Do how I make instal Ubuntu on PC laptop?

do how I make instal Ubuntu on PC laptop?

Attached: 1024px-Ubuntu_18.10.png (300x169, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


install gentoo

apology for poor english

when were you when richard stallman dies?

i was sat at home installing arch when linus ring

‘richa is kill’


good sir please byy microsoft windows thank you

Sudo apt install ubuntu

What's your first language


Fiero with a bodykit.

recognize country me too
hello says !! uwu

ubuntu trash like dog next door
have fun with more distro others

stallman alive like ET BOY!
poor joke in taste
am now sad.

Attached: drawyou.webm (734x396, 436K)

Why won't you just do the needful instead sir?

Attached: pajeetware.jpg (590x350, 15K)

do you poo in the loo

English See you any bad thing with English of mine?

I think I lost a few braincells just teasing your response.
linuxconfig. org/how-to-install-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver

obunto is for faga install fedora for real free software programs, no proprietary spionage, all libre.

for make install you need to open a terminal in a folder containing a Makefile with a install label

Install kubuntu or xubuntu instead of buggy and heavy gnome

Agreed. Ubuntu also forces updates on you, I found no way to disable them. Xubuntu does not [can't speak for Kubuntu, I haven't tried it].

PMd you the tuto :)

delete system 32 then the installation should begin automatically

>move ubuntu to a flashdrive
>stick flashdrive up your ass
>grab a fork
>start licking a usb port on your PC
>stick fork in a nearby outlet to power your tounge

> Ubuntu also forces updates on you, I found no way to disable them
I believe you didn't look.
cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades
APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";
#APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";
1st line is for update, 2nd line is for upgrade.