Who do you trust more with your personal data?
Who can you trust more with your data?
Who is the lesser evil?
Google vs Microsoft
None. Once the trust has been breached there's no in between.
Neither. Both of them want to eat your data up. Honestly, though, Microsoft seems more greedy than Google, just considering xbox/windows/etc.
Microsoft at least makes some native applications with good performance
They're both as malicious privacy-wise but at least Google is competent at security. I can see Microsoft having some kind of big leak in the near future.
Nextcloud, Libreoffice, and a flash drive attached to your keychain.
As for email, fucked if I know.
Google for these reasons. Their security division is extremely competent.
If I was concerned about being the target of state sponsored attacks, I'd be using Google services.
Google just had a big leak very recently. No one talked about it because the media didn't really report about it much... hm, I wonder why?
That's the dumbest thing I've heard today. Did Alex Jones tell you about it?
Microsoft has human moderators to check for illegal content.
Microsoft also has the tendency to discontinue services that are widely used.
Microsoft also has shit security practises.
Which leak was that?
That post would have been a good opportunity to supply some evidence for your assertion. No worries, I'm sure you'll provide it in your next one.
I trust only myself and maybe Apple since they don't sell my data.
I don't know how often I have been bait and switched by Microsoft.
I used hotmail and it blocked emails from my university, demanded my phone after a month or two and then blocked my email address till I provide the number. A year later, I made a throwaway ms account from uni ip and a new computer for the online office so I could safely used for ppt and it was also blocked. Google blocked only 1 of my accounts so far and I managed to unlock it because I still had the old computer and it allowed me to log in with it.
In conclusion: both are sort of bad.
>Who do you trust more with your personal data?
>Who can you trust more with your data?
Depends on what you mean, Google keeps data better but they use it for worse reasons, although microsoft is coming around and copying google for info revenue too.
>who is the lesser evil?
Microsoft. Google has more fingers up the internet's ass and they're at fault for bringing shitty politics into tech, being a hand in ruining the tech industry (and pulling every company with it)
Google may be more competent, but they're not really good either. Google+ was killed because of a decade old security bug which let anyone fetch all your private data. Chrome had several severe security bugs which were luckily discovered before they were massively exploited. Android had a fucking security bug related to how it renders PNG images which allows undetectable access to the android system and over 60% of android devices are still vulnerable to this and less than a quarter of those will be patched.
Google+ literally allowed all user data to be leaked which was "discovered" last year. But it wasn't talked about for two reasons. 1. Google practically owns the distribution of information. 2. Google+ wasn't popular. To most people it was just an obscure g+ logo and nobody knew what it was. I didn't know what it was until it died and I read about it.
I think I meant Facebook. I don't know. I just woke up.
This is why Apple is the future.
The best security in the business.
>"Google there's microphone's in your Nest products!!!"
>Shit, they found it. lol, sorry we forgot.
>the best security
that doesn't necessarily mean "good", user. give any competent bug hunter a few hours to look at any software, and shit will be found
They were ahead of the curve for a long time and could therefore charge exuberant amounts of money for their subpar products. It appears that that is no long the case, or at least it won't be soon. When that money starts to dry up, selling your personal info will be the easy way to make ends meet. I'd be surprised if Apple doesn't become the next FB/Google/Microsoft in that regard
Trust nobody not even yourself. I'm constantly drunk so I won't remember shit and therefore can't datamine myself.
>gain root access by hitting enter
>all those leaked fappening images from Apple's servers
>Apple literally doesn't know what encryption is
Excellent security!
The reason they're perceived as secure is because:
>no market share
Windows is literally 90% of the desktop market while Linux is 90% of the server and mobile market. The fact is nobody gives a shit about Apple because it doesn't have any users and most of it's users have a Windows or Android device as well.
>Apple is good at propaganda
Apple always calls THEIR OWN flawed hardware and software designs as "diseases". This subtly forces their users to believe they've caught this disease themselves and Apple isn't to blame here. Everyone else just calls it shit design or bugs. But if you're in the Apple ecosystem you're convinced this is either your fault or that it's some random act of God (disease). Like the way they told people "you're holding it wrong", "you won't have touch disease unless you're dumb enough to keep your phone in your pocket", "no, your Macbook has WATER DAMAGE, it doesn't matter that you didn't pour water on it. You're using it in a slightly humid area which is why the device bricked itself and we'll charge you 1000$ for the repair that you can do yourself or give Rossman to do it for less than 50$. Go live in Sahara, idiot.", "of course dust particles can kill a Macbook. don't use it outside of sterile rooms, idiot.".
>Apple users are dumb as fuck
Almost all Apple users are just told "you're secure" and they'll believe it without any evidence, even after all the security incidents Apple had.
If you're concerned about privacy and security from (((American 3 letter agencies))) then Apple is literally worse than Google. At least Google keeps android open source so you can use it without any of their services.
use linux and duckduckgo
How about neither? The only reason people use either is they don't have the time to sink into cutting off these services for better alternatives. There are more secure email providers, equivalent search providers, more private cloud services, and you can debotnet Windows pretty easily these days.
They literally prune your google drive for content they don't like. People mentioned the churchill video was removed from their private folders.
google's suite of shit seems to work better for others, anecdotally, than the office365 shitfest m$ pushes on people.
so obviously google.
I trust Microsoft more, but Google has the superior products
Trust is irrelevant, since we know nothing either one tells us is true and nothing either one does is for straightforward or honest reasons
The real question is which one are you coerced more into using and expected to treat as though their behavior is completely normal?