Is Vim worth using as a coding environment or should I just stick with VSCode?

Is Vim worth using as a coding environment or should I just stick with VSCode?

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>Is Vim worth using as a coding environment
>or should I just stick with VSCode?

I usually edit text files in vim, but how easy it is to setup for something like react development?

Don't waste your time user

Yes. It takes a week or two to get going, but you'll be asking yourself why you didn't get into it sooner. It'll speed up your programming tremendously. Don't listen to the electron brainlets/web"devs".

How exactly?

Leaving your hands on the keyboard does wonders.

Modal-Editing and not having to move your hands away from the home row. If you're just starting out I'd recommend running vimtutor, it explains it all and gets you going.

take your time and learn various shortcuts for jumping to end of line etc. I have seen people use vim with arrow keys and home/end keys and it's very painful

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Plugins are your friend. Find yourself a nice JSX interpreter, a good auto-completion engine, like YouCompleteMe or something newer, it can do the thing pretty well imo.

The barrier to entry is learning the shortcuts and vimscript ( the language for configuration, the .vimrc is just vimscript ). It took me around 6 months of casual use and 6 months of serious config to get to grips with it to the point where it feels natural. It has been worth it, but before then I didn't really put in the effort to learn an editor property. If you use VSCode and are really efficient with it, VIM won't have obvious benefits for a long time.

I'm curious about VSCode, since I haven't really used it much, what is your experience with it?

I feel something close to physical pain when I have to use some other tool which makes me click around to navigate what I'm editing.

How do you make useful for c++ , and how much of a laggy shit does it become.

this, and it's only been like half a year since I started
Also, I use arrows rather than hjkl like 75% of time. Should I let it be or try forcing myself a bit harder in order to get enlightened again? I mean, ins/del/home/end and arrows in insert mode seem faster than esc and I or A for example. Thoughts?

Arrow key nav is the only hope in insert mode. If you give up the arrow keys, you give up insert node navigation. That can be a good thing, since insert mode is really just meant for inserting stuff, and I found myself working faster with more time in normal mode.

Also, i use jk as a command to exit insert mode, saves a lot of time.

which one is Jow Forums approved vim or neovim?

I finally jumped the gun and did vimtutor back in January. However it skipped a lot of basic commands so read some chapters from a book on Vi to learn more shortcuts. I then worked on a C project entirely on Vim.
Basic shortcuts already feel very natural to me and I am more productive than I was before. How should I take this to the next level? Should I simply brute force through more advanced chapters and completely master all Vi commands? Or is there a better way and more fun way?

I recently did, and while I'm still a bit back and forth between VS Code and vim, I can see why some people swear by it. It takes some getting used to, but you get power unlike no other editor. Vimscript is really nice too, as you can just extend vim to do whatever you are missing. Also fzf.vim is a god-tier plugin.

neovim cuz vim is literally dead

>should I just stick with VSCode?
If you are asking the question, you probably should use VSCode.
But I suggest you to learn vim, and practice with it as a hobby - write an article or something.
When you feel comfortable with vim you will be able to decide yourself.

isn't vim 8 practically the same thing as neovim


This has been immensely useful to me, and learning how to make vim more useful to your needs specifically was the "next level" for me.

Confession time
I use the arrow keys over hjkl
Should i stop being a lazy brainlet and train?

Yes. Add the following to your .vimrc and you'll be forced to get good in no time.

thanks fren.

>reading about how to use vim
>one of the advantage is that you don't use mouse

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As a former VSCode user I can say it is a fantastic text editor. However, I would say that I am far more productive with VIM. Yes, you will have to spend hours writing vimscript to configure your vimrc. It is completely worth it however. Keyboard centrality in makes it very much worth it to switch. It may take time to get used to but give it a go user!

you have to try it to believe it

What kind of work are you guys doing that going through all of the effort to optimizing your text input speed with VIM is worth it?

Typing speed is almost never the bottleneck while doing programming work.

I hate lags, they annoy me.
I hate lags between my thoughts about changes I want to make in code and a result of that changes.
I hate lags I get when I have to put my hand of the keyboard and to the mouse just to navigate to the file I want to edit.

I don't want to fight against my tools, I want to use my tools and get results.

It's not about total time spent on the task, it's about comfort during times of active work.
Comfort during work is a must.

Just install the vim extension for VS code and save yourself hours of useless vim configuration.

Use vscode with vim plugin. You get the best of both worlds ^^


True techs-savyy use emacs!


By using VIM you help those children in Uganda. So use VIM

Forgot to mention : You help needy Uganda children by using Vim.

i have keyboard shortcuts for pretty much all of that in vs code
vim bindings too

whats the big deal

how is this better than using a trackpoint? Hands still remain on the home row, but you have more precise control and less cognitive load.

same, I still do it after my down key broke off and I have to press real hard on the sensor thing now

use VS then :/ who cares?
for me VS code gets laggy very often, neovim doesn't lag
neovim and tmux is my way to code.

>you have more precise control

No you don't.

Also you don't know what you're talking about when you're talking about cognitive load. The "um what was that command to do x" cognitive load is only there when you're new to learning it. The same way you don't have to mentally go through a mental dictionary to speak in a foreign language, or the same way when a musician is not thinking of what he's playing as a sequence of individual notes, the conversion step disappears. To the extent that it's an annoyance when your hands do those vim things inadvertently when typing in different contexts.

>Is Vim worth using as a coding environment
>should I just stick with VSCode?

google top 10 or 20 IDEs and text editors
play around with all of them for a week or two
use whichever you're most comfortable, not the one that is shilled most in $current_year

vim script is unironically less infuriating than mucking around in VSCode's JSON ghetto

i'll tell you what to do user.

1. get emacs
2. master it
3. install evil mode
4. profit

It's really strange and that alone should make you curious.

I tried to switch to vim for ten years, but it never clicked. Since last year I am only using vim and I am at a point, where any "normal" editor feels clunky to me.

I am not vim expert by any means, but it feels tremendously great to jump to places with a few keystrokes, change or replace words quickly with just a few keystrokes. You merge with the text, as you merge with a foreign language, when you become a bit acquainted. It's a beautiful moment actually.



>1. get emacs
kek imagine being this retarded

You can use vim keybinds in VScode

the mouse is more likely to give you carpal tunnel syndrome, double clicking and clicking and dragging are especially bad for your hands, also once you have all the keyboard shortcuts down many people notice that its a pain in the ass to lift your hand off the keyboard and over to the mouse

you can run vim in emacs so it must be superior right?

I tried this and the latency was horrible

You can use vscode with VIM keybindings. Spend as much time in Vim as it's necessary to learn it, then install it as a plug-in in each and every one of your text editors or ides.

VSCode and a vim plugin is godtier

minimalist here
I use vi
should i switch to vim?

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Switch to ed, that's all you need.

vscode is really great for javascripty things. Otherwise I go w/ vi

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text editor configuration is not just about speed. it's about comfort and power. comfort because you should be able to configure your text editor to your own workflow. power because you should be able to extend your text editor to do whatever you like. both are true in the case of vim. you can essentially configure it to do whatever you want in any way you want.

Just use the vim extension for vscode...

>Please keep using our product and don't even once try anything else lest you see you don't need our shit.

>Just use the vim extension for vscode
if you like vim then just use vim, why bother using it through another program?

Vim is free software, not a product. What's wrong with using it with debuggers, autocomplete and refactoring tools? I'm not gonna use VS, jetbrains shit, or any other memory hog when a lightweight alternative exists.

to use vim is to acknowledge that unix is an IDE in itself.

Generally a good thing.

is VIM able to run multiple python scripts at the same time and switch between console outputs?

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use screen or tmux or separate virtual terminals.

daily reminder that as soon as you enable extension support you enable their telemetry which specifically states that they will "Share data with law enforcement and third party companies if """"we have good faith doing so is justified"""

that sucks, i don't need to do this with jetbrains ide

how do I make a good generic Makefile for fizzbuzz and map that to a keypress on vim?

Vim is good for editing single files or when making quick edits w/ ssh.

Tried using nerdtree but didn't care for it. What do y'all use to manage multiple files w/ Vim?

shell escape

the benefit of using hjkl is that your fingers stay close to the rest of the keys. whether that really matters is up to you

neovim is the reason vim 8 is a thing. hes just trying to keep up with the neovim team at this point

tabs and splits, as god intended

I use Vim daily. I even compile my own Vim. I'm even in Windows, that's how much I enjoy Vim. Vim support in Code is just fine, and as others have pointed out, it takes a while to get a configuration going.

As alludes to, Vim's real strength is its modal editing and keybindings, than it is the editor in writing software.

Any guides on how to make vim a good editor?
There are a million things I want from my editor and it is hard to list them all and thus hard to implement it all.
I am way too often in the situation where I edit something in vim and need to reopen it in kate.
If vim is open for more than an hour, it is usually a mistake.

If you have a modern system, install gvim instead of regular vim. It has a lot of nice features out of the gate and still works from the terminal. Then add things as you remember that you want them. You may need to add a plugin system for certain things like vundle, but gvim comes with quite a bit out of the box.

>Typing speed is almost never the bottleneck while doing programming work.
This is actually an argument for VIM, since it's a modal editor and recommends you to be in insert mode little as possible. It doesn't insert text better than any other editor, it gives you really good tools for editing.

since VIM has a built in terminal now, yes.

>Try vim for the first time in one day
>Heard the "how to exit vim" meme
>:wq to save file and quit
Can anyone tell me what the fuss was all about?

set up keybinds to create new tabs quickly, cause the defaults are clunky and doesn't feel vim-like
let mapleader = "\"

nnoremap tn :tabnew
nnoremap tt :tabnew
nnoremap ts :vsplit
nnoremap :tabn
nnoremap :tabp

It's not really about the speed of putting words on screen. It's about how fast you can do what you want. Modal editing allows you to do things that you simply can't do without it.

I pretty much rely on i3 for this now. Terminal based tiling is annoying.

stupid pajeets made it into a meme

I was like you, user, and I ended up switching to vim. I used to think it was dumb and vimfags were just memeing, but I found it was very handy for developing in the terminal. An added bonus of this is that you can always fire up vim, even while ssh'd into another box, with little effort.
In my opinion it's extra helpful if you're a fast typer since there's never a need to reach for a mouse because you have keybinds. If you're on the fence try running the vimtutor command. Although having to "learn" your text editor is a turn-off for some, you might like it once you see how it makes development quicker.

>What do y'all use to manage multiple files w/ Vim?
A normal file browser, you know the thing that comes installed with your OS

who here /ultraedit/

but what if he wants to actually build something instead of hacking around on a forty years-irrelevant lisp dialect?

you can do anything you can do in vim in non modal editors too

> vimscript > elisp
i cant tell if youre kidding or not

Vimscript is just fine. Sure it's not as usable as elisp, but it's not the huge dealbreaker emacs friends always make it to be. If anything Vim just needs more powerful APIs.

Do you really NEED to see the text at all times while you're editing it? Busybox tools can replicate the useful functions vi offers.

Never really used tabs, I jump between files with nnoremap l :ls:b

Literally boomer-tier
neovim course is actually about vim 8