>try installing opensuse
>an error occured with installation
Try installing opensuse
>no error mentioned in post
>no mention of which release, tumbleweed or leap
troll or idiot?
gave no reason for error in installation and youre an idiot
i've installed tumbleweed on multiple machines with no issues. sounds like pebkac to me
prove it
kind of a pointless request, but sure.
you got lucky
i got unlucky
not entirely my fault
all your fault tho
I have always had trouble with SUSE but never had a problem with any other distro.
ok retard
not my fault
>gave no reason for error in installation and youre an idiot
>this is considered trolling these days
If you just wanna waste time, fuck off to /b/
opensuse is shit
Just install Ubuntu like a regular person
tumbleweed is really the only good and stable rolling release distro
>cant install an OS
Bet you can't install gentoo either
why would i want to install gentoo?
literal waste of time
Only had to install it once, how is that a waste of time?
Because capitalism is far better at creating an entire operating system.
Same exact fucking thing in Windows with like 99% of Windows programs, because they were all designed for XP.
Im not a tranny
Its not debian user
just get ubuntu
>opensuse is the shit
fix'd 4u
just werks on my machine