What's his problem?

What's his problem?

Attached: 20190316_185212.jpg (720x513, 125K)

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stuff like pic related

Attached: 1521465186209.png (942x810, 425K)

manlets when will they learn

Holy fucking shit.


Attached: 1544483148923.gif (540x304, 1.78M)


He has to deal with customers.


t. 6 ft. 5 scrawny keyboard warrior
Rossman is a fuking chad n will wreck ur shit faggot

Rossmann is like 5'6" and everyone knows that.


You would be pissed off all the time too if you had to deal with iToddlers all day.

He's trying to run a business. Apple wants to control the repair of their own products. They always have.

>Intel House Fires™ + Mac "Fuck The Customers" Book
Best duo.

No girls are watching his streams

Attached: louis.jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

nice photoshop user

i wish

He's /ourguy/

Attached: meme pepe.jpg (854x480, 79K)

wtf is that pepe?


bsdm pepe
dont ask me why

>quick google search
i guess there is a pepe for every fetish

nice, macbook repair community still 99.9% male.

He clearly doesn't sleep enough. His eyes look fucked.

That would be correct. He can't ever get sleep because they are so terribly behind on their repair queue. That is the reason when he has to take time off for those weird severe headaches he gets, the queue gets worse.

based Satania

he's also vegan

your shitty e-celebs are still not technology.

so many boomers lol

what's wrong user?
my 2007 eeepc clocks the same with the Intel Atom(tm)(pliz delid dis)

> always right
> shits on apple
> tell apple to fuck off
> tells television producers to fuck off
> doesn't give a fuck about youtube
> can fix ANYTHING
i don't see a problem here.

He sounds like a whiny little bitch. Apple doesn't care about third-party repairers and they don't have any obligation to either. He probably makes more money from whining about Apple then repairing their computers now so his whining isn't even genuine.

source, faggot.

Jow Forums is mad at him because he's fixing macbooks while people here can't even fix their own lives

exactly right m8. most of the fuckwits here are crippled and retarded.

I watched the video and he has a pretty fair thing to be mad about.
He sourced legitimate, first party, OEM parts and Apple locked them out through software.

>Apple doesn't care about third-party repairers and they don't have any obligation to either.
The problem is more their anti-competitive practices, which they lobby HARD to defend.

Why did he move to the front of the store?


It's all just constructive criticism.


>hates Apple and their business practices
>continues to service and repair Apple products
he's a masochist

Basically this
>makes channel about repairs
>uploads video talking shit about applel
>gets shit load of views
>decides to capitalize on this and makes almost nothing but videos about apple

Sad because I like his not-apple videos like that one showing how to repair a hard drive. Even felt a bit inspired with his "I dropped my studies yet here I am" speech.

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