Mp3 players

what's good?

looking for the Jow Forums version of pic related

Attached: ipodnano.jpg (645x465, 34K)

The Jow Forums version of an iPod is an iPod. It was Apple's only good product.
Anyway, give up on MP3 players. They're just not worth it anymore. Just use your phone. Or buy CDs.

>Just use your phone.
Too big. Has no company made something of use yet?

Shanling m0

>Too big.
Small phones are a thing. Also, it's stupid to carry around both a phone and an MP3 player when the phone could just do the job of both.
>Has no company made something of use yet?
Not really, no. MP3 players have mostly stagnated since about 2011. Plus, streaming has really overtaken MP3 players in terms of both convenience (you have a literally unlimited capacity instead of ever running out of space) and quality (a lot of streaming services support lossless FLAC now.)

Just use your phone.

Just use your phone. When I need something smaller when running I save my running mix to my smart watch and play it on my bluetooth headphones

>Just use your phone.

>Just use your phone
>my smart watch
why don't you just use your phone. whats the point of having multiple devices??

Your phone, dumbass

I'm going going running with a fuck huge Mi Max 3 in one pocket

not going*

iPod was shit, better MP3 players were available at the time, not even a custom EQ on iPod wtf... But even mentioning fucking iTunes...

Rockboxed Clip+ or maybe a rockboxed Benjie T6.
Shanling m0 if you want a touchscreen
Ignore the phonigger zoomers

holy shit check the catalogue you absolute newfag

so why did you tell me to use my phone?

Phones are fine 95% of the time. For the other times you can use a smart watch to either control your phone or use it stand alone

thanks for a real answer user

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are you even self-aware?

just use your phone

>hurr durr technology bad

What's the matter, is there a bug in your pre-recorded response module?

yeah just call others NPCs, that'll show 'em!