Be Jow Forumstard

>be Jow Forumstard
>walk into lecture with thinkpad
>everyone around you pointing and giggling
>the professor signals the class to be quiet "Okay, you're going to have to get into groups for a programming assignment this semester."
>the Jow Forumstard is visibly nervous, sweat dripping down his forehead
>"Hey user, glad you grouped up with us, we heard you were a great programmer. We've set up a github repo, I'll send you an invite."
>"Huh? What's that user?"
>the Jow Forumstard grows visibly red with anger
>"Woah, slow down, user. Why would we use that when everyone knows how to use github? Trust me, this way's easier. We can get our work for the day done and then go grab some beers!"
>Jow Forumstard drops out of college

Adding a requirement for social competence to CS was the best thing unis and companies have ever done. Incels BTFO

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ummm, seethe harder, sweetie :)

trannies deserve the rope

Jow Forumstards deserve academic probation so I can watch them cry about it on those anti-SJW forums :)

who uses the word "keked"

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Hiroshimao and his hardon for censorship

Things that never happened: The post.
Stay mad normalfag.

Ha, my T400 has idle fan and idles at 30 with a X9100 and doesnt turn on till 50°C.

I assume every other part of OP is true, though.

They removed the censor for "cucked" ages ago though. What kind of retarded explicitly types "keked"?

>word filters
i'm a zoomer and even i know this shit has been around on imageboards forever, go back election scum

The sweating part is true, everything else not really.
The average Jow Forumstard would be trying to explain how his thinkpad running arch is better than any of their laptops and trying to tell others what and how do it even if its in github.

No they didn't. Do it in all caps.

Just because one can work and eat lunch with a tranny/crossdresser coworkers with a smile on their face doesn't mean they won't be the first in line to empty a gas canister on those freaks' heads and light that purifying fire to rid those abominations from this Earth when the time comes.

I'm just saying.

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>be OP of this thread
>accuse anyone else of being mad
Linus lives rent-free in your head.

Its more nervous fumbling of words holding eye contact for too long or avoiding it all together.

>>the professor signals the class to be quiet "Okay, you're going to have to get into groups for a programming assignment this semester."
>do the programming assignment alone
>get the highest score in the class
Heh, nothing personal.

>green text story about Jow Forums

it's already associated isn't it

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I saw the thread in real time, I swear.

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What kind of a college would require acquiring a Photoshop license from its students?

Normalfags aren't that cool or patient though. Once they detect you are an introvert or shy or suffer from anxiety or all of the above they'll make your life hell(unless you're a woman in an office full of men, then they should white knight you). Of course, if you would say stupid shit like that you would be shitted on. But it will happen even if you give them them a blowjob

>get beat up in the parking lot
fucking lol, i lost it

>Once they detect you are an introvert or shy or suffer from anxiety or all of the above they'll make your life hell
Funny, my whole life I had the oposite experince. And I've spend time around both poor as nigs and richfags.
Guess life in the better parts of hueland ain't so bad.

Kikes like you need their teeth kicked in

I use linux for my main pc but there's no way i'm using it in lectures.

It's good for a more secure and customisable web browsing experience but not much else.

My experience has been that Linux can work for simple academic purposes if you are competent enough to do the most basic of troubleshooting (if it can even be called that) on the fly. If the printer doesn't like a flash drive, format it as fat32 and plug it back in. Maybe Libreoffice doesn't like a document's formatting but Google Docs fine with it. It can be a hassle, yes, but when you have a shitty underspeced laptop (see the original hp stream 11 model; 2GB of RAM and a 32GB MMC) it is necessary.

Computer science more like computer scissies kek.

i set one of those up for someone. horrendous machines.

windows 7 works just fine on my x220 though so i'll just keep using that until i finish my degree next year.

Brand loyalty is for idiots. Normies love their brands, so being a Linux shill makes you no better.
That being said, if you’re a programmer and you use Windows I immediately know you’re a pleb who can’t even write a makefile.

> writing makefiles
excuse me while I do productive things like actual programming

Norman spotted


After reading through this thread OP is unironicly, im sure if i had to spend multiple hours with half the people here i would end up kicking your faces in
Work on your social skills and stop being a bunch of faggots and trannys, nobody will put up with this shit in the real world

>>walk into lecture with thinkpad

It's funny because my coworker's Macbook Pro sounds like a hair dyer while my T450 is dead silent.

Collage of genderstudies

i use arch btw

I thought this was a meme but I brought my t420 to class and this dude with a newer ThinkPad actually asked me why I had it. It runs fine, why would I trade it for a sleek cuckbook

If your computer is recent enough, a VM with windows/OSX inside is fine for compatibility for the odd program. I use linux with a windows vm, so when I need to use a secure exam application / proprietary simulation software / etc, I can do that. Other than that, I've had no issue using Linux the last couple years.

>not writing makefiles in your spare time for erotic pleasure
Sure thing buckaroo

I have to give it to you, this is fucking beautiful. Senior graduating in 1 month here and this is so common it's unreal.

Taking those professional development classes though is SO fucking cringe. You truly see why all it takes is to be normal and only decent at code to succeed.

yeah, I think having a second windows PC has made me a bit lazy in that regard.

plus the laptop I use for university work is just about powerful enough as is.

What the fuck? KEKED

Can confirm. Befriended a Tranny, had really amusing conversations with it, but wouldn't hesitate before taking them to the showers.
So, when are you going to suicide, and where will you stream it?


>get new job
>their software is written in Java
>they unironically use Wintendo /v/ toddler toy OS
>call everyone brain-dead Pajeet street shitter (THEY ARE)
>install Arch Linux on their servers
>start full rewrite in C
>fizz buzz proof of concept completed in only 5 days
>fired for "not doing my job"
>forcefully removed from the premises

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>>they unironically use Wintendo /v/ toddler toy OS
No programmers use Windows. Nice try.

>hp stream 11 2gb ram 32 GB storage
My cousin has a blue one, sdcard and configuring win 8 for performance / disk space. It runs pretty good.