C++ book

>c++ book
>1400 pages

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Better get started then faggot

If you do 15 pages a day you'll be done in about 94 days fagget.


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I unironically just got a cpp job and I am a pajeet. Lol.

if you do 30 pages a day you'll be done in 46 days faggot

fuck books, learncpp.com

if you do 1400 pages a day you'll be done by tomorrow

If you do 1400 pages a day you'll be done in 1 day

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If you don't read that shit you'll be done faggit.

question will they ever hire you If you don't have a cs degree.

now kiss

if it's like any other programming book it's mostly filler.

>2019 Anno Domini
>the year of our lord and savior Jesus Christ
>using c++

Just let it die

Should one learn C before attempting to learn C++?


Thanks. I hooked into C several years ago, but then just lost interest. Always thought it was a pre-req for C++. But if its not, then all the better.
Serious question. What can I do with C++ opposed to C?

Understanding the actual machine model more closely can help you become a more conscientious C++ programmer later, but it also risks tainting preferences towards really fucking needlessly bad languages mechanisms left in C++ just for legacy support.

If you do 1 page a day you'll be done in 3.8 years

>c++ standard
>2000 pages

You use C if you need do work with drivers, kernels, embedded apps, etc.

C++ is just a beefed up version of C with all the goodies like support for OOP.


100 pages a week and you're done in 3 and a half months :), but really skip the useless chapters

C++: The Good Parts is only about 270 pages. Try that one OP.

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Just wait until C++20 hits. It's going to be an even bigger change/growth to the language than C++11.

>The County of Monte Cristo
>1500 pages

Thanks x 2

I might re-visit my old C material first - get a good basic understanding I guess then branch off to C++.
I have no specific goal at this time, other than to learn in my spare time and see where it leads.

Stupid fucking phoneposting. How to shitposters make it work?

disable autocorrect nigger

Websites are good to introduce to a topic. But the great ideas are in books.

learncpp is a solid site.

Back to r*ddit

C++ does a lot of the work for you with things like strings and containers (dynamic arrays). You’re then free to solve more high-level problems.

skim, faggot

it just hit me that actual pajeets visiting g probably feel as bad as actual niggers visiting anywhere on this website

Thanks, I appreciate the replies.
(I'd like to as some more Q's but I am at work at the moment and I have two production VMs that are almost out of disk space

read "a tour of cpp" first, then read the 1000+ book. it will go faster.

Never mind that, because fucking Javascript will be used for every damn this under this gay Sun.

Websites? The HTML will be just one tag invoking a JS file. Vidya? JS pushing polygons all over the place. You Loonix distro? You better believe it'll be ported to JS.


It's daunting at first, but once you get started and focus, it's pretty fun and will go through it pretty quick. The first book I bought was about C that had around 900 pages and I finished it in atound 5 weeks.

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If you do 2800 pages a day you'll be done in 12 hours