Why are computer science kids filled with people who interrupt class to either fucking place thinly veiled questions...

Why are computer science kids filled with people who interrupt class to either fucking place thinly veiled questions into feats of knowledge or say jokes that nobody laughs at?

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it isn't

I share a few classes with some computer science kids and they all seem to be "special" in one way or another.

Because CS is for autistic brainlets who just don't have the cognitive horsepower for maths and science. The autists in the latter fields are intelligent enough to know when they're being obnoxious.

like 5% of the class is supernerds like that.
The ramining 50% of supernerds at least have the decency to keep it to themselves

well get used to it
why even make this thread
it is a rhetorical question. dont answer

No I'm seriously wondering why this is the case. Is it because they were bullied in high school? Is it because they were babied in high school by parents? What makes them so obnoxious in a dweeby way. I'll see them even try to correct the prof even when they're wrong.


This is a nature vs nurture question that we don't honestly have an answer to, but you're going to call me a dweeb for telling you this

Probably the same reason you made this thread. The lack of social awareness and over inflated sense of importance.

that sounds like history majors

Yikes. Sorry if this topic was too sensitive for you.

I'm sorry your classmates are smarter than you are.

Attached: hetalkslikeafagtoo.jpg (852x480, 32K)

There is your answer

Because they're socially retarded and don't realize theyre doing it, or they legitimately think they're asking interesting questions that everyone else cares about

it’s because they have yet to have sex.

That's no reason to jump to a hasty generalization based on an anecdotal and small sample size.

>why do the ignorant ask questions in a place of education
wew lad

>thinly veiled questions into feats of knowledge
I'm guilty of this, I'm always actually curious though

my CS classes were mostly dead quiet and no one asked shit beyond simple clarification
pretty glad too, since all my CS classes had the same 15-20 people
it'd just fucking blow to deal with turbonerds like that

man, I'm tired of dealing with all the fucking "special" kids (well, they're like 20yo or so) at my uni
so glad I'm almost outta there

There's a difference between wanking yourself in front of the class and genuinely trying to understand the material. If you're asking questions like "What was the lowest mark in the class?" Or "Which portion of the test did people do bad at?" we know you're trying to wank yourself.
Cut it out Matthew.

Is it really? I mean it seems when I look around its usual the computer science students are the most strange.

>Is it really? I mean it seems when I look around its usual the computer science students are the most strange.
Yes. Your subjective worldview is not representative of the rest of the world. What's common in your school, is not the same for the rest of the world. Even if that extends to your city, your state, your country, etc.

I'm not going to pretend like it's not believable that an almost inherently anti-social practice would bring in strange people, but it's still a generalization, and likely confirmation bias.

Of course you're going to remember all the people who annoy you while not remembering the majority that don't.

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'Cause the cool kids go EE.

Nothing irritates me more than these devil's advocates and enlightened centrist pseudo intellectual types. Reddit is packed to the brim with said individuals for example that even go out their way to defend corporations at every opportunity just to stand out even if it means advocating against everyone's better interests.

But this is handbook leftist or jews

>believing a meme image
wew, time to give it up gramps

Also a lot of the supernerds get internships so you don't have to interact with them after 3rd year.

>being the thing you despise

Attached: 8leggednigger.jpg (499x238, 23K)

>First day of CS
> kids are obvious videogame fags who think their hobby makes them computer smart
>"Yea I have previous experience with programming, I used to make minecraft mods for me and my friends."
I am now a MIS major

it's not about looking for knowledge but showing everyone how you are doing it.

this is what they look like

Attached: 1518890873729.png (3640x2140, 1.87M)

out of the frying pan into the fire

I hope you enjoy serving SAP for life.

that's just ancaps and neocons bro

I found this on years ago, I've since graduated. It's 'Computer' Science, so you get a bunch of nerds who sit in front of 'computers' and smell like shit/BO. Word of advice, if you want to be normal and sociable you have to have a mix of friends. These guys are your CS buddies, you share interests. But you also need people outside CS to keep yourself from turning into a smelly, graphic T shirt with cargo pants in winter wearing freak. Ofc that's probably half of this board anyway.

Off topic: I'm 24 and feeling to old for Jow Forums. I came here when I was 18 and that seems to be average age. Should I leave?

>Math major, doing some CS electives
>In a lab, sitting next to CS major
>Starts complaining about the distro we're using
>Meant to only be using certain techniques to highlight concepts
>Multiple times he calls the TA over to ask why we can't use because it'd make things so much easier
>Going through class demonstration, raises hand to point out some esoteric trivia thats instantly brushed aside, something like why Linux uses the time that it does or something
>Asks the TA questions about 'advanced' topics that he obviously knows the answer to
>Attempts at conversation are griping about how much more efficient things would be with a different language or distro, he's trying to sound disgruntled and fed up with all the inadequacy around him but he's really in his element
>didn't see him next week

Attached: 1552213915640.jpg (750x1197, 187K)

Source: took classes in every subject

No you fucking kike

There is literally nothing wrong with cargo pants.

Just this. Next time enroll in a good University , where they don't send all the retards and faggots.

Don't they get beat up a lot in school for being smartasses, like it happened with me?

>someone taking notes in the op pic
am i missing something?

>professor starts lecture
>"alright guys today we're gonna be looking at arrays"
>i stand up
>"gee, i wish i could get A RAISE!"
>entire campus starts applauding

I've seen this happen as well.
>Doing some simple exercise in a lab
>It's dead-simple OOP practice
>Spergs behind me finally stop talking about cs:go or whatever and get on with the exercise
This is why they're always struggling imo. I hear them complain about how difficult assignments are but never see them working or coming to lectures. Anyways:
>One of them goes (verbatim) "I used lambdas in my program, I bet that's worth extra points!"
>He calls the TA over to show off
>TA tells him off for complicating the program and using bad design

I’m taking EE in September.
Did I fuck up?

The notes picture probably represents pseudo intellectualists because those are the types of people who use Cornell's note taking style.

>fucking place thinly veiled questions into feats of knowledge
I did this the other day and felt like an asshole immediately


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Get out dumb normalfag. Enjoy your shitty iPants.

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Those might start coming back into fashion.

*what is this ** Reddit tier faggotry*

>CIA approved

I unironically wear these on the daily, they are fucking perfect


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this desu. the only special person i saw was a midget

>being a glow in the darkie

If you're scared of revealing your power level, get ones with hidden pockets.

Attached: 359-3597454_contemporary-cargo-pants-contemporary-cargo-pants-man.jpg (300x562, 51K)

CS is full of kids who can't do EE

These exist?

Attached: dalematrip.gif (330x237, 99K)

Yes. Look up contemporary cargo pants or cargo pants with hidden pockets.

The shitty jokes no one laughs at happens pretty often, get used to it. Other than that expect kids who smell like they haven't showered in weeks, and high level autism

CS is the purest for of mathematics and science, physics is for low IQ niggers.

>anecdotal and small sample size
>all of Jow Forums unanimously concludes most CS majors are full on autists/spergs

We had pajeets and jeetas who always smelled like sweat and curry who always ripped ass in class

>>Is it really? I mean it seems when I look around its usual the computer science students are the most strange.
>Yes. Your subjective worldview is not representative of the rest of the world. What's common in your school, is not the same for the rest of the world. Even if that extends to your city, your state, your country, etc.
>I'm not going to pretend like it's not believable that an almost inherently anti-social practice would bring in strange people, but it's still a generalization, and likely confirmation bias.
>Of course you're going to remember all the people who annoy you while not remembering the majority that don't.
all of Jow Forums is in constant agreement CS tards are spergs
you're probably on yourself in denial, go back to plebbit kid.

EE is a total meme degree the true chads go into pure math and quantum mechanics while raising a family on the side.

This, nothing is cringe than some fedora type pseudo intellectual self absorbed faggot who speaks in platitudes .

Most of the supernerds graduate fast or just keep to themselves and their kin.

>the majority of your socialization and interaction consists of showing off your knowledge
thats how i know youre an insecure faggot

had a guy like this in the entry level CS class. First week of class he told me he failed the class once because he didn't try. Over the first half of the semester he would never do the labs or assignments and talked about how he was going to make it big with an app. a little after the halfway point apparently he bombed the midterm and just stopped showing up to class. never saw him again. How do you fail the entry level CS class twice? the shit was a joke.