/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Old thread: What are you working on, Jow Forums?

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I’m trying to suck my own dick while writing Haskell.

I'm practicing debugging. Currently, I'm doing strenuous, width-based testing of the program mpv

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It only works if your dick functions

My dick is recursive.

why is /dpt/ so humorless?

Even at extreme wide levels, mpv seems to hold up. I'll continue the tests, but for now, the matter of stability in width-based testing seems to be settled.

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Def Fun(PeekBelly){
If UnderFat == Dick
return Dick
Else PeekBelly

because of the absolute state of the software world
also the world in general

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I can see why this is happening, it's so much easier to make guis using it than other desktop gui frameworks, I don't get why desktop guis are lagging behind so much.

>I don't get why desktop guis are lagging behind so much.
I reckon it's from the advent of smart phones and web 3.0, as more and more people are developing web and mobile apps than they are desktop programs. web and mobile languages are simpler than the C family.
for Unix, I would like to see Wayland overtake dogshit Xorg, and end up with a more powerful and simpler desktop framework than Qt or GTK; I believe Unix's marketshare would recover after being mutilated by Microsoft's anti-competitive practices of the 90's & 00's. hell, even Unix people elect to use macOS because its UI is more intuitive and better supported, even if the underlying userland and kernel suck.
nonetheless, I believe chromium is so successful for creating GUIs because of its featureful rendering engine; HTML with CSS and JavaScript is the easiest thing to create custom user interfaces in.

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because most here are depressed fucks

How would /dpt/ recommend learning ASM?
>inb4 dont

how much is proprietary code usually commented?

I see many open source projects that have very few comments....

I'm making a game in html canvas but its getting more complex, should i switch over to a game engine?

A lot, because most of the time people writing proprietary code fuck around instead of writing actual code.

void _Noreturn
error(const char *msg);

nop(const char *msg);

// by standard return type is always _Noreturn qualified
// crash horribly if DEBUG is not set
#define ERROR(msg) ((DEBUG ? error : nop)(msg))

is this right?

"type resulting from the conditional operator" rather

doing pic related in haskell

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C++26 is the most powerful programming language on Earth.

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There's nothing NSFW about that image.

Then show it to your mom

Jow Forums's idea of NSFW is different from everyone elses.
If it wasn't then there wouldn't be any blue boards.

Ok I did.

Custom BASH-style shell in C for a uni Operating Systems course.

It's fucking annoying because I know nothing about how C does multithreading and I have to learn everything as I go because the prof I had for my into C class last semester sucked.

i think Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective has a chapter on writing shell in c

if(x == y)
Real programmer

A void return type is expected to be ignored, a diagnostic may be produced otherwise. Use #ifdef instead.
#ifdef DEBUG
void _Noreturn ERROR(const char* msg);
#define ERROR(ignored)

is this legal in america? wtf?

#include "TheRestOfTheFuckingOwl.h"

whats a Fucking Owl?

Is what? nikuman?

Depends on what kind of jury you get

[kode][/kode] tag when?

In what part of America are meat buns illegal?

the good parts

Yes. Anything over C++99 is banned

I have been pondering this question too

so in my time I discovered that I would not be allowed to play with the screen anyway that I would need to download something because they want to monitor what happens on the screen the moment the thing goes back online so that incase any of the code changes they can render to attribute it to a different kind of blob. So that that happens means that if you ever interpret any kind of code into non python code you are pretty much never going to get a job so I decided I would get old asm use webasm and then just kind of forget about the whole thing til they kill those people. Stallman and Linus. That's all. And Linus is soon I'm sure. Bye

already posted in sqt but if anyone dabbled with "bluetooth new secure gateway", plz reply

cd ..
cd ..

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thanks, I made several of the modifications you recommended and I am much more satisfied with my codebase & newfound techniques
I've considered what you've said about removing the array-length macros, but the only two are for a string offset and the length of a string as substitutes for a magic number. I may end up relocating one of the macros for the number of items in the struct or creating a macro/function to actually measure it.

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if you're on linux,
nasm, gcc -S -masm=intel, gdb lay asm
and read linux/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_{32,64}.tbl

because I'm not cute in my cute programming socks

What are they going to do when they reach 2100 and they're still trying to update C++, which by then is now legally 6.73 languages?

it's not like C++ has much competition.

What modern frameworks should I use when developing a new web application for my company in a .net environment? Asp.net core + react?

Could Go unironically become an universal language not only restricted for back-end? I think it has the potential

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redpill me on net core

Microsoft proprietary crap

isnt that the .net framework and core open source

Unironically C#.

That's what I meant, asp.net core in c#. But what frontend framework?

Jquery is dead
Angular is shit
Vue has no jobs
React is the best yea, just don't use Redux and stick with Context

>But what frontend framework?

If you have a raspberry pi you can try this book: bob.cs.sonoma.edu/IntroCompOrg-RPi/intro-co-rpi.html

>But what frontend framework?

I wanted to do the same
wait we have to choose front end framework too? holy frick I thought C# would do everything for me
thanks TIL

I am refactoring a mess of a function that has been kind-of working for 15 years. It uses a curious selection of ways for controlling program flow (exit/break statements, exceptions, if/else in conjunction with boolean variables) and is several hundred lines long. It was nested about 7 layers deep at points.
It is now nested at most 2 layers deep (function -> local function -> loop) and doesn't need any loops anymore. As a result, all program flow control can be done with exit statements, without sacrificing readability.
I am shitting my pants when thinking about having to test it on a live system. Our machines sell for a couple hundred grand a piece, and this being the initialization run the potential for fucking up are pretty good.

razor pages or blazor

What if I want to use MVC

I feel for you user.

Software can be open source and proprietary. This is arguably worse than straight up closed-source proprietary because it shifts focus away from the sociological issue of software freedom and user subjugation, towards a purely technological problem. Proprietary software is unethical, regardless of the technological details.

Please refer to proprietary software as such, and use the term free software where applicable. Avoid using terms like open source, as they are corporate propaganda.

Okay that aside is it good

>Avoid using terms like open source, as they are corporate propaganda.
OSI defines what Open Source is, and it is always free software (as in freedom).
>use free software
Free software is an unfortunate term, as it's generally interpreted as "no cost" by those that aren't already in the know.

razor pages or blazor

MVC! ASP Core! What else is needed for a web app?


spoonfeed me
I like anime

post anime then

im in uni

Godspeed user.
Someday I am going to get around doing the same.
I dread that day.


So I skimmed the OSD and it doesn't include freedom #0 (run the program as the user wishes) anywhere. What you said about "free" being an unfortunate term also applies here: In the same way that people who aren't in the know might equate "free" software with "gratis" software, they might equate "open source" with "provides source code for perusal", disregarding the more specific definition used by the OSI.
Can we agree that the term "free/libre" is the preferable alternative? Be aware that the free=gratis confusion only exists in English; most other Germanic or Latin-derived languages do not have this problem: In German, "freie" Software only refers to free/libre, while gratis would be "kostenlos", or, obviously, "gratis".

Got any resouces for learning/practing VBA?

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I dont have my reaction folder in this pc?
or do you google your anime? I only post high quality OC

>tfw I insert an automatic download into my c# project that installs a rootkit which attaches itself to the master boot record and changes the boot options by bypassing the OSs kernel mode code signing policy allowing me to install drivers on the fly without a trusted digital signature and load unsigned dls
Extra credit here I come.

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It is possible for software to be open source and proprietary, however this is not the case with .NET Core, which is under an MIT license. It is free as in freedom.


I never referred to .NET Core. Yes, it is free software. What my post aimed to show was that "open source" as a term should be avoided, for the reasons listed before. I was trying to educate .

I have my collection sync'd everywhere.

asp.net core isn't MIT

wow very based
how do u do that?
>inb4 phoneposting

I appreciate your acumen but still think you're a meanie for doing it on a live system

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>So I skimmed the OSD and it doesn't include freedom #0
See point 6, opensource.org/osd
>Can we agree that the term "free/libre" is the preferable alternative?
No. Open Source is much better.

Why don't you have two collections? Do you even collect cute 2D girls on the go?

>See point 6, opensource.org/osd
This leaves some holes that are plugged by other points. Seems like a very inelegant way of doing the same as GPL or any other free software license, with respect to the software freedoms.
>No. Open Source is much better.
It isn't. The name is just as misleading to the uninitiated as Free is on its own.

A faster Python would literally be the best thing in the world GOD FUCKING DAMN IT WHY HAVEN"T THEY STARTED WORKING ON IT

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Using Java 7 really makes me miss partial function application.

>Seems like a very inelegant way of doing the same as GPL or any other free software license, with respect to the software freedoms.
The OSI definition is not a license. The GPL is one OSI-compliant license of many.

python is interpreted

Second Y2K

The issue I have with the OSD is that it still seems to gloss over the ethical aspects of software freedom while focusing on the techological aspects. It gives no reason as to WHY sharing software is important. Its more specific rules leave more ways to weasel out of complying with the spirit of the definition than the GNU project's definition of free software does. All in all, it seems like a lawyer's attempt at creating a definition that is superficially similar to that of free software, which enables publishers to subjugate the users while pretending to respect their freedoms. At best, it is simply an inelegant and ultimately unnecessary definition that does nothing more than what the definition of free software does; except it also shifts attention away from the ethical issue.

make it a compiled language then

>which enables publishers to subjugate the users while pretending to respect their freedoms
Did you not read the OSD? If some software is OSD compliant, it's also automatically compliant with the GNU definition.

stop using python

Is it?
>1. Free Redistribution
>The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.
This does not say that you can't restrict the software from being sold or given away as a standalone program, or as part of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from a single source.

I did, because its slow as shit, but i'd gladly use it if it was faster

kinda strange include problem

//forward declaration
class Bar;

class Foo{}

#include "Foo.h"
#include "Bar.h"

class Foo{}

#include "Foo.h"
#include "Bar.h"

now I get an error that Bar in Bar.cpp is ambiguous because of the forward declaration. how to unfuck that without direct includes?

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