A bugman in my course remarked on me not being signed in to google on my laptop...

A bugman in my course remarked on me not being signed in to google on my laptop, then smugly asked me how I can be against using Google products if the AOSP code (ie the code used in all custom android roms) is written by google.
How do I respond to this?

Attached: 1543460991601.png (644x800, 21K)

"Mind your own fucking business or I will break your neck."

Get a BlackBerry.

Because that code is open source.

"Toxic masculinity is not tolerated at this institution, I'm afraid I will be suspending your privileges pending an investigation by our senior leadership team."

privacy drones like you are bugmen

"Being a nosy and condescending prick is against Western society's unwritten rules. Prepare to have another asshole torn into your body by my masculinity."

Ask him how can he be a bugmen but against the Tiannamen Square

Won't stop you from sucking carrots through a straw for the rest of your life, at best.

"fuck off"

what's a bugman?

"AOSP code is open source, but nearly every web service Google offers runs closed source code. That and society expects nearly every person they keep contact with to have a smartphone."

>A bugman
a what

"I didn't choose the botnet, it chose me"

Asian soulless people

Attached: rook_at_me_im_the_captain_naow.webm (388x368, 824K)


Some unaboomer looking fucker made a video talking about what he thinks the term means and now every translucent basement dweller uses it to describe anything they don't like

>t. bugman


Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.jpg (444x420, 57K)

Tell him to shuddup

>not being signed in to google == against using Google
call him a retard