Career thread

Career thread

Job title
How did you get it
Advice to people here

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Good enough
I applied
Install gentoo

BI analysts.
30k a year
Did an internship while in college.
Don’t do it..

Bluetooth link layer engineer
105k USD
I had previous internship testing and was brought in as a testing intern, then put on full time

Internships or projects set you apart from Chang who just gets straight A's. You'll never be able to win with grades against soulless Chinese that either cheat or spend their whole day studying.
>I can't get an internship because no experience
Contribute to a project you care about. Go to GitHub and look for easy issues and solve them.

It's 2019. Your competition is diversity hires and code of conduct engineers.

How did you get so lowballed

I work at a mom&pop computer repair place.


Its fun but shit pay. Set your sights higher kids.

a lot more than avg
lol linkedin

learn something somewhat niche and put it on your resume and appearently ppl pay big bucks for you even though you've slacked throughout college and play video games and fap all day

Help Desk lvl 3
Went to school with the owner's kid
It's easy money

Are you retarded? The other thread is still alive

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I used to work as apple help desk level 2 and only made 12.5/hr. What gives?

Applied Math PhD student
26,500 USD per year
I applied to a university and got in

Academia has high job stability but low pay. Because of protections in place by the university, I basically can't be fired. However I don't get paid much. At least I only work like 20 hrs a week.

Automation Engineer
50k yr (just started)
Knowing the owner of the company directly, knows I'm not a brainlet

>It's 2019. Your competition is diversity hires and code of conduct engineers.

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Daddys boy
5k per month
Working is for cucks

I do computer science stuff
about 80k a year
I applied for internship sophomore year, had literally no background or knowledge about anything. Leveraged that into getting a full time position.

advice, just fucking apply to entry positions. they expect you to be dumb, if you can write fizz buzz, know how basic OS paging works, and aren't completely retarded and know how to do basic socket manipulation in assembly you should be able to land a job fine.

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react / golang code monkey.

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Full stack web dev
Job fair at college

Embedded systems programmer
Referred by a friend

If you're going into web dev, pick a framework and git gud at it (react is easy and in demand, for example).

Senior engineer, control systems.
90k EUR (decent but not great, not directly comparable to US wages).
Internship -> job.
Advice? Hm. The corporate grind _will_ burn you out. Be a consultant. I don't know. I did just about everything wrong and still managed to land on my feet. I probably shouldn't give you kids advice..

Yeah that's trash pay. I thought BI people got paid okay. I was recently asked by a person what they needed to do to get into BI work and I told him to learn SQL, Power BI, some cloud tech, and go make a hobby project or two.

Software Engineer
>Someone took my resume while I was teaching someone Java at a cafe. That guy is now a great friend and I wish he was still here at this company.

Advice? Don't be a brainlet, study hackerrank (though this position didn't require a whiteboard process) and learn to communicate. If you can explain a solution as an ETL then you're going to impress the business people. And, most importantly, if you're not a CS major with a 4.0 GPA and an internship, then put your shit on github.

I recently posted on Plebbit how I wish more people put their github accounts on their resumes and they got autismally mad about it. "I shouldn't be expected to code outside of work! I want to clock in and clock out and that's it!" or the best one was "I only did school work -> internship -> full time offer at Facebook, I'd never work at a place that wanted to look at my github." They got so fucking mad. Meanwhile a senior at Amazon literally told me that they love looking at githubs as points of discussion. I can't guarantee every employer will look at your resume (many will not) but if you're trying to get into the industry and you didn't choose the CS path ahead of time, then it helps.

Also, don't just do the same basic bitch CRUD application. Do weird shit in Clojurescript or Erlang. Stuff like that pops up in a resume and they'll have a million questions to ask about it. If your resume blurs with all the others, then you'll get passively ignored.

Where do you work that actually uses golang? My understanding was golang is Google's lang for brainlets and they'd want you to use Angular.