Why haven't you calculated pi to 31.4 trillion digits Jow Forums?

Why haven't you calculated pi to 31.4 trillion digits Jow Forums?

Attached: Screenshot at 2019-03-14 12-17-23.png (590x482, 240K)

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good for him

Did it to 31.5 trillion digits but I didnt want to brag

That'll be very useful for my picompress algorithm

give my an access to their cluster and terabytes of RAM and storage and no issue

Is that a guy or a girl?


Good lad

It says employee. Not employa. So it's a guy.

because you only need like 20 digits max for more accuracy than you could ever need

>Google computer calculates pi to record 31 trillion digits

fair enough

they only published an article about this because he's non-white

>tfw calculated every digit of pi

Attached: 1529426195194.jpg (800x640, 108K)

I wouldn't care as long it has a dick.

Maybe they should try working on software instead of having trannies count useless digits all day.

>Dae le reddit inclusive or xDDDD
Fucking killyourself newfag

ima stupid, does pi actually end or is it infinite?

What is the point in doing this?

what the fuck are you talking about

infinite, non repeating

It's basically the supercomputer way of saying you have a higher FPS

It's transcendental it can never, in any way be expressed exactly in a finite amount of digits using normal numbers

how do we know there isn't any mistakes or made up numbers

>pi_to_ a trillion = [rand.randint() for range (1, a fucking trillion)]


why though? circles arent infinite, once you get to 3.141blahblah why does it that number carry on? i think it probably does end but scientiests are too embaressed to say it does cause theyve been calling it infinite for so long

don't say stuff like that, people glow a lot around here.

>[W] Women Technology
what did he mean by wearing this shirt

heh thats real chump stuff kiddo. all you need to do is buy a longer screen so its big enough to see the full digit by using node.js's pi function to do the calculation.

call me when youre actually being paid. im out.

then why don't you try it yourself

pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. the ratio is irrational (therefore infinite) but scientists really dont give a fuck past the 10th digit. the only people who really care if pi is infinite or not is esoteric mathematicians and even then its a question of interest more than one of necessity

It says employee. Not employé. So it's a girl.

Wow. I usually just punch in 3.14159.
What an impressive accomplishment using google resources to churn digits over enough time. Truly an inspiration to us all to pick ourselves up by our own bootstraps.

>English doesn't have grammatical gender
The absolute state

Attached: 1500998614635s.jpg (250x250, 7K)

it's an inclusive language what can i say

I think meant to reply to but fucked up and ended up being the newfag here

true, even for fucking rocket science!

It's a fantastic language for insults and swearing for that very reason.

Is that a name or female or something else?

>Emma Haruka Iwao

also, why do you care?

>people don't change their name ever

I absolutely hate how every person who works at Google gets called "Google employee" in the media, like it's some goddamn achievement. I never hear "Philips Research employee" when the next lifesaving medical device is produced. It's always meaningless fodder like this.

I have a life.

I've calculated pie to 3.14 digits.

The last digit is 5 but we don't know the others

Is there some reason that is an important milestone? Did they write articles about the other 31.399... trillion times the record was beat?

These articles are just advertisements for Google. They are recruiting material.


Circles ARE infinite, at least in theory. It's impossible to create a perfect circle precisely because a perfect circle is infinite.


Attached: 1546589453454.jpg (1200x1200, 79K)

On an atomic level there will always be a finite number of sides.

>Definited geometry
Lol no.

I do not know what that word means.

Stop playing stupid. Atoms don't have definite positions.

I'm saying you can't make a perfect circle IRL because they're infinite, and you can't make anything infinite. Even if you use a compass, if you look close enough you'll have a definite number of sides, even if they're fucked up, wiggling atomic lines.

Is that a guy xor a girl

atoms are themselves perfect circles so you just have to draw a circle one atom in circumbfrence

>atoms are themselves perfect circles
No they aren't, you doughnut.

Atoms don't have shapes

>Atoms are perfect circles
Atoms don't have a shape
They're just an approximate point where matter occupies a space, but you can't see the components

Attached: stm.jpg (649x539, 182K)

Are you literally braindead?

the fuck are you talking about? A circle is Pi * Diameter as that is the definition of Pi

White man builds computer to calculate pi, and oriental man takes credit.

I think he means infinite if you zoom into the side of a circle
you can zoom in infinitely, and you won't find an edge, like zooming into a boring featureless Mandelbrot set

>not using pi = 3

pi literally just means a circle doesn't have any corners
if pi repeated, then you'd have an error since circles don't have multiple sides

pi doesn't mean anything, it's just a number

A rare asian hon

It's just computational power dickwaving more than anything else. With about 15 or 20 decimals you approach approximation errors for double floating types, so it doesn't make any sense to calculate or memorize more.

It's actually a queer feminist weeb

Have sex.

>Pi doesn't mean anything

Attached: Pi-unrolled-720.gif (720x228, 141K)

we're in a day and age where someone could just make up the nth digit of pi and nobody could call them out on it since we don't have the computing power for it

You can't really know. They occupy a very small volume where you can't really know what's happening anymore (Schrodinger uncertainty principle) but at least that area is spherical.

it doesn't. it's the result of a computational process but it has no intrinsic meaning

based retard

If you make the wheel bigger then this doesn’t work

Pi only exist in theory, in real life there is no such a thing as a perfect circle

Not the guy that posted that, but are you fucking retarded?

So they've really ramped up the interview questions at Google, huh

top fucking kek

You can still call people words of a different gender gramatical gender isn't important when you just call poeple something

t. GIMP user

If that is true what is in the picture.
Checkmate, photographic evidence atoms are round.

great post user i really liked this

We have perfect shperes somewhere somewhere in the space. Why there are no circles though?


>not a number
>doesn't mean anything
which one is it then, faggot?

i can add 1 and 1 and get 2 but that doesn't mean 2 has any special meaning. likewise, i can perform a calculation and get pi, and that process and result are useful in other contexts, but the number itself is meaningless.

Ok but has this guy experienced teen love? None of that shit matters when you look like an incel


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Just because we haven't found a perfect circle doesn't mean they don't exist.

install gentoo

English is a trade language, so it's assumed that it would only be male.

>Google employee
The absolute state.....

Attached: 1529149381225.jpg (480x480, 25K)

>numerical nihilism

Excellent article.

I already have ages ago

t. pole

Well thats obvious?!