Mac users have the clap

>Mac users have the clap
You can't make this shit up.

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Someone did and you read it and thought we'd give a fuck.

>t. macfag


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So... don't connect unknown devices on it?

yeah, but in srs, wtf would type their banking login into an ifruit?
>somewhere in the deep night, 10,000 faggots screamed. The World went on as normal.

It affects everyone with Thunderbolt.
But putting Apple in your headline guarantees clickthroughs. You were obviously fished in by that.

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Evil maid attack.


You are using it wrong. Cable connection is experimental and should not be used. Apple devices have nothing wrong with them.

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Reminded me of this delusional macfag from almost a decade ago...

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more like intelcels

>Windows 10 version 1803 also protects against the vulnerability on a firmware level for newer devices.

Apple is responsible for Thunderbolt to some degree, and they make it their duty to only have thunderbolt ports. Intel is also to blame, but they don't force their partners to use it (at least until USB4 lmao).

mac shirt needs trannie rainbow colors

The touchbar is just hideous. Job's would never let that shit fly.

Or an ill-fitting, pink leotard.

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Yeah, because Jobs personally created, designed, hand-soldered and packaged every Apple product, right?

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No, but Jobs was what you might term a fairly effective one man QA team, especially in matters of design. This conflicted somewhat at times with functionality, usually to the detriment of the latter - 'I fucking hate fans' being an example. However, as prev user noted, pig-ugly garish shite of dubious value like 'The Touch Bar' would indeed Not Get Past Jobs, esp not on what is now, after all, maybe Applels top-line product. Indeed, it could fairly be claimed, Applel have done very little since Dead Jobs but produce pig-ugly shite, whether 'new' product- various crap ending in -tch, or, as here, simply bolting-on some garish tat to existing, given their complete absence of innovation otherwise. Tim likes bright colors, y'see, Jobs being more of a monochrome guy

Jobs is exactly the type of retard to shill the emojibar as some revolutionary technological breakthrough.

Reminder that USB4 most likely will also have DMA as it will be based on thunderbolt.

>Satania, leave Intel to me

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he would at least provided with some kind of haptic response when touchbar gets pressed

>Mac users

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What mac is that?

a big mac

If someone has physical access to your device you might as well have lost in terms of security.

t. mactoddler

Not necessarily. Currently, to extract information from a password-locked, disk-encrypted laptop, even if you get to it when it's on, you need disassembly and some CIA tier hardware tools; this Thunderbolt exploit can potentially reduce this to a TB-TB cable and a piece of software.

Mr. Tim Clap

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>Mac got the clap
>Mac got the jack

>the chad mac user

>have to compare computer problems to STDs because its the only thing macfags can relate to

is that luke on the right?

>tfw macbook but have never used thunderbolt

Very based

this '-gate' shit was getting old tho, and they near been thro every variation. I greatly await the equivalents of AirpodAids, iXSHerpesPlus, and so on


I hate this meme. Both Windows and Mac OS are proprietary, but at least Mac OS is unix-like. It's got ssh, vim, emacs, and more out of the box. I don't understand how anyone who seriously uses GNU/Linux could think Windows is better than Mac OS.

So this is just the security problems Firewire had, rehashed all over again?

kys macfag nigger

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i meant for

>t. tim apple
apple is literally the most cancerous entity in the industry, even more so than java

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not an argument
seriously, though. I don't own any apple hardware or even use a hackintosh, I'm just being logical here. I am convinced that these memes that imply Windows is better than Mac OS are just made by Windows users and they say GNU/Linux is better due to insecurity and to cover up the true agenda