Engineers are to scientists as nurses are to doctors

Engineers are to scientists as nurses are to doctors

Computer scientists are to mathematicians as coders are to programmers

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I'm an engineer. Scientists walk around looking at the clouds and the stars, wondering what would be like to live in them, while I look at the pothole the scientist is about to fall in and how we can fix it and prevent it from appearing again.

Except that's not true. Engineers do science too. Scientists also engineer stuff.

Nurses can diagnose and treat some aliments. Doctors can stick a thermometer up and asshole.


Doctors make more than nurses. Engineers make more than scientists. Coders make more than computer scientists.

as a scientist, this is one of the cringest blog I have ever read

Are you retarded? Engineers are more like the surgeons

It's actually laughable what academic scientists/mathematicians/computer scientists earn.

Like a recent CS grad can earn more than people with PhDs and years of experience in academia.

No wonder the smart ones quit to do startups or join hedge funds.

only brainlets chase money

a better analogy would be the scientist researches the stars but the engineers design the spacecraft to take us to the stars.

The real world is a much better school than school

>money is the sole objective of a persons worth and contributions to civilizations

I don't care about contributions to civilizations, only making my own life comfortable.

Sure, thats perfectly fine. If I was in a plane with you and a scientists researching cutting edge science shit and I only had two parachutes, I wouldn't give you one tho, not because I want you dead, but because you are less valuable

I'm not the one stupid enough to fly on a plane that doesn't have enough parachutes for everyone on board.

I remember when I was 22 years old

The problem with orienting your life around "contributions to civilisation" is that it's highly unlikely you'll actually have any impact at all.

What is far more likely is that you'll spend your life achieving nothing, while living a materially inferior life.

>being poor is fun

its correct, i guess... or not

Can I get a food analogy

>implying thats relevant in this hypothetical situation
there are people making 40k a year that are more powerful and have more influence than even CEO's. Materialism isn't everything

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Engineers are to scientists as a construction contractor is to an engineer.
Nurse are to doctors as a secretary is to a C-suite officer.
Computer scientists are to mathematicians as apples are to oranges.
Coders are to programmers as a green M&M is to a red M&M.

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>power and influence
>not materialism
Protip: Money is just a means to store a specific kind of power and influence.

Scientists don't have any power at all. They need to spend all their time begging for grants.

only brainlets are concerned about power and influence

There are many kinds of power

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Rating Edison above tesla, opinion discarded

Cool picture but outside of fairy tales money and influence are all there is

>Except that's not true. Engineers do science too. Scientists also engineer stuff.

Scientists, in my opinion, are defined by their particular use of the scientific method. This is why a political scientist is distinct from say a policy analyst.

Ok then
Try to enjoy the future while you're still alive I guess?

Jesus, every time someone says "I do not wish something bad to happen to you ..." is because they want the opposite, be honest, the reason is not that he is less valuable but that he does not share your way of seeing life

Thats the plan, i hope im wrong but its just what i feel to be true, no one alive can know death and what comes after if anything

Stop responding to shill threads.
It doesn't matter how perfectly formed your reply is, the person who started this thread has absolutely no interest in your reply.

Your responses are feeding a bot. If "Engineers vs Scientists" piques your interest, find a place with real humans to discuss it, because only 40% of the replies here are human (usably, at least.) Or at the very least, start a second thread to compete with this one.

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Last I remember people are praising STEM degree because they're the degree which could potentially earn you the highest amount of money.

Care to give an example?

I dunno about US, but a lot of EU presidents earn peanuts.

you are to sticks what bales are to hay.

>he doesn't know that STEM has been a meme for the past 10 years and everyone and their mother has been falling for it

Or you know, you want to delve deep into theory so you have more powerful solutions. It will be funny to watch an engineer attempt to implement some computional optimal transport when they didn't take any mathematics above calculus and differential equations.

More like
>Engineers are to scientists as front end devs are to back end devs
>Computer scientists are to mathematicians as OP is to faggots.

Fewer than 0.1% of scientists are people like da Vinci or Newton.
The majority are just monkeys plugging values into R, Excel, Python or whatever until they have some shit that looks correct.

What if you are a scientist, with an engineering degree

>engineer didn't take any mathematics above calculus and differential equations.
Then he can't legally call himself an engineer. At least in non shithole countries.

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