft, Amazon is weird
If it was really MS they'd get the branding right (like "Professional" with the first letter capitalised instead of "pro")

You have to crack it

>using LTSC because spyware telemetry nyaargh
>also, how to i break open the security features of this funamental part of my computer, to make it more convenient to use without paying for it
does not compute

Bought Windows 7, 10 and office 2016 keys for around 5-10€ from some secondhand Amazon Jews.
All of them work perfectly fine, although you might get problems activating the office keys a second time if you reinstall Windows. There's no real catch besides that.

>unless you're a business
This is the thing why I started the thread. Fml 15yo pajeet brainlets everywhere.

I believe you 100%

I believe you 200%

Well if you're a business, using a cheap key is just as illegal because they're one of these Theese cheap keys will "work" in the sense that it won't nag you to activate, but the terms of service don't allow it for reselling and shit
See this video:

Bought key for 3€ couple years ago and still working.

Why would I lie to you?

Attached: snibeti snab - Copy.png (641x847, 158K)

>install Windows 10
>use the Windows 7 key
It's that simple.

>unironically paying for Windows 10

Grab a key from Wikileaks. There were a bunch of them in the Vault 7 leak.

Can't tell if troll.

Attached: 1379370994001.jpg (320x240, 13K)

Just use KMS38 and permanently activate Windows with a digital license.

Just download the fucking official ISO and try it

EU law allows second hand market in keyz. I us3 them all the time and there’s jack shit Nutella can do about it

OEM keys.
Never had problems whit them.

It's true. I bought a X220 and and installed Win10 on it and it activated without issues using the Win7 license key under the battery.

Big corporations always lease laptops for their employees. After leasing period ends, the company that leased them sells laptops on second-hand market without operation system, and can resell Windows OEM keys. You usually need to call Microsoft to re-activate that key.

There are no keygens that can actually create a valid microsoft product key' you dumb retarded moronic idiot.

The keys sold for cheap are from msdn, bizspark, technet, or any other program microsoft offers to people starting to dev with a new business.

They take a big risk selling those keys, and they most likely sell the same key multiple times, which will eventually get revoked by Microsoft.

the catch is windows 10 is free,but not libre