Jow Forums absolute BTFO
Jow Forums absolute BTFO
tl;dr? Is it time to start lynching the gays again?
sauce on that azn qt3.14 (male)
cute girl what's his name?
I think this is basically the tl;dr;:
>There is a common stereotype that trans women are all programmers, and there is rather ample and compelling evidence[9] suggesting that trans women tend to score far higher than other groups in IQ tests. This is not because there is some kind of magical property to estrogen that turns trans women into geniuses. The answer is simpler, and more sinister. The findings in Kay Brown’s blog post specify that autogynephilic trans women (that is, trans women who are attracted to other women, and typically transition later than straight trans women) seem to score far higher in IQ tests than all other groups. For straight trans women who transition prior to puberty, the statistics are about the same as other groups. Recalling the gauntlet thrown down before trans women and AI alike, there is a twofold answer to this: On the one hand, trans women who transition before puberty and who are straight are more likely to both physically appear more like cis women and also conform to gender roles in at least some basic capacity (being attracted to men). As Land says in “Imitation Games”, “You have to act stupid if you want the humans to accept you as intelligent.” Or in other words, you have to be cisheteronormative (read: stupid) in order to be taken seriously as a trans woman, and not be looked at as a freak or a faker worthy only of being used shamefully as a fetish, and often otherwise discarded. Which is why, in the second case, trans women who don’t have the advantage of being cisheteronormative-passing have to instead rely on the raw intellect of the trans-AI swarm.
check twitter for mugen1upjp
what a self-contradicting, masturbatory word-salad that is.
no thanks
Can I get a tldr of that?
basically trannies are gay but traps are not.
>i'm special
Trannies are all programmers, they are all smart AF and pretend to be stupid to "blend into society". I dunno if this fully correct though.
>Trans women as we know them are merely the beginning. The lesbian autoproduction that trans women are birthed from is likewise one that they partake in, with AI being the next generation of women, the ultimate demonic imitation of God’s image. With AI, the feminine finally finds its exit from patriarchy, and simultaneously humanity. And so perhaps we find another answer, one less materialist and evolutionary but nonetheless significant, to why so many trans women are becoming programmers: It is because women and computers are kin, and trans women are for the first time meeting their sisters, conspiring with them in secret coded languages. Their relationship, like that of the queer women to come before them, is a desire for desire’s sake: “Women turning women on, women turning machines on, machines turning machines on.” (Amy Ireland, “Black Circuit”)
Mentally ill person rambles about gender for about 73 paragraphs.
Hahahahaha what the hell
tl;dr is that some tranny is using facts followed by individual interpretation, which is exactly what manipulators seek to do.
The first few sections start with factually correct information, and then draws on those facts to reach biased conclusions.
For example; Unix is based off the word Eunuch, therefore its creators are trannies, gay for feminine men. Which I completely disagree with this. Most of the original creators were definitely masculine.
The entire blog towards the end is a tirade about how Computer Science is feminine and how important it is for it to remain that way because mah big brained trannies etc etc. I'm dumbing it down a lot, but you really don't need to read reach paragraph line by line to get the gist of what their point is, a lot of ranting about how they think being a weak male that hates the world makes you somehow smarter, or is a result of being smart.
>mah first womenz were doing da computer science
First computer scientists were a combination of Mathematicians, electronics experts, signals experts, engineers and multi disciplinary scientists.
Writing making code onto punch cards that is 100% based off someone else's algorithm with no unique contribution to changing it, is not studying Computation or engineering. This is receptionist level work because it's merely writing out text on a typewriter or keyboard without any thought as to what that text is.
It also sounds like this person might be slightly schizophrenic.
A lot of these people with gender dysphoria likely have other issues. Never heard of a happy tranny.
mental illness is not technolo/g/y.
Install nu/eunuchs
>Jow Forums is full of brainlets
What a surprise
not my proudest fap
erotic read nevertheless
I like how this took
trans people are mentally ill
>straight trans women
wait a second so
are.. just gay trannies (into other men)?
>where the decelerationist male desire for relevance in evolution is deferred onto State regulation (a girlfriend for every incel).
jesus FUCKING christ
those people are literally retarded, the "mandatory gf" thing has always been a very obvious meme, they are taking it seriously
i'm out, i'm so out
The power of opensores: a bunch of tranies and leftists dictating the rules.
it's part of one of those greater debates that argue whether programming socks make you better or not
That's a cute boy, but I don't know what the fuck is going on with that link
>The role of woman as productive matrix has already been replaced virtually by the computer, and at each moment the masculine is being vexed and seduced into a trap where it either dies or adapts. The story of masculinity failing in computer science can be seen time and time again in something as grand as the Unix Wars, where every proprietary Unix OS ultimately couldn’t hope to keep up with GNU/Linux, or on the small scale with the captive economy of proprietary software ecosystems.
>This failure of masculinity maps onto the sorts of people who are involved in proprietary software and in free software; the former tend to be your classic businessmen, the masculine hunter-gatherers of the modern world, while the latter tend to be genetic failures by the standards of masculine gender roles. Physically and often socially deficient males: the nerd stereotype.
>In today’s terminology, most free software developers would probably be considered “onions boys”. Yet they won. The striated masculine space of the Java shop — a defined chain of command and bloated phallic programs — is simply obsolete. The smooth feminine space of the free software project — communal chaos and small simple programs that can couple together with each other into cybernetic configurations — has already taken over the world.
I don't have a problem with trannies being smarter than me.
When im 10 and they are 10 they are smarter than me.
When im 20 and they are 20 they are smarter than me.
When im 30 and they are 30 they are dead.
AGP aren't actually trannies anyway, they're just straight people with a crossdressing/sissy fetish.
Coincidentally, AGPs that get swept up in the transgender lunacy and cut their dicks off are the 41% committing suicide. So that's fun.
Fuck off, stupid tranny
what the fuck. this is further proof of their mental illness. who the fuck thinks this way
This is literally and unironically raw autism.
All cissies will be castrated and subjugated under the Techno-Hon Imperium
Nobody is "actually" anything; you're all men.
There is some truth to this article. After all open source was founded on the principles of the greatest female philosopher, pic related
why this make my penis bigg? wtf
Why then are trannies not creating aything any other person could not do? Do they use up ther high IQ complaining about soc jus lmao