The future of bant

Does it have one? It’s currently falling on its arse. Should we help save bant, or shall we contribute to its well deserved death? You decide.

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Nah let it die,

yes, and it's full of frogs

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Your newfag is showing

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my shitposts... and my memes... even my /comfy/ threads. The board I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.

I've been here since Jow Forums first was create, since the days when people were hyping it up as "the new /b/". Now look what it has become! Faggotry and weeabooery have completely taken over this once great board.

Please, someone, convince me to not move back to /b/.

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I made this because I am bored.

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Seriously tho mate. How can anyone be a newfag on bant, considering bant is the freshest board on 4chin?

Fuck off back to /b/ you moralfag slag

Okay, real talk. This board is a never-ending roller coaster stuck on the path from being moderately shit to overwhelmingly shit, and frankly, I blame all the autistic anime posters for turning the place into a cancerous circlejerk, avatarfagging namefags, and salty reportfagging krauts who police the sub like watchdogs.

Because of you three groups, good posters like the Tunisian Ghibli poster are possibly gone for good. I don't mind a little shitposting here and there, but with your irrational childish behaviors and your lack of moderation, you're the only ones who are ruining the board for the current posters and future posters.

I'd tell you to sort your shit or fuck off, but who am I kidding, this entire site is a haven for menchildren and I know that you'll just double down on your cancerous behavior after you read this post.

I only wanted to share my mind on this subject, and now that I'm done doing so, I no longer give a damn.

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That’s what Moot once said about Jow Forums lol

I'm not sure either. It's almost impressive how you manage to be such a newfag.


Thanks mate. I prefer the term freshcunt tho


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Still got it

I like how you triggered fags feel the need to scream "muh Jow Forums" and "muh site invasion". It's like you phone posters don't realize that this is not a Weeb site. We do not need a manga board and all the NEETs pushing for Loli boards need to take a break from this site.

In fact over 30 of the boards on this site are non-weeb boards, kinda BTFO's all the "Jow Forums is anime" supporters if you ask me. I think it's time to stop shit posting.

Frogposters are not cancer, but anime posters are. It's fine if you wanna sperg out and delete Jow Forums but there are a bunch of us here who just want to discuss politics and Jow Forums in a meta fashion.

I'm also really sick of all this avatarfagging that you shills keep doing. It's like all you normies just want to post memes on the secret club so you come to Jow Forums for "ebin gets" and gayposting.

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Fuck off back to Jow Forums cunt

cant believe im agreeing with a cirnofag for once

Why do you faggots post as user? Become a namefag and grow a dick. Pussies.

Seriously has Jow Forums been replaced by reddit and normal populations, I see anime pics but I’m not sure if the posters originated from elsewhere on the Internet or here

I’m quite worried about this

Please comfort me Jow Forums

We aren’t replaced right?

It is as I predicted, civil war has come to bant, the number of gay posters has skyrocketed, but it is not over for us!
I come to you now, at the turn of the tide, with hope that we can do to these gay posters what we did to those frog posters so many months ago.
I cannot lead a weak army though, you need to be strong, you need to be meticulous, you need to have faith.
The coming and certain nameposters on bant will be like the falling of small stones that start an avalanche. There is a great power sleeping within Bant and this avalanche will awaken it.

I know I have left you but I am back, and we are stronger then ever! So my brothers, fight the gay posters! Do not stop until every poster is dead!

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Somethings not legit

See, this is why I never browse Jow Forums. One link. I clicked on one fucking link and this is what I get. I tried having an open mind. Don't adhere to one board, they said. It's an anonymous website, they said. You can never know who might be on the other end of a conversation. But here I do. Anyone with even a modicum of intelligence can see at a glance that this board is filled with nothing but common rabble and deadbeat teenagers. Even on anonymous boards, you can easily pick out the people worth talking to, as long as you have the brain capacity for it. And on Jow Forums, sadly, those people are nowhere to be seen. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going back to Jow Forums to actually talk about things that matter. You guys keep wasting your life. But mark my words. One day, you will look back on this time in your life. And you will be sorry. Sorry you've wasted all this time with this absolute nonsense. While merely a click away, was a place filled with enlightened people, discussing our methods of actually changing the world. Through the trifecta of cyberwarfare, social media, and good old politics, we strive to make all of your lives better, day in, day out. Yes, we don't work for ourselves. We work for all of you. For the good of all mankind. Something your tiny brains will never be able to comprehend. No need to thank us, kiddos. We're just doing our jobs.

Wow. You’re based as fuck.

Hi, today i will pretend in this thread that Jow Forums was ever at any point in time actually good, and that somehow this is not the case anymore.

remember when we had that type of forced meme and that recurring copypasta and those recognizible posters and that type of spam threads flooding the board?
well now it has all gone to shit because we now have other types of forced meme and other recurring copypastas and other recognizible posters and other types of spam threads flooding the board.

truly, these are dark times for r/banter, this will be where i take my leave, but at least i take solace in the fact that my blogpost will surely have a significant impact on the board's development.

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Once upon a midnight dreary, making shitposts weak and weary,
Over many a queer and dubious trainwreck of forgotten board,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly I saw a trapping,
Which got me gently fapping, fapping at a sissy whore.
`'Tis some twink,' I muttered, `fapping at this sissy whore -
Traps aren't gay, and nothing more.'

Ah, distinctly I doth rember it was in the bleak December,
And each time I saw some member spamming the shit out of my board.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From r/banter surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the shitpost war -
For the rare and radiant funpost whom the britbongs spammed with gore -
Anonymous here for evermore.

And the grinning kot's uncertain rustling of the janny's jimmies
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic mirth never felt before;
But now, to still the beating of my meat, I stood repeating
`'Tis some newfag entreating entrance at my image board -
Some late newfag entreating entrance at my image board; -
It was very clear he should lurk more,'

Presently boredom grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
`Sir,' said I, `or Madam (male), your removal I implore;
But the fact is I was posting, and so gently you came boasting,
And so faintly you were posting, dumb frogs in my image board,
That I scarce was sure you've been here even at all before.
Stop posting here and lurk some more.'

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Deep into r/banter peering, long I stood there gloating, cheering,
Trolling, baiting burgers no mortal ever dared to bait before;
Yet their ranks remained unbroken, and their education gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered, `Yuropoor!'
This they whispered, and an echo cried back, `Yuropoor!'
But they still get shot forever more.

Back into the gay thread turning, all my rage within me burning,
Soon again I saw roleplaying some more obnoxious than before.
`Surely,' said I, `surely that is something from a Discord cancer;
Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; -
'Tis Singapore and nothing more!'

Open here Troid flung the shitter, when, with many memes and twitter,
In there dumped a load of imptrash from the Jow Forums containment board.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with memes of jews or staceys, perched atop my image board -
Unfunny cancer dumped all across my image board -
'Twas Reddit-tier and nothing more.

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Then these cringelords beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of their countenance it wore,
`Though thy posts seem wellbehaven, thou,' I said, `art much too craven.
As no amount of luls or common sense is emitted from your board -
Don't spam another wojak meme we've seen it all before
Quoth the Jow Forumstards, 'duuurrr race war'

Much I marvelled at this ungainly lack of discourse oh so plainly,
Clearly their answers little meaning - little relevancy they bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet were as retarded as the people in the board next door -
Crying about internet drama worse than feminazis ever done before
'Tmust be Reddit-tier and nothing more.

But Jow Forums's spirit, stifled by the newfag cancer, did show itself,
In that one board, as if its soul in that one board it did outpour.
Nothing interesting it muttered - twas all nonsense r/banter uttered -
Yet faintly I felt a sense of longing for the lulzy days of yore -
And sense that was what other Jow Forumsicoots were also looking for.
If asked to leave my answer is undoubtedly `Nevermore.'

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shut up retard