>games still aren’t utilizing more than 4 cores

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i want to nakadashi ruri



Hime cut is the best hairstyle.

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and i hope they never do, 3770 is peak cpu, dont make me upgrade plz

I want to nakadashi you

Seems like most everything uses all 6 cores on my PC. Games included, but I don't play those anymore.

r u a cute trap? :333


um don't pretend to be me nerd

yakuza 0 runs on like 40 something threads

runs fine on my 6700k desu. kiwami too

Lost Planet 2 did back in 2011, quadcores can't even run the fixed benchmark without dipping under 60fps which is 100% CPU limited.

that mug is empty!

>still being in 2019

Fuckloads of new games are. Including hyperthreading.

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Unless a game uses vulkan or dx12 all drawing is happening in one thread, and even then retarded devs can still do drawing in one thread. Game logic can and should be offloaded, sure, but that's usually the least computationally expensive part. Depends on the game of course, DF for example.

>game still uses 1(one) core

God, I wish i3-8350 wasn't fucking 1151-v2. I want this baby so badly, but with a new motherboard it's a fucking purseater

> playing games that came out in the 21st century

>considering glorified 3d renderers games

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The only company to rebuild their engine in the last decade is Capcom, and they're shit. I suppose you could argue Unreal 4 but they started making that shit 15 years ago.

Adding a tickbox =/= optimizing.

simultaneous multithreading*
hyperthreading is a security flaw and needs to be disabled.
stop playing starcraft 2


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SC2 is the only modern game worth playing.

God I wish that were me

Man of culture as well


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It’s full of my cum

She's ugly. As expected of 3DPD.

what is nakadishi

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I just want a nip gf with hime cut

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My 13" thinshit laptop has a stronger CPU lol

That's more Microsoft's problem then game developers.

Non nips are fine too.

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That is not a hime cut.

Pattsun is allowed.

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At least use the 3770K.

The base system with 4GB RAM only cost $150 at a PC recycler. And I still haven't run into anything that would require more power.


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Calm down and look at this 2.5D hime, user.

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It all depends on consoles and AMD. current consoles are 4 core AMD piledriver variant with integrated radeon. if next gen consoles will be based on zen and have 6 or more cores, game companies WILL try their best to utilize those cores.
HOWEVER - from a programming perspective, it is quite hard to efficiently divide load on several cores since you have to be careful with synchronization.

You can have her, i'll keep the superior 2D ruri.

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only good on brown girls

it means kill

My ex had a hime cut. This thread is making me depressed.

she's fucking someone else right now user

You should have married her.

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at least she can't unsuck your dick

Fucking the NSA. Literally. Bitch is posting on /cgl/ rn
I should have. Never let your gfs talk to other boys.
At least she sucked it. But not even fucked it.

>let a hime go
>a lolita at that
Inconceivable! Watch this and feel bad about yourself!

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Witcher 3 Novigrad needs more than 4 cores.

She was an idol whore. But a qt busty hime cut idol whore. Who also did lolita. I hate missing her, but I wish it never ended.

Ivy Bridge stronk!

Attached: Ivy bridge Stronk.jpg (571x420, 47K)

Almost. I can see you're a man of culture as well, but I'd just like to interject for a moment. Bangs are really the only crucial part. No hime-cut needed when a bob can be just as pretty. It depends. But you need bangs.

Lesson learned, user. Marry all lolita himes that you see. Don't make the same mistake again. Now watch this and feel better.

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Indeed, that is the enlightened thinking of someone who has seen the light. It is just easier to call them himes.

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cute ruri


What do I need to have Gothic lolita gf? Just money?

Ask the guy who failed to marry one. Personally I'd imagine going to /cgl/ and getting REALLY familiar with it would be a good start. Maybe you'd even get a seagull to talk to you if you're lucky. And as far as I know, most of them don't even need you to know much about the fashion, or at all. But being Jow Forums probably helps.
But yes, money definitely helps. Doesn't it help with any kind of woman?

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Explain this shit Jow Forums.

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A type of Japanese pie, usually filled with whipped cream.

>all these nerds sexualizing MY gf
really jigs my jags desu


>ivy bridge
Into the trash.