How many of you went back to Windows after trying Linux?

How many of you went back to Windows after trying Linux?

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>can't handle linux
not even surprised

I unironically find this irl shitposting chink hilarious in how effortlessly he baits retards.

I never went to Linux. I'm an adult with a job and I use Windows because it's the OS for adults with jobs. Funny how that works

>he thinks it's bait

i use subsystem ubuntu, im just trying to learn bash/vim/emacs/etc

It is bait and you retards keep biting it, making threads about it. Techchink has you fags seething because you just can't ignore his bait it is too juicy.

i want to but i cant boot windows install disk. Ive tried both cd and usb to no avail.

No because I don't play video games.

I have spent 3 monts with just linux.
From knowing barely anything i went to running it with Bcache, had a wonderfully tweaked KDE but some things just weren't there.

1 gaming is objectively shit.
""Natively supported"" games ran like ass, they all had problems, crashes, couldn't lock the mouse on the screen in fullscreen mode.
Dota 2 developed by Valve who are pushing SteamOS and proton crashed once per game on awarage.
Frame pacing is somehow terrible in every game. Scrolling around just feels bad and wrong even with high fps.

Watching anything in MPV felt jittery too. I cant explain but anything moving was jerky and uneven

Must be shitty X and compositing bullshit

When Proton works it cuts performance in half.
DS3 on windows 60 fps @4k with Vega 64
DS3 with proron is 40-30 and looks even worse due to jittery pacing.

However i would deal with it if Wine worked.
The nail in the coffin for me was that Zbrush (rated gold for Wine) was crashing every 5 minuts while also failing to autosave.

I want to use linux, but the software support is still insufficient and Wine not functional enough.

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Just stick with windows mate.

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Prove it's bait.

>MPV felt jittery
>gaming is objectively shit.
>The nail in the coffin for me was that Zbrush (rated gold for Wine) was crashing every 5 minuts while also failing to autosave.

You fell for the AMD has good Linux support meme.

i went back to windows in 2014, after using it since 2011

There is a thread about him on Jow Forums almost daily.

Never cared about OS wars. Skipped Windows ME, Vista and 8 by just using Linux, then switched back for XP, 7 and 10 respectively. Now I'm old and tired of distro hopping and retired to Windows with WSL for good, no use cases where I'd need actual separate installation of Linux at all.

I been flip-flopping between the two for years, right now I'm using Linux Mint because my Windows 10 partition is very laggy.

Honestly buying Nvidia or Apple is s like donating to ISIS for me.

I wouldn't dive them a single dollar even if they offered a better product for a lower price because i find their business practices unacceptable.

In fact in my country i paid for Vega more than 1080ti costs, i never paid a single dollar to Ngreedia and i would like to keep it that way.

You know apple uses amd graphics, right?

Oh that's probably your problem them. AMD's drivers are good unless your card is too new. You'll have to give the kernel some time to finally stabilize it out.

>Coffee time.

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Linux is a kernel, not an OS. GNU is the OS

Literally nobody gives a shit you worthless autist

I did after I realized how much of a pain in the ass it is to do literally anything with my android phone on it.

Same. I'm on Windows 10 now and it's so relaxing. Don't need to deal with Linux distros anymore

Me more than once

Ubuntu/Fedora/Arch/whatever is the OS. GNU is a small handful of tools sometimes included in the OS.

Apple has the "daddy knows best" attitude towards the customers, locked ecosystem, intentionally unrepairable hardware and dongles.
That's what's wrong with them.

Nvidia does some extremely anti-competitive and anti-consumer shit.
I cant give money to people who brought us
>Vendor exclusive features
>Hardware level limited voltage

Based user. Keep fighting against the nvidiots and macfags.

I did until I learned how to use linux. All I've realized in that time is that anyone who uses a computer for gaming/facebook/adobe is borderline retarded.

Grow up and use a real OS.

Use a windows virtual machine with GPU pass through.

I have never owned a Windows machine. Except in brief moments after buying a new laptop and before reformatting the hard drive.

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I have a ryzen chip with no integrated gpu.


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techlead is fucking based

>inb4 omg based sataniaposter!
lol shut the fuck up NEET jackass

>be me
>update to latest Linux
>everything breaks
>spend hours trying to get eclipse to work
>re-installing, downloading new versions, even manually editing lines of code
>finally just go to the software center and download
>it fucking works perfectly

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Why do you act like Linux is hard to use? Its not at all. Its just very inconvenient.

>Its just very inconvenient.
not really, unless you deliberately choose a distro designed to be that way. any old dope can install and operate a *buntu or fedora or what have you.

One thing I don't like about Linux is having to go on google expeditions to find out how to do shit.

Like for example my audio was completely busted when I first installed. I spent literally hours googling fixes, searching through forum posts and shit, trying everything. Finally I had to literally edit some code manually to make it work. It took forever.

I appreciate the linux team and what they do, but I wish there was some kind of central repository of fixes and solutions.

Linux is a phone OS so I use both, like most people.

Cant happen because linux development itself has no central nothing.

If you are using ubuntu there's askubuntu

If you are useng non-buntu its a whole different OS with a different set of problems and solutions.

I never stopped using Windows. I just use both, because I'm not a retarded /v/ casual who only has one computer and worships whatever runs on it like a god.

There are many people in the same boat as me, there are Q&A pages with hundreds of upvotes simply explaining how to do stuff on linux, or how to hotfix certain known issues.

How come whenever there's a known problem like this, there isn't some kind of central platform that it gets updated on? Like someone finally fixes their problem, and then they can go to that place and tell people about it, and how they solved it.

I don't know I just don't like the uncertainty of googling all the time

>One thing I don't like about Linux is having to go on google expeditions to find out how to do shit.
And you don't have to google things to find out how to do shit in Windows?

>How come whenever there's a known problem like this, there isn't some kind of central platform that it gets updated on?
Because there's basically any infinite amount of different setup, software, and hardware combinations? Such a platform doesn't exist on Windows either.

What operating system at all has this? I rarely use Microsoft's KB for Windows issues or the Apple Support site for OS X problems. In general I usually find most of my answers from Stackexchange/Stackoverflow, or other similar forums. It's just how shit is.
>I don't know I just don't like the uncertainty of googling all the time
I don't want to sound like a dick here, but Linux is piss easy to Google for and freetards really don't know how easy they have it when it comes to support resources, it sounds like you might just need to work on how you're actually searching for things if you aren't finding results to such common problems consistently.

Linux runs my entertainment, smart house, backups, security cameras, email, cloud and dhcp with adblocker globally. Windows is for online gaming.

I have a job where I use windows too. But on my personal computer I use linux because it doesn't start my computer in the middle of the night to push updates I don't want. Also it's much faster at the tasks I need it for. I have a separate windows pc for video games, but if I didn't ever play video games again it would probably be a good thing.

what you probably meant to say is that you're a normie with a 9-5 job and doing anything out of the norm for you it's hard.

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just like English is hard for Arch posers

>I don't want to sound like a dick here, but Linux is piss easy to Google for

>How to install Manjaro on bcache
>Sole result "i don't know I gave up"

I never saw the appeal of linux, everyone i know who installed it just browsed the web, used irc, and looked at anime pix. Then I guess they also pretend not to play video games? wtf?

seems like you tried it on a computer that didn't have optimal drivers. I had that happen a few times. The computers I have it on now work beautifully. Going to windows is pure pain after getting used to linux.

Some of it is hard, or, there's a lot of learning, and you need another box + internet connection somewhere to find every bit of obscure information you need.

There's an extensive article about this on the Arch wiki, which Manjaro basically is. And the first result I found googling "manjaro bcache" indicates that it's quite a similar procedure.

I don't think it's the platform's fault that you're trying to get into shit that's obviously way over your head.

I wish there were a manufacturer that shipped computers with linux out of the box at a decent price. For my latest laptop I converted a chromebook to galliumos. I was surprised how easy it was and how happy I am with it. But I don't expect most people to go through that process.

>Friends keep wanting to gift me games and play when I have linux
>Disappear when I go back to windows

But also Linux is just shit for games and running dual partitions is only fun until you realize there's no point in using the OS that can't do games when the other one can do web browsing and run all the other applications. Coincidentally I always get bored about a month after switching back, but by then it's still just more convenient for proper driver support with some things and being able to add images to my Jow Forums posts from URL (gotta download the image manually for linux and I don't keep a reaction image folder)

>you need another box + internet connection somewhere to find every bit of obscure information you need.
See this post? This is the brainlet that says Linux is hard. Look at his post, look at it really carefully, it doesn't get any better than this.

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>Install it
>Need to chroot into it and install Bcache into new Linux
>Cant make install without root
>Cant make install as root that can cause catastrophic consequences
>Try AUR
>Cant install aur package as roor
>Cant install bcachetools without poot
>Pacman doesn't have bcache tools
>Well fuck lets try KDE Neon

Kde Neon is great btw

>>Cant make install as root that can cause catastrophic consequences
What...? I see nothing in any of the pages I've looked at advising against this. That's exactly what you're supposed to do when you install software or make significant changes on any Unix-like.

Running Linux is the only way to get the most out of my 2950x due to windows garbage scheduler. Also no out of box tiered storage, where on Linux I can run lvmcache, bcache, or zfs.

same here friend

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Thats what the terminal said.
Not a person or sn article, i was getying it from my terminal.

>Sudo make anything
>Cant make shit as root since that could potentially cause catastrophic consequences to your system

I honestly felt offended by this sort of freedom.

Ryzen chips come with Store Mi which while non-free and limited fit my setup perfectly and run great.

i did and feel the same
not linux's fault though
oem's are in bed with windows and actively try to fuck over linux

*with a laptop
didn't even bother reading the op

It's the OS for office drones maybe.

Yeah, it can cause catastrophic consequences because you have unrestricted access to the system just like you do on your Windows machine always logged into an administrator account and probably with UAC off. It's not telling you you shouldn't do anything with root, it's just telling you to not be a fucking idiot about it and use it for what it's meant to be used for, of which things like installing software you trust is part of.

I mean, really now, why did you even *need* Bcache if you're this tech illiterate?

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1 what the fuck is wrong with downloading a package from official source (not Aur) and trying to make install it?

I thought it was gold standard of doing things on Linux

2 why the fuck is my computer telling me what to do? A warning i would understand, but actually stopping me from doing what i want is literally not FOSS.

I googled around for the shit you've been describing and it looks like Manjaro just restricts makepkg and yaourt from running as root/with sudo since it will just ask you for the root password anyway when it actually goes to perform the installation. This isn't a Linux problem, this is just something those particular programs in this distro do that you wouldn't encounter with a normal make && make install from a direct source archive on any Linux or Unix system.

It literally took me 10 seconds to figure out what stopped you, I don't really know what to tell you.

>Dora 2
did you try using OpenGL instead of Vulkan or vice versa?

Linux for shitposting is perfect
OSX for work because they dont have a decent video editor

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>uses x operating system regularly
>has difficulty using operating system that is not x
Holy fuck that's insightful

I installed Linux on my aging laptop years ago and never looked back. Seriously, it's incredibly stable, snappy, and easy to update (god windows update fucking blows).
I still run Windows on my desktop because muh gaymes though.

>OSX for work because they dont have a decent video editor
KDenlive, Lightworks, Natron, DaVinci Resolve.


Back to your shitting street.

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>linux babby trying to edit his new clickbait video at 480p 24fps

>implying anyone even clicks on DellJeet's recycled /v/ trash anymore

switched on 2013 to opensuse, never went back. i have an ltsc install in an old 80 gb hdd just in case but i don't think i booted it for at least a year.

2 months on Ubuntu, then I downloaded some programs for Automation learning and wine couldn't run them. After 2 weeks of asking around on forums what to do and getting little to no answers and spending 4 hours of my free time after I came back from job and losing my nerves, I decided it's time to pull the plug.

Imagine wasting hours of your free time, after coming home from job, just to run a single fucking program and there is no support, other than few autists trying to help you and leading you nowhere. Kudos to them, but no thanks.

>pic related me during those two weeks of trying to find solution

I must say I did like the ricing and how clean it was, but I'd rather have Win10 botnet and a little bit messy environment, than something that doesn't just werks. I want to try out Debian in future however.

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The frame jitteriness is an across the board issue in other "native" games as well.

I suspect it's an X problem

You need to get out of the windows mindset of 'find a program'. The program already exists on linux, which is why support for windows ports is bad.
You could have done what you were after with bash or python.

Okay then, industry standard for PLC programming is set on few programs that are only supported on Windows and these are: Unitronics, BASCOM-AVR, ATConttrol, U90 Ladder, TIA Portal, Atmel studio, etc.. I don't have time to spend weeks on solving out this shit, when I can just download windows and have them run in 1 hour.

No thanks.

>DS3 on windows 60 fps @4k with Vega 64
>DS3 with proron is 40-30 and looks even worse due to jittery pacing.

Attached: ds3 manjaro.jpg (3416x1440, 1.32M)

Fucking saved. Goddamn you made me wake up my wife laughing.

Tried several Linux distros. A bunch of them didn't even have GUI-based installer for binary packages by default. Installing anything outside of repository (and sometimes in it) is a pain. SubtitleEdit has slowdowns via mono, macros don't work via Wine in MS Word

You gotta include GPP in your list here.
The "canceled but not canceled" (look at MSI) program where nvidia bullies companies into siding with them exclusively. GeForce Partner Program

i mostly run mint on my main machine and void on my laptop.
the only reason i have a dualboot with windows in the main rig are powerpoint and flstudio + freed licenced plugins, which nowadays i only spend 1% of my time with.
i find GNU plus Linux doing just fine everything else.

Your friends have no attention span. This would happen regardless of if you had Linux or not. It would instead be "Friend bought me this game to play with me then he dropped it in 2 weeks"

I like neon a lot, but if you start chanGeTKing too much shit around it Krashes a bit.
that said, it shouldnt be a problem for anyone using it for real KDE shit, but if you try to gtk it up, the integration is poor. which is normal I guess, I guess.
back to mint cinammon i go :^)

desu KDenLive is fine for me
however i still prefer adobe audition / premiere

I used Linux half year and run back to Windows. I'm a gamer, but I feel Windows i far comfortable than Linux. Not to speak about battery power.

I'm programming software for Linux, but a VM, dedicated PC and Linux subsystem fro Windows are more than enough. Using lot of opensource I can say that this software usually is poor documented and shit compared to paid one; only good thing is that is free, or noone would buy it.

> plays a caster

I swapped between GNU/Linux and Windows for some time, but Windows 10 was the last straw for me. I gave up gaming recently and have zero need for it anymore. Fuck Microsoft.

Prove it's not.

Linux is for poor faggots. I earn the equivalent of a macbook pro every 3 days.

Me in 2006

Staying on Wandows because The Avid and Adobe suites haven't been ported over and my work relies on them