Pics of my waifu because my entire mlp folder wouldn't fit.
my entire picture folder of course
im calling the police
my entire music collection, recompressed as 60kbps Opus so it will fit
I already do that and I keep data I wouldn't want to lose. I have backup of course but they're both at home and thus susceptible to theft, fire and the like. Mostly passwords, pics and such.
>live Linux, possibly systemrescueCD or something of that caliber
>if possible another distro, my recommendation here is tails
>if possible yet another distro, but this time one for everyday use
>games (warband, for example, works on almost anything)
>documents (encrypted if you need)
>software you might need for work
>propaganda material like pic related
>self-contained server to host all that shit when plugged in
>movies and books in case you get really bored
>private keys
>small amount of hentai
Tons of ISOs for my modded PS2
tails or heads. maybe qubes. systemrescueCD. keep next to your yubikey.
no joke, friend gave me a 256 mb ram stick in middleschool with a hole drilled in the top to wear as part of our clique.